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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Etackle
  2. Congrats Juli, you sure can catch fish Frank... not so much
  3. I believe you actually need to get your wires disconnected and the meter removed otherwise you will pay
  4. Let others share their experience. That is why the thread was started.
  5. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=59913
  6. I would rather see a report with blurred images than no report at all
  7. I'm seeing a couple on MLS that are in your price range and looks like the renos are done
  8. Without going into huge detail and from knowing you so well... buy an existing home
  9. Yep that was a great watch I have solar at my boathouse now. Mind you I only use it for lights but a beer fridge may be in the future
  10. kronenbourg 1664 for lager Mill Steet Tankhouse for ale
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPXUeeFXc90&ob=av2e
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TW_gMmTKu4A http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3LLX9ThXjI&ob=av2e
  13. It's too easy listening around here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rSmtHBMjXLU
  14. Both teams agree that they're winners and walk away. Bills are awarded the championship
  15. what program are you using?
  16. I think there will be lots interested in participating but whomever organizes it needs to have a lot of free time to handle it. I don't have time to even be a captain this year
  17. That made my day
  18. Leafs just beat the pens 5-0 in game 1 of the conference final (on my wii )
  19. Personally I would rather spend the day on the water or ice and not worry about splitting money. My buddies and I never keep track. If they want to pay for gas or bait I let them (usually). If I am broke someone always steps up to get out fishing. If they are broke I step up.
  20. If you remember the name of the place in Gravenhurst let me know And thanks!
  21. If you're on yonge st south of the 401 there is a place called Pastisima. Corner of Yonge and Sheldrake. Best chicken parmesan and ceaser salad. They make all the sauces from scratch
  22. Good topic! I'm heading to sudbury for the weekend, would love to stop somewhere good for lunch and find a good place for dinner
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