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Everything posted by jwl

  1. nice fish..great feeling helping guide people into thier PB's for sure..
  2. have 3 boats Legend Viper with an oil injected 2 stroke 40 Merc Legend Ultralite 14 footer with Evinrude 9.9 Harbourcraft 12 footer that the kids now use for a row boat
  3. most 2 stroke oils have had additives in them for years now to help compensate for the addage of Ethanol in the gas...most motors just say not to use more than 10% ethanol gas. Never had a single problem in 5 years with my oil injected Merc, and it gets used alot over the years
  4. boat traffic isn't too bad on week days as there is a huge no wake zone there anyways....the bridge that crosses stanley Ave, by the campground where the No Wake Zone ends is really deep in a couple spots but the current is quick under the bridge...great spot for smallies..once you get past the train bridge there is really not too much boat traffic..even most from the boat club there head out to the Niagara....try the heavy weed edges by the ES Fox plant for big largies and pike , once you see the area I am sure you will notice a couple key areas you would try out
  5. the water is clear all the way from the river , doesn't start to get murky until you get past the train bridge and toward the aquaduct, sometimes there is a mudline from where the canal meets the Welland and the mouth of Grassy brooks, but generally it doesn't start to get muddy until way down toward the aquaduct. As for the channel cats you can catch them all year long in there, I generally use big chubs or a couple broken up worms on a slip sinker rig to get those. As for bass and pike and panfish...don't over look using a float with the current along the weed edges ..also be aware that if you are facing the train bridge , to left is the mouth of Grassy brooks...watch for a rocky ledge there, the water is clear you can see it...there is a tough current there but if you know how to drift the boat in the current you can see some nice largies come up onto that edge...in the slower waters toward the aquaduct try tossing some spinner baits for pike...yellow...black/yellow and whites are your best bet for that
  6. that part of the Welland River all the way from the mouth of the Niagara to the aquaduct is some great fishing opportunities. lots of bass, pike, panfish depending on where you are fishing. There is a free launch at the end of Sodom rd. You do have to be aware that all the way from the mouth of the Niagara to past the first bridge/campground is a no wake zone, and is generally enforced as such....if you have a smaller boat there is also the option of taking a bit of a run into Lyon's Creek, at the boat club...you need to be aware that it's pretty shallow under that bridge but there is a channel to the left that runs down most of the creek, you can catch largies and pike in there, you can safely take the creek all the way to the first bridge then be careful of pilings when going under the bridge, then you can take it down all the way to the next bridge...be extra craeful there it is very shallow and lots of pilings under the bridge, but if you lift the motor and go under, you can still go a bit before it gets too choked up with weeds. Now back to the Welland River....if you head down past the bridge area I mentioned after the No Wake zone is another bridge and railroad bridge..be sure to follow the channel marker there under the bridge...you will see all the pilings and why..but those pilings hold some nice largies, both sides of the river all the way down to the aquaduct are lined with a weed edge..great for topwaters..or pitching plastics for largies..there are smallies in the deeper water, channel cats, also pike in the weedy areas..chance of a musky, there is even the odd walleye in toward the aquaduct. Tonnes of water to fish, and great for smaller boats. hope that helps, I grew up fishing that water.with over 30 years experience
  7. I am also self employed, and my accountant that does the taxes figures out what I can write off...gas,maintanance,insurance,was able to write of a part of a vehicle lease before I boughyt it out..depreciation of vehicle and so on, works out as a good chunk of a tax break at the end of the year. for jobs where a travel charge is applicable to me, I work it out at $60/hr...30 cents a km, plus $30/hr bringing the travel charges to $60/hr
  8. wow wicked nice fish man.....that will make for a big fish fry for sure,those big ones taste pretty good!!! just kidding...gotta love catching hogs like that and the huge adrenealine rush as you get it to the boat...saying to yourself the whole time...."please let me land it..please"..kind of thing, then ya need like 15 minutes to sit down and a case of beer after to calm the nerves
  9. nice going on the fish..lots of those little muskies on the upper...best way to catch em on the upper is go bass fishin ,gotta admit the ones from the Niagara always have pretty cool markings
