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Everything posted by jwl

  1. wicked nice fish..gotta love it when you get muskies into the 50 incher ranges spinner baits are awesome for muskies this time of year
  2. that's a wicked fish, could not imagine that battle, I have only ever caught a couple 32-36 inchers on the lower Niagara and they scrapped like crazy..let alone add another 7 feet to that
  3. another stellar report loaded with pics...wouldn't expect anything less, your reports make it about as close as you can get to being on the trip with ya without leaving the house man I wish I got to have half the great adventures you do, you are a lucky man to have such a great family too that makes it a million times easier to enjoy all your great trips
  4. good on them for getting a fine..specially a young guy getting $1000 fine, that will put a dent in the wallet, some fines for fishing infractions and such are too small. I can think of a few areas around the Niagara region that can use some enforcement like that...fortunately alot of people I know including myslef will bring a garbage bag along and clean up around the fishing area...but you go back and it's the same thing all over....worst culprits....WormWanch conatiners..Timmies cups, water bottles...like come on, if ya can carry the full containers to the hole with ya, surely they are not too heavy when empty to carry out..just ask my wife when i come home with squished coffe cups and stuff in my pockets...I bet I can go into my winter coat right now for example and find old line, and lure packages at least..lol
  5. great family report JJ..wow your little one is sprouting up quick and already bugging you to drive the boat eh looks like little JJ is making out pretty good too. , looks like it's going to take you a while to put all those plastics back together..better buy a big box of bandaids thanks for sharing a great family report
  6. JJ nice fish man, sounds like a great day on the water..haven't really fished LSC for years since my grandma had a cottage in Stoney point
  7. maybe you should try and contact the MNR, and the local cops and see what they have to say about it then again you probably don't want any crap to happen to your vehicle when you park it to go fishin....take a pic with a noticeable land mark in the background so you can clearly tell where your vehicle is parked in the shot incase anyhting stupid every happened like your car got towed away
  8. well there's something we don't see everyday....a family musky fishin adventure , great bunch of fish and a couple nice ones to boot
  9. surpized ya didn't get into more pike with the water in that area being actually green like that...should be able to peg off a few walleye soon too
  10. looks like a basstacular day out there
  11. probably a school of big emerald shiners..tis that timeof year when the mights get cooler they school right up in certain places..pretty soon a couple of my fav big bait catching spots will be loaded so I can get the tank going again with some big steelie and pike bait for fall/winter
  12. oh man., that really sucks big time specially if that a brand new boat...perhaps insurance would help cover the scrape down the side....you can probably get match up paint from where ever the boat came from...it's kinda costly though...first year with uor boat..brother and freinds had it in the water..got stormy,,boat rubbing on the dock post got some dock rash down to the metal...touch up paint is over 40 bucks a spray can for it. hopefully the fishing adventures get better from here on in
  13. I agree that there is some nice sculpture work there in the pics, but most look too fake to me
  14. sure sure..just cuz ya get outfished doesn't mean ya gotta let Judy's fish "get off" at the boat by the way shoot me a PM..proposed trailer trip is around Sept 21 Sunday night...fish Mon Tues, come home Wed morning or so if that works for you
  15. you got little Ugli out of bed to go fishing
  16. I've got a mixed opinion on this... personally I have gotten one skin mount done..a 52 incher musky..now before ya'll go breathin down my neck about it, it is my one and only trophy I will ever keep, it was my choice and also 100% perfectly legal to do so. And beleive me, it took a lot of tossing around at the time wether or not I was going to keep it. On a side note...funny thing is, after deciding to keep that one for a mount, I have caught 2 bigger...go figure I am tossed up on the whole idea of a replica mount...to me it is all just a generic copy of a fish, and not your fish at all, sure they may be able to paint up a few marking on it and such, but do you think that the place doing themount is actually copying your fish???or they just have a few mould blanks done up around the same size and they just wait for a call from someone to come in and do one up???? I like the whole concept of replica mounts as I am a conservationist at heart and also a trustee on the executive commity for a conservation club, but don't really consider that a true trophy, I coulds take a good pic of any fish..exagerate the measurements ect and get them to make me a plastic one no prob
  17. thanks for all the great comments folks, I love seeing everyone on the board's posts of thier family adventures along the way as it reminds me alot of all the family funm I have shared with my kids over the years at our trailer, they love it every time, loads of laughs, tonnes of smiles.....sometimes some hard work for Dad, but time my family will always chericsh...and that's what counts. Although my next report from the trailer isn't going to have any da#@ed kids in it , next trip is a couple solid days of non-stop fishing action......chances of catching somrhting like a really big musky get a little better with no kids bouncing around in your boat..or 1/2 hour into the day start complaining they gotta pee..or wanna get dropped back off at the dock
  18. my family is happy with our Legend package, 5 years of fun and going strong...virtually as good as shape as when it came out of the box...not a problem with one thing we got the 151 Viper brand spankin in 2003. I agree, upgrades can get you for sure, and add up, but it depends on what you want in a boat I guess to suit your needs at the time. Base price was around 11 grand....package came with a 25 no power trim.....we opted for a few upgrades...upgraded to an oil injected 2 stroke 40 ELPTO(an extra $3000), got an extra seat (deluxe seats around $400 or so),mooring cover,load guides and trailer jack on the trailer...was about $15000 after all was said and done...signed sealed delivered to the dealership. All around nice comfy ride...great set up for fishing as you have 2 options for moving the seats around,casting space front and back..came with Minkotta bow mount,fish finder..decent sized livewell......and also good for family boat rides and goofing around, even had the kids tubing just a couple days ago
  19. my prefference for fishing for many years now has been spinning gear with mono. I do tonnes of fishing on the Niagara River for trout and salmon, and have caught countless big fish over the years. The river is tough to fish on the best of days, there is tough currents that twist your line, tonnes of rocks that eat your tackle, and you are often battling 10-12 lb steelies..12-20 lb lakers...15-30 lb salmon. I check my line after every snag, and after every fish landed. If I am fishing the river a couple times a week, I would say on average that I change my line at least every 8-10 times out and always respool my line fresh for the beginning of the fall/winter season.
