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Everything posted by jwl

  1. nice report, you better watch out for your wife now Cliff, she's gonna be costing you a fortune in $20 musky baits...not to mention all the rubbing it in on all the big ones lately , sounds like you guys salvaged a great day on the water, and sticking it out payed off. Go figure on Bly's big one of the day too...second cast...that's the way it goes with musky fishing sometimes, other times you can fish for a week and not get any. thanks for sharing all the pics ummm maybe you could use her on your team to add to your musky inches
  2. nice report, everyone has to get out by themsleves or with out the wives and kids kind of thing now and again..be doing that myslef with a group of guys up at my trailer in a couple weeks, and i am looking forward to it so much, I want to go right now. Nice fish, thanks for sharing your adventure
  3. I know exactly what you are saying Fishing For Life, and I didn't mean to offend anyone in the process of trying to explain myself with the comment I made, where I fish that is pretty much 99% of the case, honestly....it is pretty much all landed people from all over the globe..I wasn't pointing fingers at anyone particular ethnicity or anything....it's all people who make no effort what so ever to talk in English to anyone no matter how nicely they are approached or treated by the others around them...they are just outright rude and it is getting worse and worse all the time....and for the most part they are people from 2-3-4 hours away so they really don't give a crap about the local fishery and the local anglers. ( you can see all the different "dealership" locations on all the cars ect in the parking areas) I have personally time and time again tried to communicate with people like this..be nice as I can to them, offer to lend them some pointers on catching fish, even offer them tackle or let thier kids fight a fish (which by the way is a whole other issue as they are teaching a new generation how to grow into idiots as well)...they don't give a crap, they may as well spit right in your face...they look at you like you intruded on thier fishing spot when they are the ones who came right over and blatantly over run you out of the area. This only happens during the salmon run for the most part, it's an annual migration of holes and is causing more and more problems all the time. Go on down to the popular shore spots around Niagara over the next couple weeks, you will see exactly what I mean by my comment, and the wake left behind from these so called "anglers" and in general if you read any fishing reports on a board some where that people are complaining about the same problems, I can pretty much guarantee you they have the same opinion, and story to tell about who the worst of the idiots are in the story. Don't be surprized if on your way down to a fishing hole there are other's coming up from finishing thier day on the banks and they comment to you on the lines of "good luck watch out for the swarm of so and so's down there overrunning the fishing hole"..very sad..and very true as of the last couple years....and the worst part..we on the fishing boards are inadvertantly telling them where to go fishing Again sorry if I offended anyone in the process, I am not pointing fingers at any one particular group of idiots who "don't speak English". Because of all these fly -by -nighters always using the " don't speak English" card as an excuse to be idiots or commit fishing infractions out there,thanks to the ethical concerned anglers out there looking out for our rescources and every shrinking shore fishing options and the MNR tips line, our area is now being enforced better than it ever has in years, and there has been new officers transferred to our area as well, and they will continue to do so if the problems persist . Sorry if my comments sound bad,I am generally a pretty easy going guy, I run my own business, and deal with people from all walks of life and ethnicities all the time, and understand how comments like this can offend people on a diverse fishin forum as this one,I have seen alot of great fishing spots ruined over the years, and I am really starting to hate "salmon angler season" My appologies for offending anyone...but really don't take it to heart as a shot at anyone on this board ,it's not the melting pot of this fishing forum community that are the ones being the idiots, one of the best thing I like about this board is the fact that it is a melting pot of all different people from all different walks of life, young and old getting together and sharing some of the same values along the way.