  10. we picked ours for a few reasons One..of course was fishing go figure, so I wanted a decent layout for that, came equipped with a bowmount,and fish finder, livewell,rod holders and storage space...seats can move to bow for comfort when using the bowmount, and also can move to back for more fishing room. has a pretty good lifetime warranty on hull, as well as all decking. is fast enough for goofing around with the kids tubing ect..or just ripping around the lake. comfy seats makes for some nice touring around on the water with the wife and kids. was an all around not bad package deal...plus a few extras, to make a pretty quality set-up for the money purchased brand new out of the box in 2003. did I mention...suits my fishing needs well ,great for the lake at my trailer, excellent boat for the Niagara River,not the biggest boat for the big lakes but then again if there's a small craft warning, the guys in the 17-18 footers are coming in too . Total package after upgrades came in at about 15 G's when all was said and done
  11. have a good trip man, gonna do that same thing myslef at my trailer after the kids go back to school...round up a few of the boyz to party er up a bit and go fishing all day for a couple days...I'm a family type guys but been keeping my family busy all summer up there, it's cuttin into my good fishin time
  12. about 7 years ago actually, we spread the ashes of my departed step-dad in the lake up at my trailer, in his favorite top water bass spot
  13. I have actually been having a great year...winter pike and steelies was awesome, lots of 10lbs plus fish in the mix...bringing that into spring, I have gotten to my trailer quite a bit this year and caught some nice fish althuogh I normally catch alot more and bigger pike, and have only muckled with one really big musky so far which I lost in the battle..that however should change in the next 2 months..lol. I have been having some great pickereye fishin on Erie as well, fortunately one of my fishin buddy's JHM (Reel Serious Charters) has invited me out on his 27ft boat a few times and we been doing pretty good, just Tuesday we got 15 . So overall I would have to say that I am having a pretty good season so far and still got untill Dec 31st to top it off
  14. a few things like this come in handy for trolling...,also don't overlook some of the oversized soft plastics, like Storm Swimbaits
  15. I did the same thing to my 40 Merc, painted it up, good as new
  16. I know you noted orange...I have a Mustang floater, but mine is camo, a note about the camo however is it is not Coast Guard approved, the reason being is the colour, so I just throw a lifejcket in the boat with me in the winter. Nothing really different about it at all as the orange Mustang floaters. Great for a wetproof,windproof winter coat over a good layer of clothes, and gives you some added confidence on the water in cold xwater conditions
  17. right on!!! sweet freekin boat package too
  18. should be just in time to stop in the Soo on your way and catch the start of the pink salmon run near the locks on the St Mary's, also along the way as you head more West, from that point on there are tonnes of fishing options just on the side of the road...if passing by too stop at the mouth of the Montreal river, great for steelies and juvenille Chinooks that time of year, practically right at road side, lots of speckie spots dotted along the highway past that way, up toward Wawa into Marathon and beyond toward Thunderbay...after that,can't really help ya, that's aout as far as I ever fished in Ontario, tonnes of spots right along the Hwy
  19. sounds like an action packed day and a trip well spent
  20. Coach, I would be watching out man, if it's the wife nagging ya to do the yard work, I think she is setting ya up
  21. I thought this post was going to start out something like....there once was a fish from Nantucket nice pig sized largies you guys got into, fishing has been tough in a few places for sure
  22. I hear ya, was out in Welland at my sister's place th other day for a BBQ for my Mom's Bday, my little one and nephew where in the pool and it got wicked black out and started to lightning, so my sis kicked the kids out of the pool. Then the clouds piled up, sky looked wicked funny and you could see the clouds slowly start to roate like the makings of a funnel cloud. Then it rained like 90, and the hail started like crazy..the kids thought it was funny, my nephew was cracking up saying "hey it's like it's snowing in the summer" my 5 year old was amazed that it was raining ice balls
  23. a lawn full of those would send the Orkin man running
  24. looks like a Snowy Egret, in the late spring there are lots of them around my neck of the woods....see 5-6 of them every year in Black Creek off the QEW, and lots of them out on the Upper Niagara by Navy Island. I think they migrate and nest in those spots, pretty cool you got a shot of one with a Heron
  25. right on...you must be shappy as a hig in pit over that one man ..let's see some pics of the new ride
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