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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. Any chance that it was a test for killing off the asian carp?
  2. You just keep these amazing pics comin' thanks
  3. Thanks, just wanted to make sure it didn't have to be a single barbless hook @ Erindale park
  4. It becomes worse once you get a full time job and still check the site every two minutes as well as keep a rod and reel in your work truck at all times.
  5. lol any actual restrictions?
  6. I'm wondering if there are any gear restrictions on the Credit River for when the salmon are running.
  7. 1 inch. Depends could have a nice time to fish then downpour or just a steady rain all day. But I'm not a weatherman
  8. Priceless Well Done!
  9. We are voicing our own opinions here. We do not need to be told that our opinion on this matter is WRONG! Please don't turn this thread into Lew's Boater thread. CG33 i'm pretty sure that if these replies keep coming Roy will close this thread. So let's just let people voice their opinions on this matter!
  10. Well Put! Regs and laws are there for a reason. If Co's start letting people off for the 1/4" then everyone else is going to think that they can keep one a 1/4" over. Then it's 1/2" then 2 inches. We all make mistakes but we just need to keep up with the regs and learn from our mistakes.
  11. It took both of us with a knife each an hour and 45 minutes to clean them. Well Worth it!
  12. We started out going down to the cottage in Long Point Saturday Morning to do some bass and pike fishing. It took us quite a while to get into some bass but couldn't find 1 pike. The bass were hitting out near Pottahawk and we managed about 10 fish. Nothing big just around the 12" to 14" mark. After giving up trying to find pike we decided to head towards Port Rowan to check for some perch. We managed about 8 keepers but we had to head in for the night. We decided the next morning to start off going for perch since the weather was looking very bad. We managed 62 keepers throwing about 20 back. Also had the usual sunfish and rockies. My buddy was able to catch a catfish with a live minnow 1 foot under the water in 10 feet. That was a first for us as you can tell from the pic. He is also the guy that managed to catch a sucker trolling for walleye. We were off the water by noon because of how the weather was looking. It never got that bad but you really don't want it to out there.
  13. A little JB weld will do the trick for 10 bucks!
  14. Amazing Report!
  15. Just make sure you don't eat any 14lb potential record smallmouth bass!
  16. Great pics! Keep 'em coming
  17. I honestly can't believe that I just read this. and good morning all!
  18. I think that we should get Dr. Phil involved in this thread now
  19. I've found the Grand great this year. Been on it 3 times and caught about 75 smallmouth. Biggest of which was about 3.5 pounds. \
  20. Technically not a bass boat but I just did an elevator for the owner of Fountain Power Boats and he said that he has fished for bass from this one before http://www.fountainpowerboats.com/boats/sp...35LTG_specs.asp
  21. Nice to see an OFC'er win
  22. Are you any good with electronics? I might be able to walk you through it. PM me
  23. most likely the speed pot is shot. But hard to say without looking inside of it. Where are you located? I might be able to have a look for ya!
  24. Just got home from work. Now I'm planning on testing my new to me trolling motor from danbo the rest of the day followed by a nice day of playing golf in Oakville tomorrow! Maybe i'll have some spare time to spend with the family.
  25. lol good luck!
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