  4. they have had huge lamprey problems for years in that area...right by the dam and locks on Canada side of the St Mary's is the MNR building, and a lamprey research lab...if you are fishing near there, there is a part that is open to the public you can go walk through and check it out and learn about lamprey's and some of the steps they take to try and control them..it's a pretty cool little thing. Also right thereat the dam the MNR has a lamprey trap, when I lived there about 12 years ago I would often see them haul it up and empty it..they would litterally shovel them out of the trap into big green garbage cans on a flat bed truck, sometimes there where so many they spilled out overflowing onto the road
  5. just an added reminder of what the water really looked like teaming with fish in a few spots I used to fish on the St Mary's, pretty cool to see all the fish, what a great teaser
  6. that article seems to be an American thing..unless I missed a Canadian part in there some where good luck on the gov trying to track down everyone with 9.9's an under on unregistered bboats..I know I wouldn't be voluntarily letting out too much into on my old 9.9 I run on my 14 footer. And for example what about other motors..like my 2003-40 Merc are they really going to expect everyone to pull thier boats into the shop to get them worked on??? and of which..if they did get this kind of work done on thier motors..what about issues that arrise in regards to warranties for adding somehting like this to the motor???and not to mention other tweeks that might have to be done to the motors in regards to fuel/air ratios ect that most 2 strokes are probably not ever meant to have done in order to run properly????..how do they plan on fitting a some sort of converter to an exhaust on a motor that has no roon for extra parts to go into any of the covers ect???? too may unthought out questions here I think, maybe our "generous" government will come up with some sort of program where all of us with 2 stroke motors can cash them in for free for a 4 stroke of the same horsepower
  7. all your fishing reports always have an epic story behind them..man, I envy the type of adventures you get to go on, all the shared trips with your kids, and you are a lucky man that your wife often gets involved in your adventures too. do you ever need like a "caddy" or something in the boat with ya???...you know..someone who can suggest using the 3-iron kind of thing ...what about a camera man
  8. we generally use the type of clips that have 3 marks on them for settings...set in the middle of the clip..the light setting, your harnesses will pop the clip...the heavy setting is too heavy because in most cases the walleye don't slam your bait like a salmon or trout would. Lots times the walleye just grab the harness then just go with the flow and you wind up dragging the odd one with ya all over the place and not know it....you gotta watch the rod tip to see if you get a hit most often than not as oppsoed to just waiting for a rod to pop. Some of those fish you got most likely might have hit after you popped the rod off the ball yourself. have gotten lots over the years that way..if trolling around and no fish on, pop the rod on purpose and see what happens..often you get a nice one on as your harness is coming up and swinging back from the boat. Rigging will catch fish but often not too many...even if your line is 40-50 feet or more down, the walleye still tend to shy away from that close behind the boat, You will see more guys catch more fish with different set dipsies, they get deep but tend to run further back from the boat..or inline board with small dipsies or jets that run way back and to the side of the boat
  9. It's crap like this that is pretty much the reason I skip out on what I like to call the whole "salmon angler season" now a days. To me, if you guys where fishing a pool, there is no reason why a few guys cannot share and co-operate together even if using different techniques in the same spot, pretty simple, everyone just needs to cast in order according to where you are located on the poll or the current with little or no fouled lines at all. And if it is a smaller pool and already occupied, no reason why they cannot just walk on to a quieter spot. It happens more and more in this new age of the interweb where it's easy for all the "wrong people" to get all the "right info" sadly enough it's mostly the good guys on a board like this where all the idiots get all thier tips on what spot is producing. I see it all the time in my area too, and I am not talking fishing a trib, I am talking a huge body of water like the Niagara River where you can catch fish all the way from the base of the Falls practically to the mouth of Lake Ontario. I have fished the Lower Niagara avidly for about 30 years, and over the last 7-8 years I have practically given up on shore fishing for salmon. It used to be you could go to any number of good fishing holes along the river..everyone was freindly, co-operated, fished together, shared tips, even shared baits and tackle, helped land eachother's fish, even if you hooked a 30-40 lber and had to chase it 10 minutes down the bank, when you came back to your starting point there was someone there watching your tackle you had to leave behind,and with a smile would say...."nice fish, here is your spot back", and to boot if you latched on to a huge drag screaming fish, everyone around would actually reel in thier lines and get out of the way so they would not tangle up with your fish. Nowadays this is truely not the story...all the crap starts in the stupid parking spots often 20-30 minutes away from the fishin hole. You get people trying