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Everything posted by danbouck

  1. I'm there!
  2. Is it getting this bad in Erie too?
  3. There's no trout in the grand
  4. Try slowing down your skitter pop and see what happens. I usually cast out, let it sit for a few seconds, then start "popping" it slowly. It has always works great for me.
  5. Welcome! There are tons of places to fish from shore. Good Luck!
  6. Ya it's the grand. It is beautiful out there. Usually see a few deer on the journey and today watched a mother guide it's baby across the river.
  7. Those are some amazing colours!
  8. Please Send ALL rain into the Grand River
  9. Went out for the morning on the river for some smallmouth. Found that it was extremely shallow and there wasn't too many bass. Only caught about a dozen or so with only a couple nice ones. Mostly the usual 8-10 inchers. It was a nice day to be floating down though. This is one of the usual small ones I decided to bring home a couple of the nice ones It wasn't nearly as fun as last weekend when we went out but still a nice morning.
  10. Great Report!
  11. Great Report. The grand is amazing for smallies.
  12. We were down at the cottage in Long Point for the opener on the bay. Only caught 6 smallies between the 4 of us. At least they were all between 12 and 14 inches. We were in the wrong spots at the wrong time so we headed back in at noon. Today me and my brother got the rafts out to go for a little trip down the grand. It was smallmouth after smallmouth for 4 hours. Between the 2 of us we caught about 50 or so. Biggest of which was a 18" beauty caught by my brother jasonb. These river bass put up a great fight compared to the ones out of a lake. At the end I decided to keep 3 nice ones for dinner. tasted great! It was a great day on the river, both of us caught our personal best river smallies. My best was a 15 1/2" 2.5 pounder. Planning on doing it again next weekend. (Planning on bringing the camera next time)
  13. HOAX!!!
  14. Sounds like a fun day. Nothin like Rock Bass to make a slow day more fun!
  15. Nice Fish!!!
  16. Seems like a real good price. Bring a Compression tester for sure.
  17. Try going to Conastogo, I've heard it's good there. I will be going there in a couple weeks to try it out. Other than that just keep trying the rivers and you will find fish. As for long point bay, When bass opens they are everywhere but I'm pretty sure a 35 footer will not fit between the millions of other boats. Try going over to Nanticoke you will catch some fish there.
  18. Good Report! I'm going to try down there again shortly.
  19. I can't wait to take a trip like that
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