I think those lakes are too far East for most of the members on this board.
Try google to search for other web sites.
I am sure you will find another board that caters to the Eastern Ontario anglers.
I caught Splake (cross between Speckled Trout and Lake Trout) years ago, but do not remember.
Here are a couple of pics to compare...
Lake Trout
B4 returning, I brought my wife there since it was very accessible.
She is very fearfull of water, but I coaxed her out onto the ice for a short walk so she could see where we checked the ice thickness. Of coarse by then those holes had frozen over.
Great report fellas.
Now y'all got everyone rarin' to go.
Minnows are available if you go to the right place.
We were able to get shiners in Sturgeon Falls where we fished, at $5.00 / dozen.
Eeee doggies, granny!
I'm a settin on a sendin Elly Mae fer the cookin' sem - eee- nars.
Granny figures she could lend a hand by sharin her advise with the young folk, befores they get all fancied up like them thar city folks.
TJ I did not know about that mishap, I am sorry to hear that.
I just got off the phone with Charly, and they went back today and got three more Pickerel, about the same size, 14-15".