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Everything posted by cram

  1. I love this topic - have someone from Expressvu coming to install a system for me this friday. Have others had signal issues with Bell? I have heard conflicting reports (signal is great, signal is horrible....assume it depends on how well you're set up) If its Bull i will cancel and go back to Cogeco (which is cheaper, but fewer channels and a really crappy guide)
  2. I know its likely impossible but there was what looked a LOT like an elk taken down by wolves on my parents property SE of north bay. Had wrapped its leg up in a fence and taken down...not sure if the wolves found it wrapped up or if it was backing up into the fence to get away from them. I looked at what was left and could swear it was a young elk - but then, that's impossible......right?
  3. Civellos. I'm telling you -- nice, multiple locations, etc You can get her a brazilian wax :-) Another thign is to look on mirvish.com for theatre tickets for your gf and mother in law.
  4. for lavish try the king eddie hotel. civello is a good mid level one....really nice.
  5. holdfast....i believe the algonquin wolves are red wolves. Smaller than the timber wolf, and far more group oriented (pretty sure the timber wolves are often loners)
  6. curious - the clinic in toronto....medcan?
  7. You make good points about boosting your immune system, but your family also benefits from having the society around them getting immunized. Without everyone getting immunized you wouldn't be very safe. You may want to google smallpox...look up google images, and wikipedia.
  8. The problem with that is that coyotes as a population respond quite aggressively to extermination pressures. And by aggressively, i mean that they mate like crazy. As far as i know every attempt to reduce coyote numbers has resulted in their being more coyotes after the efforts. Besides, coyotes aren't dangerous. This is a huge aberration. Tragic and sad, but an aberration.
  9. They must have had rabies or something. Coyotes just don't do that.
  10. I don't like the concept of hunting wolves, but I might feel very differently if i was a farmer and they were taking my livestock. btw - i know a lot of people who fear wolves....you're more likely to get struck by lightning while in a car accident than attacked/eaten by a wolf. btw2 - TJ, thanks for sharing. The pics are beautiful, and while some (including me) may not agree with shooting wolves.....I have many friends who feel the same way about my fishing, so kind of hypocritical for me (or anyone) to judge. To each his own, right?
  11. The wolves will go down with the scarcity of deer, and/or they'll just move (likely both). Its pretty cyclical.
  12. The limits are too high. If every boat kept that many fish there'd be none left.
  13. Do fish not get stressed in livewells? Do they not get stressed when moved from one location to another? I assume that they would? Add that to the stress of being caught (and likely held up for a picture) and you have a stressed fish. Stressed fish may not die right away (ie. you don't see them go belly up when you let them go) but they are far more prone to infection etc. Ever see a stressed fish in a fish tank at home? They get sick. That said, i don't have any data to back this up....just an opinion.
  14. Yep, depends on the zone. I believe the kawarthas is 36 or something. Its 48 where i normally fish. I generally hate the practice of keeping fish in livewells for later release anyway. Its very popular amongst bass fisherman.....i bet the fish suffer a higher mortality rate than if they were just released when/where caught. Stress of the livewell, and then relocation can't be harmless to them.
  15. Get a GOOD tent - highly waterproof, easy to set up, durable. Its the most portable, easy, and cheap shelter there is.
  16. Hilarious!
  17. Marc - any idea why there aren't huge musky caught in Lake Ontario? They are there (a few caught incidentally every year), and the food sources are pretty impressive.....you'd wonder why salmon fisherman wouldn't happen into giants once in awhile.
  18. I didn't see the stocking thread but i guarantee there are more folks on this site who think poorly of Chronzy than think poorly of biologists. It goes both ways though - i remember the cormorant thread and a biologist on the site ridiculing a poster because he didn't have peer-reviewed published research to back up his opinions. I'm pretty sure the poster didn't even know what peer-reviewed published literature was....but the point that his opinion wasn't worth anything because he wasn't delivering it with a scientific foundation was probably perceived as pretty arrogant. It goes both ways...but in general i bet you'd find most on this site think incredibly highly of you guys (and girls). And just to reconfirm - Chronzy is a jackass. :-)
  19. who is aiming criticism at MNR biologists? Are you referring to the maximum musky size thread?
  20. Those in open water feeding on herring/cisco. Just a guess but i'd bet they're bigger -- better forage, colder water, and likely see WAY fewer lures trolling by than those muskies associated with shallow water structure eating pickerel and bass.
  21. I have met Dale (he's not 300 lbs, or if he is he's hiding it well) and seen a replica of the fish. Dale seemed like a great guy, and the replica was huge. The fish was massive. I didn't question that, just said it (and others like it that have bowling ball bellies from the fall feed) probably don't fit the formulas for estimating weights. That said, i didn't create the formulas so maybe that is taken into consideration. Also, any WR fish is likely going to be in that class because its on the fall feed....so whatever the WR fish is, its likely going to have a bowling ball. Its nothing that should discredit any fish....just the formula.
  22. I wouldn't post the pics. You're only opening yourself (and your friend) up to scrutiny....which is really unfair if the person is just a recreational angler who lucked into a giant fish (whether 50 lbs or not).
  23. Great reads from both Marc and Matt. I feel like i know a lot about muskies and learned quite a bit from both. Never thought about the air bladder thing - makes total sense. My two cents -- the deep open water fish see <1% of the angling pressure (maybe less than 0.001%), are in colder water (helps them fatten up), and are eating much richer/fatter forage base than their shallow-water counterparts. If there's a new WR, and i would like to think there is, its coming from there. I also strongly agree with Matt abour right place, right time. There's a 44/45 inch musky that i mark all the time, sitting in the same spot in 30-40 feet of water in an area that sees VERY little angling pressure. Despite throwing lures at that fish every chance i get (over 2 yrs) i have only caught it twice.... That fish eats once in awhile and otherwise, you're probably not going to catch it. Muskies are not like Bass where you can (easily) inspire them to eat. Maybe you can once in awhile, but you're hardly going to do that with open water fish (where there's no structure to focus on).....you need to be in the right place and right time. I also think its unfair to judge the the MacNair fish (and others like it) based on the standard formula(s) because it has such a giant belly. Its girth is HARDLY uniform. It doesn't make his catch less extraordinary (it is MASSIVE).....just less appropriate for the weight formulas.
  24. They look GREAT. Fantastic job. GCD - have you seen or heard of a jointed spook? I wonder how it'll work.
  25. btw - your website sucks. It comes off as the tree hugger who can't deal with development. You need to tell the story the way you described on teh site.....developer gets approval based on rules that they are now breaking and the city doesn't care. Bigger story. btw - i am a huge fan of that area. I understand why you're trying to keep it pristine.
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