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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Hate to disappoint you, but this has got to be the lamest thing I have ever tried. Total waste of time.
  2. Surprising there is such a diverse fishery right smack dab in the city limits.
  3. Good one! A Real troublemaker.
  4. Here's a spooky house. Prolly fer sale fer 40 years now. Still no buyers. Ha ha ha ha....hahah... howwwwll...
  5. They covered it on the 6:00 O'Clock News.
  6. Boy, now that's a mouthfull. You have lotsa company.
  7. Carefull what you wish for. I saw a program where this retired guy got fed up with the cottage, and came back to the city to go back to work cause he was bored. He was around 75 or older!
  8. That's right, he doesn't drink anymore. Nor any less!
  9. Well I don't consider myself to be the superstitious type, but this is how my day went.. Discover this morning, I am out of white shirts to wear with my suit to go on a 9:00 interview. Call the interviewer, and figure, honesty the best policy, and request we re-schedule fer next Monday. He says, "Don't worry about it, come in today anyway". So I wore dress pants and a short sleeved colared shirt. I drive there, I'm about 3 minutes late as I arrive at the underground parking lot. I park the car. I lean over on the passenger seat with my elbow, and hear a crunching sound. I pull myself up and discover I just broke one of the arms on my prescription eyeglasses. Now I'm ticked. I say to self, "Now is a test of my resolve and ability to cope with stressful situations. Yeah, that's it. Yes, I will calm myself down and pretend nothing happened. I can deal with the sunglasses later. So.. I make my way over to one of those automated pay to park machines. Some other guy is ahead of me. He gets his ticket, and discovers he got gypped on $9.00 he put in. He reluctantly, slowly walks away grumbling, so I deposit what change I had in the coin holder, a coin at a time, and all I had was $1.80. The machine has a message on the display: "Insufficient money please deposit" or something to that effect. So now I'm screwed. I reason out I could take a chance, but quickly dismiss that thought, turn around go back to the car, get in, start 'er up and drive back home. I come in and go to my daytimer on the wall to erase the appointment, and notice today is Friday the 13th. I know there are measures I could have taken as preparation, it's just that it seemed everything was conspiring to go wrong. Very spooky!
  10. I've been out in their 22' Islander and it was great! They used that boat for 25+ years.
  11. What Mike said. That sounds like it is starving for air.
  12. Here's a case fer "flip-up" lenses.
  13. "They will never forget you 'till somebody new comes along". .. The Eagles
  14. Wow, one broke the line! Think it was a Pike? Thanks fer sharin', looks like a green/yellow slick on the water.
  15. "Je ne suis pas sou, j'en ais bu seulement douze" "Un poisson magique m'a promit un Pick-Up neuf, ci je le retourne a l'eau"
  16. Good report. Some funny poses too!
  17. Wow, all nice fish, no small ones. The bug netting reminds us that you are up in the spring time when fishing is best. Where is KL?
  18. Yeah, that's right, save yer gas money if you plan on driving any distance to a shore fishing spot, cause the heat will have driven most if not all (well maybe except carp) fish species to the cooler depths to escape the heat.
  19. I saw a few drivers in late model vehicles with their windows down and moping their brows from the high heat and humidity conditions here in the GTA today. They obviously chose to endure the heat instead of lowering their fuel economy running the A/C.
  20. Just a heads up.
  21. He leans towards the Preparation H, he likes the Shark oil.
  22. Large Gold Vibra-Bat.
  23. Looks like a 16 footer, I've been in a few of those models, good ridin' craft.
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