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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Always start the 6 from the bottom!
  2. WTG Congrats
  3. There is no guarantee that the minnows at the lake are in fact from that lake. Buy them wherever but just don't dump them in when your done.
  4. Sounds like a great trip! We were there last weekend to check out the area and are going back for our honeymoon in September. Can't Wait
  5. Nice Pics and Video. Fog looks very cool
  6. Not a musky guy myself but this is gonna stir some %^&* up
  7. Does this work
  8. Ontario record is 42.12 pounds. Seems a bit bigger than that. Is was caught in Europe.
  9. Not to mention the opening day "smallmouth slaughter"
  10. Can't help ya with the size but this happened to me last weekend
  11. My Favourite " Hey Honey look what one of my clients bought me today"
  12. Rich is right, Pickerel Rigs and minnows for perch. But if you just want to catch SOMETHING then put anything small on and get rid of some gobies!
  13. Another extreme heat alert today. Take a lot of bottled water out on the boats for all you that are lucky enough not to be sitting at a desk.
  14. If rogers doesn't work, nothing works. Stay well away from Bell and Telus
  15. I think it's time that you take the nice walk down to the whirlpool! FYI Bring water and oranges for the trip back up
  16. Nice
  17. They always seem happy to me. I did notice that you have to be extremely slow to work at the one in Cambridge though
  18. Welcome to the board!
  19. What about tillers with no power trim? Should you move the pin up one notch and test it out? Is there a certain angle that you should set it at? This is a very good topic btw
  20. Wanna give out some directions for this lake JK
  21. PM Fishmaster!
  22. Rapala J-13's and bucktails for me!
  23. Great Report, Nice Pics!
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