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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. There is ice on Puslinch lake an little lake, people are out on it ice fishing
  2. I burst out laughing when I saw the title. There may be no fishing at all this winter on LPB
  3. In my original thread I posted a map that showed where the grca owned property to the lake. It's a good hike in there.
  4. It happens randomly for me. I just grab a beer and forget about it
  5. Just saying
  6. I like the fact that I can use the regular version and don't have to use the mobile one on my iphone
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWQG6F9qOPE&feature=endscreen&NR=1
  8. KFC, Fillet-O-Fish and Molson Ex... you my friend have a serious problem
  9. I would be more worried about all that grease
  10. IMHO - In my honest opinion
  11. Can't go wrong with Cast Adventures
  12. "The Puslinch Burger" Finished it with fries, nachos to start and desert as well
  13. Your normal North vs. South rant?
  14. There are plenty of excuses I'd just rather do other things lol
  15. I replaced my tub 2 years ago, ended up gutting it all. The floor tiles go in this weekend
  16. I would return it. They will never fix a problem that they don't know exists
  17. Sailflow wind alert
  18. It will not be trespassing if you are on the lake, only while trespassing to get to the lake. Problem is there are almost no other public access points.
  19. That's what happens, we had a guy quit before Christmas and surprise surprise is looking for his job back
  20. Can't find damn used snowblower anywhere but apparently everyone has an old one in their backyard lol
  21. Awesome recap!
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