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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. So he finally talked you into joining! Welcome
  2. Ok I picked up my acoustic and turned it down http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0t0EW6z8a0
  3. I have tried in Long Point Bay, I will be spending more time doing it this year.
  4. Last I checked it was wide open, if there is ice it wont be safe
  5. Our boy Dave is on live now @ http://www.bassmaster.com/video/2012-bassmaster-classic-weigh-ins Should be a great weigh in, it's a close one.
  6. I could be wrong but I think most soft baits are made from PVC and oil-based resin. Some baits like Gulp are made with PVC and water based resin.
  7. I'm guessing a lot of the cost is in R&D and marketing.
  8. As a big guy I know how hard it is to lose weight. With his schedule all I can say is BTW Here is the link to the war room http://www.bassmaster.com/video/2012-bassmaster-classic-press-conferences and for the weigh in http://www.bassmaster.com/video/2012-bassmaster-classic-weigh-ins
  9. Viewer Discretion is advised!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NisCkxU544c&feature=relmfu
  10. It's a BOC evening http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bo2Aypi0R2c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClQcUyhoxTg
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