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Everything posted by cram

  1. Bass can taste great if you clean them right away. At least SMBs do. Light flesh, bit of a nutty flavour. Thing is - i get the impression many fish bass for sport and walleye for "catch and eat". I wonder why more people don't eat pike -- to me they are the best tasting freshwater fish (other than trout)
  2. i ask again - where were the racial undertones??? i mean, its HORRIBLE what that guy did, and he certainly deserves a visit from the police, but i still don't get the racial part. I mean, would the same thing have happened if the guys weren't catching/keeping any fish? That area has a small group of cottages....i'd hate for that small group of people to be labeled racists (and ganged up on by the people on this board)
  3. cram

    New PB

    Very cool. How do those guys fight? I have never caught one. Are they like a bass? (Jumping etc)?
  4. Aside from the victims being chinese and the jerk(s) white guys, what exactly was racist about it? I thought it was about someone getting pissed off about keeping fish. That said -- you should feel safe in your canoe (well, from people anyway). I think 99.999999% of people you run into would never do that.
  5. I picked some up and tried them on a bit treble (off an old mepps musky killer). Cut through it easily...no problem. Can't beat it for $5. Also picked up a couple of big ones (24" for 16 bucks or something....can't beat that)
  6. Uninformed and ignorant, sure....but aren't you kind of being racist by implying the white guy was being a racist? Did he say anything that seemed racist, or are you assuming? I honestly don't think the police will/can do anything now. Maybe they should go back to that spot, fish again, and call the police if the guy comes out again.
  7. What's the point now? It was argument.....the police have more important things to deal with. Tell your friends that next time something like that happens to just offer to call the police then, while its happening. The angry cottager will probably back off. Also, why assume it was racially motivated? The two younger caucasian anglers could have been their kids, or simply someone they knew.
  8. Beauty pike. Looks really healthy. Could you tell if the bass were on their nests?
  9. also rollie and helen's (muskyshop.com) or any of the online places.
  10. JB's Fishing Depot, just east of the airport. Assume Bass Pro should have them though.....
  11. i tried redfish (which is salwater red drum) in South Carolina. Tasted good.
  12. I just don't like not being able to have a couple of beers in my canoe.
  13. when/why did this thread become about bashing the police? They didn't make the law(s). Just doing their job. Most of the police I have met seemed like good guys.
  14. Of course it'll change nothing, but its also the only thing that can be done. People can get mad at police but they are only doing their jobs. Its the provincial gov't that is making the laws.
  15. Not sure if you read the thread??? That the 0.05 law applies to canoes etc.
  16. I think its time for a new provincial government. I mean, i am ALL for safety and believe that people who put others' lives at needless risk should be held responsible.....but some of the recent provincial laws are really crazy. Even if you're okay with the laws, teh way they are implemented (no judge or jury) is pretty ridiculous. I'm voting conservative next election.
  17. Love that i can have my stuff impounded if i have 2 beers and go canoeing. Wow. Seriously, wow. Is there another country in the world where this is the case??
  18. you can check weathernetwork.com.....just type in minden.
  19. I bet it depends heavily on the type (some monos are super limp, others not so much), reel (baitcasting vs. spinning), rod (stiff vs. springy), and type of cast. Either way, the difference is likely tiny. But as another pointed out, the lb test is the difference-maker (10lb mono is way thicker than 10lb braid)
  20. according to the weather network you're in for a buggy weekend..... http://www.theweathernetwork.com/bugreport/caon0438
  21. Gold husky jerks for pike and walleye. Also jigs with yellow/white twister grubs or minnows for pickerel. Good luck!
  22. Man....with all of these recent threads I think i'm going to have to bring my lawyer fishing with me.
  23. Not a rat snake --- they are jet black. Either a water snake or a fox snake. Considering where you caught it, likely the water snake. They are also aggressive little buggers.....fox snakes aren't.
  24. Depends entirely on the CO. There is more htan one rule in the regs that relies on subjective judgement. I suspect this is by design so that the CO can apply if/when the fisherman is taking advantage of rules and/or just needs an attitude adjustment. For example - is it legal to fish for musky (with plans to release all catches) with a conservation license? Some COs will say its fine as long as you "immediately release"....some will say its illegal to target muskies without a full blown license. Further, if its illegal to take a picture of an OOS fish, is it illegal to take a picture of a 47 inch musky in a region where the minimum size is 48 inches? Lots of rules that could be applied if the CO thinks you need some attitude adjustment.
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