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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. I learned this: http://books.google.ca/books?id=krJxhundzx...;psp=1#PPA20,M1
  2. I don't persue the sport like I used to anymore. I still enjoy keeping up with what is happening on the scene, but I guess you could say, I choose my outings based on weather, season, and potential to catch fish, and of course my budget. I figured the Nip opener would be a cold one. so I am banking that it should be a better bite in another 2-3 weeks, dependin'. Heh, don't get sore at me, fer freezin' yer butt off and not gettin' much.
  3. Er, fer last weekend, that should read: "90% of the Fishermen caught 10% of the fish they should of caught".
  4. Looks like Mike The Pike, with hopeful use of a "Boga Grip".
  5. It is too cold right now. We are experiencing a late Spring start. Maybe in 2 weeks, depending of course, on how quickly the sun comes out, you will be able to catch some fish. Right now, they are in deeper water, where it is warmer.
  6. Yes, indeed a brutal opener, weather wise.
  7. I got a feeling you may have to make a day trip into Toronto, and meet up with one of the several dudes who take the ferry to the Toronto Islands to fish fer Pike.
  8. Of course! I thought that was obvious. Can you imagine Cliff getting upset, over that foolishness.
  9. Mmmm franks an fritters.
  10. Good point!
  11. Preparation is key. Experience heps a mite, as is evidenced here.
  12. Sounds like yer a tough son-of-a-gun. Your dad cared about your survival, and was trying to prepare you for the world, the best way he could.
  13. I suppose Terry hadn't taken into consideration the consequences of getting rid of all the Chinese.
  14. Make sure you inspect the hull very closely fer hairline cracks, or recent paint that may be concealing them.
  15. Some posters promote their business by incorporating the ad in their signatures. D****e did that fer his employer, who refused to pay any advertising fees, who in turn, rewarded him by terminating him.
  16. Whew, I was really worried there fer a minute, I could picture CCMT getting very upset, and getting even with you in a fist fight or worse, a gun battle. I am so relieved you bear no ill will against our Chinese brethren. Maybe you're not the scoundrel many say you are.
  17. That must be their grade 6 edumacation.
  18. You want to ban the Chinese?!!
  19. The Chinese did a long time ago.
  20. Is it freezing or what?!! Man, I feel bad for anyone who gritted their teeth and headed out fer the "May 24" long-weekend, against their better judgement. Throw a couple logs in the hearth tonight.
  21. That's really exciting! It's kinda like fishing - in a way, except you may actually make a profit. Have a look at this movie link, I rented it 2 weeks ago and it is about finding hidden treasure - in more ways than one. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0388182/
  22. Would a Heat Pump work in the same way? http://www.oee.nrcan.gc.ca/publications/in...pump/whatis.cfm
  23. That's a big looking 19! I bet most would have guesstimated that fish at 30 lbs.
  24. Those fish look really clean or new or something! Are they real?
  25. You prolly caught more Walleye than most this week-end.
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