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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I'm thinking that we clean some fish and dispose of the guts on their boat!
  2. http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/News/Local/200...459867-sun.html My dad was on the water when three OPP boats started circling them and they were told by the police to get out of the area. They moved a ways away and were circled again and had to leave. Read the article Anybody want to head to Long point Bay and go aboard their boat?
  3. Well that explains a lot. I don't bring my horseshoe with me fishing!
  4. Next time take the trek out to Long Point Bay, Tonnes of smallies and pike there!
  5. I've got room in my boat if you catch your limit every time!
  6. Orange Rapala J-9, never lets me down!
  7. I had to have a special dish and HD for express vu to work. Had starchoice and it did not have OFC
  8. Anyone Else???
  9. Nice to hear that there are fish in that section!
  10. If I remember correctly is it Wayne's daughter that knows where the fish are?
  11. I caught my anchor line! Does that count?
  12. Ya mine will probably be the same! Good thing I like the scenery up there!
  13. So i've got 1 1/2 weeks until I am in Temagami for 12 days. I am staying at Finlayson Point Park on the east arm of the lake. Wondering if it is decent fishing in that section or do I have to get out into the main section of the lake? I prefer to stay in that general area if possible. Hoping to get some eyes and pike and maybe go for a laker. Any tips would be good! I have searched the threads and haven't really found what I'm looking for.
  14. Take the drive north to Lake Superior park. An amazing drive!
  15. That is exactly what I thought!
  16. Congrats! Best thing that ever happened to me!
  17. Decided to stop in Glen Morris today to check out the river and the water seems a lot higher. That's good news for bass fishin!
  18. Got it working Turns out the line was still clogged up so I made up a hose and connected it to the intake hose and blasted it out. I did however find water coming out of the lower unit where it bolts on as well as water mixed with the oil. So i'm assuming seals will fix it right up. Right?
  19. thanks!
  20. I decided to have a look at my impeller on my 55 HP Chrysler to make sure that was the problem that I had. But I took it all apart to have a look and the impeller looked fine, the water pump and gasket looked fine. I ran water through the lines to make sure that they were not clogged and it still is not pumping water out. Could the impeller still be the problem? Am I overlooking something? Please help I need this going in 2 weeks!
  21. I've got a 1976 Chrysler 55HP outboard that I need to replace the impeller on. Can anyone help me locate one either online or at a shop. Model # is 557HG. I can't afford a better motor so I'm stuck with this one for a couple years. Thanks in advance
  22. You're making my pictures look like crap!
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