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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I don't see any pissing matches
  2. I am glad Peanut will be okay. I can't stand people who raise animals like that. I have a German Sheppard and people are always scared of her at first because of cases like this. They quickly learn that she wouldn't hurt a fly.
  3. Google's
  4. I think that the mods are doing just fine and shouldn't change anything. EDIT: Maybe bring more Vitamin water XXX to Lakair!
  5. Buy the Honda
  6. Can't go wrong with that one
  7. not worth the extra $$$
  8. I love kijiji, I have 4 car seats that were free and just sold a cube van on there.
  9. Could be a scam
  10. Guys are already saying that is a fake pic I would have kept it if I knew 100% it was a record
  11. I always liked going to mine but not sure if I'm going this year. Can't seem to fake a smile this year plus it's the first year ever without any kind of bonus.
  12. Welcome!
  13. I seen him live a couple years ago and it was unreal http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYS732zyYfU I'm in a blues mood http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vMrhYL7W7us
  14. This is why I love this thread! I have never heard that one before.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bocDpFVhyDw&feature=fvsr
  16. I'm going to agree with this
  17. Thanks!
  18. I love my pfluegers, started with a supreme and quickly switched over, now that's all I use for spinning reels. The supreme XT is a nice reel but so is the Stradic. Buy whichever one feels right.
  19. For Lovin' Me & Bitter Green
  20. yep http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijHK2_ONnys
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