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Everything posted by cram

  1. Man. Not sure why i deserved that, but here are some parting thoughts.... 1 - while i don't really care if people post pics of OOS fish, you're acting like a bit of a nimkumpoop. If you don't like bass fishing, fine. But don't act like you wouldn't be a bit tiffed if someone caught a bunch of OOS trout and posted all of this (what you've said) about it. Give me a break. 2 - while i am going by look (no idea how big you are, but have seen a LOT of bass) following is a pretty good chart showing SMB weight vs. length. Your almost 20 inch fish is a nice 3 lbs.
  2. Weird how whatever happens on trout and salmon rivers makes it okay to fish for OOS bass. Anyway, they are NICE fish. Probably 3lbs +. Fishing on topwater is huge fun.....try a zara spook if you really want to have a blast.
  3. maybe its southeast.....find where the railroad tracks intersect with 8th line...just south of there. But again, nothing of any size....little guys.
  4. I grew up near there....but that was admittedly a LONG time ago. Largemouth bass and bullheads in the pond-lake to the northeast of there, just south the railroad tracks, just off 8th line (not sure what its called now....your parent-in-laws will know). Nothing big or worth a lot of trouble though.
  5. Or switzerland. There are lots of countries with it that are not even close to being like Iran.
  6. You should try this on it...
  7. Is it me or is EI and welfare being lumped into the same bucket here? THey are SOOO different. I'm sure there are cases where people wrongly take advantage of the EI system (and by doing so, are taking advantage of all of us).....and i'm sure there are (a few) people who i'd have no problem with being on welfare....but overall they are VERY different and my feelings are pretty polarized on which one is justified, and visa versa.
  8. Tiny minnows, really sharp single hooks. Expect to miss a bunch -- really hard to hook. Have also heard of people using a piece of frayed rope that looks like a minnow...i guess their teeth get caught up in the rope. Also, bring a towel and something to clean your hands iwth. STinkiest fish ever. Fun though.
  9. Tough situation if you're a farmer with a creek that crosses though your property. Tough for the folks in canoes heading down those creeks......wonder what the solution is.
  10. i can't believe 1% of riverbed is owned in ontario. That's huge!!
  11. Sorry -- maybe a poor choice of words. And like i said, her (potential) non-knowledge of the law doesn't make what she did right. You are entitled to do it, and do so in peace....just saying, in her mind she probably thinks she's right. For most people it is probably common sense to think they own it.
  12. We all know this law because we're fishermen (and fisherwomen). A lot of people don't know the law....and quite frankly, it might seem like common sense (esp to an older person) that they own the creek, especially if they own the land on both sides. It doesn't make what she did right...not knowing the law isn't an excuse.....but i don't know that her freakign out is as heinous an act as we're painting it.
  13. Bottom 3 in both the middle and right-side rows.
  14. They are essentially an invasive species. If they were a fish or a weed or a moth or a rat we'd be trying hard to get rid of them.
  15. Big jigs, uber slow or Big zara spooks
  16. Bob, its an interesting report but they seem to measure impact on important species by how many salmonoids the cormorants eat. What about the shallow water fish like bass, pike, etc? What about the prey species? What about the damage to islands/vegetation that they glaze over?
  17. Sorry about the tarpon comment. I was being too cheeky. Anyway, there are musky in lake ontario but for whatever reason tehy are incredibly unplentiful. You could likely fish for them every day of the season (or 5 seasons) and never see a fish. You're MUCH better going for pike (you've never caught one, right?) and enjoying that. Try for musky if you're ever in the kawarthas where they're plentiful. Otherwise, enjoy fishing more plentiful species.
  18. The best thing to do is bring a bucket with you and rinse off on land (even if you don't get it all -- one bucket of water should take most). Even just a few feet of soil and plant material can do a TON for filtering that stuff out.
  19. Is that fish even capable of spawning? If not, who cares? And even if so, who cares?
  20. Bring some pike lures for the way to booth.....there are loads all the way up, especially at the rapids on your way up from farm.
  21. Its definitely a sour pickle.....but i'm not sure Harper had much of a choice. Pretty substantial part of our economy (even if its shrinking). New US president to start a relationship with (on a potentially very bad note). PLus, to try to keep it afloat is going to cost WAY less than the pensions (that we're going to have to pick up on GMs behalf), so it was a risk worth taking (however small the likelihood of success).
  22. They're there but as others have pointed out -- very, very difficult to target them. Good news is that Rosseau as a fishery overall is excellent. Those lakes get very little fishing pressure.
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