Well I don't consider myself to be the superstitious type, but this is how my day went..
Discover this morning, I am out of white shirts to wear with my suit to go on a 9:00 interview. Call the interviewer, and figure, honesty the best policy, and request we re-schedule fer next Monday. He says, "Don't worry about it, come in today anyway".
So I wore dress pants and a short sleeved colared shirt. I drive there, I'm about 3 minutes late as I arrive at the underground parking lot.
I park the car. I lean over on the passenger seat with my elbow, and hear a crunching sound. I pull myself up and discover I just broke one of the arms on my prescription eyeglasses. Now I'm ticked. I say to self, "Now is a test of my resolve and ability to cope with stressful situations. Yeah, that's it. Yes, I will calm myself down and pretend nothing happened. I can deal with the sunglasses later.
I make my way over to one of those automated pay to park machines.
Some other guy is ahead of me. He gets his ticket, and discovers he got gypped on $9.00 he put in. He reluctantly, slowly walks away grumbling, so I deposit what change I had in the coin holder, a coin at a time, and all I had was $1.80.
The machine has a message on the display: "Insufficient money please deposit" or something to that effect. So now I'm screwed.
I reason out I could take a chance, but quickly dismiss that thought, turn around go back to the car, get in, start 'er up and drive back home. I come in and go to my daytimer on the wall to erase the appointment, and notice today is Friday the 13th. I know there are measures I could have taken as preparation, it's just that it seemed everything was conspiring to go wrong. Very spooky!