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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. lol I did have to go fishing for the rod once!
  2. Went back out to Shades Mill today for a few hours. My son has already been for a few boat rides but this is the first time that he grabbed a fishing rod and wanted to do what I was doing. Can't wait until we can both go on weekend fishing trips! Next year we will both be slaying the panfish
  3. Well I had to go to work for most of the day today so when I got home I had to get out to do some fishing. My wife and I drove down the road to Shades Mill Conservation Area for a quick hour or two of fishing. It started off very slow with only one perch that got on while trolling (it was the size of my lure). We then found a spot that had literally hundreds of perch so I switched from going for bass to perch. We caught them one after another and in that same spot managed a few bass, sunfish and crappie. Had a good time, wish I had found a nice pike or bass but I'm use to not finding them:) On the way back in I was trolling and thought that I had a weed but this little Largie was on
  4. I had no idea there were fish that size there! Since I'm only about 10 minutes away I better give it a try.
  5. lol that is an amazing chicken coop. Must have some pretty compact cars... lol
  6. So with all these people catching these 11 pounders where are the pics or why isn't it a new record?
  7. Beer Battered Fish Crisp is amazing!
  8. http://www.boaterexam.com/canada/ I got mine on here a couple years ago
  9. Those are Monsters! Keep those pics coming!
  10. I have to say Bass! Only because I can't seem to catch a walleye or a decent size perch to eat so I don't remember how they taste lol!
  11. Awesome Report! Love the Videos, thanks
  12. This topic is also on the Long Point board. It says that the search and rescue was called off at 2:30. Let's hope everything is OK. http://www.longpoint.on.ca/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=7062
  13. BTW I still havn't caught one there yet (or anywhere for that matter). But I know they are there, I just have to learn how to catch them.
  14. There are walleye between Dunnville and Port Maitland but last I heard they were pretty deep. Check out Fishmasters board to hear the latest on catching eyes down there http://fishmaster.proboards46.com/index.cg...rd=fishhunttalk
  15. Never heard of it!
  16. havn't heard anything on the east side but they are catching them at Glasgow and Burwell
  17. Didn't see the trailer but Transformers was amazing!
  18. I love the Canadian system. For people with like me that have to support a family and have only one income, there is no way I would ever be able to afford health care if something were to happen. If I lived in the US and got hurt once I would be completely screwed. Yes we have to wait longer but I will not complain when it costs me nothing. My 2 cents
  19. Anyone know where to buy crayfish around Cambridge or Kitchener?
  20. Last I heard they were being caught from boats. But some are still being caught from shore.
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