  20. I hear ya CCMT, my wife had just came in from work and was checking out the post, and I notice under the heading " First a round of let's try and drown the cousin" didn't look very good right above a pic of something cooking in a pool of hot oil
  21. Since the wife and I areworking most of this weekend, we kind of thought there wasn't much sense in trying to run out to the trailer for only like one night, and we didn't see it all that fitting to skip the kids on thier first day of school (plenty of time for skipping them out of school in the next couple months) So, we decided to kind of have our long weekend this week. We headed to camp Sunday night, made the best of it, and stayed until Wednesday night, then it was back to the grind. We could not have asked for better weather...the lake was flat all day long, sun was shining, it wasn't too hot but it was just hot enough to enjoy some great fishing fun,and some other activities on the water. I was kept pretty busy with the wife, and 2 of my 3 girls, they also invited thier 14 year old cousin along with them to have some fun and keep our 13 year old company for the trip. The last few times at camp I really haven't got to put in the fishin time I wanted to because of having family and such up to entertain, but for time put into it, I have still been doing pretty good and having loads of fun. I managed to skip off solo for an hour or so and got into some good action Started it off with this huge walleye on a worm As usual I got into a mess of these guys And also my loads of fun finding a little school of these as well So, being the good Dad I am and put in all that gruelling time "prefishing" for the kids, I headed back to my dock and rounded up the troups for some familt time on the water. We couldn't let our guest go away without getting into a few, and Tiffany was pruod to boat her first ever walleye It wasn't long before our 13 year old Paige was into a few of these Next up...my 5 year old little pro Emily And here is what she has to say to anyone who didn't get out there fishing that day After pulling off Dad duty again,I figured having 4 girls on the boat was driving me nuts so I decided to head out to a little hotspot I found earlier in the day while going through my gruelling effort of "prefishing" for the sake of the kids. I came back to my dock and unloaded the couple I kept, so they didn't get par-boiled in my hot livewell. I never keep all too many fish throughout the year, a couple times a year I just keep enough for a good little feed or add to dinner, this time I decided on a few for the table C&Red them puppies right in this hot pan. Our days where also filled with a bunch of other family type outdoor fun. Keeping a couple teenage girls busy is a whole task in itself...after about a billion times of "will you take us tubing" I finally teased the girls enough,gassed up the boat and took them out for some fun. First a round of lets try and drown the cousin Then Paige was up,and she thought she was being really "cool" Of course, being the good Dad I am, I took that as a challenge And this is about as far as being a big smart got her Of course a good trip to the trailer on a hot day always calls for time at the beach Now you would think after keeping 3 kids busy all day long for days that they would not get board....well the Ritalin must have warn off all of them at the same time cuz they though it would be a fun idea to see if they could colour a whole entire picinic table with chalk I think they where actually proud of thier accomplishment..about 1/2 an hour later, mission accomplished they had themselves and that whole picinic table done right up And that ends what we made of our own little familly long weekend. Next trip, just some fishin buddies, lots of food and drink, and days of fishing
  22. workin the last few days so took the opportunity to head to camp at the beginning of the week instead..wife working too and then the kid's start school, so Labour day is at home this year..but, I have some plans for the next couple weeks to get to camp with just a few good fishin pals ..no wife....no kids , just some fishin...drinkin...eatin...fishin..
  23. insurance......if someone wants to steel something bad enough...any deterrant is just going to be a challenge really..my stuff is insured...not that I am promoting it, but they wanna steel it..power to ya...I got all the serial numbers ect written down and plenty of pics of my boats
  24. good choice...always best to get the white ones...that way you can dye them any colour you want according to what the muskies are biting on that day I really am just kidding...well ummm...sort of ....cute looking pup there for sure
  25. there's so many ways to prepare fish I don't even know where to start...not my profession now, but I worked as a chef for years, have had my papers for 20 years almost, and occasionally work for a catering company on weekends in the summer for the last 3 years as a way of making some fun money on the side. For battered, like the Bigugli said...can't beat a simple beer batter..great pre-mix, just add beer is..Krusto...just had a good little fry with that at my trailer on Tuesday night (reprt to come tommorrow after work, noi time today..kid has been on the computer and just got off,gotta leave for work at 4 am so going to bed soon )..I been to a few good pot luck cookouts with the Bigulgi bunch..we whip up a pretty darn good feed together If anyone ever needs some good ideas for cooking up your fav fish or game, don't be shy, I know tonnes of recipes for just about anything that swims, crawl, runs,flies
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