to squeeze in a parking space and blocking other peop[le's vehicles in, then you here a holler from another vehicle "come on guys let's get down there before the other guys beat us", then there is the race of flashlights down the trail in the big quest to get to the water's edge first. The you get to the water's edge, and start fishing, if you happen to get into some fish, then 10 seconds later there come a big swarm of "I don't speak English guys"(no not a racist comment at all and not aimed at any nationality..it's all of them, I am not like that, it's just something that is 100% true sadly that actually happens, come on down to the river and check it out) They will come right over to 1-2 guys fishing with about 6-7-8 guys and walk right in front of the other people and start casting, and muscling them out of thier spot usally starting by casting thier 50lb test line right into the other people's lines and get them tangled up on purpose 10 times and then looking at the guy who was there first like they did something wrong, and then start in a po'd foreign voice bantering with eachother pointing fingers at the lone angler like they where gonna shoot the guy or something for having the nerve to get in thier way. This practice is getting worse and worse all the time..all this trouble for a half dead fish you probably should not eat anyways. ( I am not trying to get into that debate either, but when it comes a month from now and the salmon are spent, and spawned out on thier last legs, and there are visual signs of decay with thier tails half warn off from the rocks, is it that a big a conquest to snag one???) Lets not even get into the big mess of litter all these idiots leave behind when they come flocking to the river from 2-3 hours away from where they live, in alot of cases there are way less "local" anglers at these spots this time of year than "out of towners" sadly we can most likely thanks the interweb for this as well. It is for these reasons that I stated, I have lost interest in the whole fall salmon run, I just wait until this is all over, the salmon are dead, the idiots all go home becasue it's too cold outside, then I hop in the boat ,or hit a couple of my fav shore spots along the river bank,and let the steelie and laker action fly all winter long.
  10. wow if your charter captain didn't know and tell you guys that those where rainbows
  11. gotta also watch that the heavier lines don't start cutting into your spool, or cut a knotch into the line guide on the bail.
  12. I think Little Cleos stopped working soon as they took the topless girl off the back ..but little Leo's can't imagine what they have stamped on them
  13. I should have planned this a little sooner and seen if anyone needs or wants an extra on thier boat..didn't think I would be off work Friday night is not a good time to start planning this for tommorrow
  14. put a shirt on and come down to my neck of the woods in like December to March for some crusher big steelie action out in the boat...nothing like ice pellets pinging off your forehead when you boot down to the fishin hole
  15. wish I could have gotten out for this one..I been working every weekend all summer..last weekend was the last for a while, so didn't plan ahead for entering any tournies. Because of this as well, I brought the other boat to camp a couple weeks ago for a few weeks, so no boats or gear at home. It's for a great cause, and is a great way to get a bunch of people together for the day. Hope everyone has a safe day on the water. I should have thought this out a little better, perhaps I could have teamed up with another boat for the day , you guys may see me at the fish fry later on
  16. might try it in the fall,right now my boat and pretty much all my stuff is at my trailer, heading up with a couple guys in 2 weeks to do some serious fishin, and some musky hunting without the wife and kids..won't be bringing the boat home until like Oct,by then is a good chance of some 6-7 lber hogs wind permitting, some muskies on the river,pike in a couple spots...then of course will soon begin the winter of steelie fun on the river ,you will be seeing me
  17. nice fish, that one still looks a bit on the fresher side,22lber or so is a good average King for sure,I also like the way you keep at it and breaking new PB's all the time
  18. a great addition to the family for sure, she's a cute one and has granps all smushy all ready eh?
  19. that sounds like a blast Paul, and a great twist to hunting for huge smallies for the day
  20. having too much of a hard time printing them off and cashing them in at the beerstore or something...or did the crack dealer come back on you for it?? I think it's pretty cool that Terry went through the trouble to do that up, and it's a pretty great achievement for anyone to boast catching a musky into the 50 incher plus range, I only ever caught 3 in those numbers, and that's alot of years trying..there are some pretty die-hard musky guys on here, and they will probably attest that for anyone who gets one that big it's a great accomplishment, and those 50's that Terry made up are well deserved as a show of respect opn the board to the person who caught the fish
  21. Don't overlook Paul here from Cast Adventures either, he is a first class guy to spend the day on the water with, and a great multi-species guide who knows how to have a great time and put tonnes of fish in the boat. Looking forward to seeing ya on the river this season for giant chrome Paul ,you will be seeing my boat alot
  22. I would say great fishin, some people fish a lifetime and never catch one..if it was to be a technicality like the 36 inches stated here, perhaps it should be the "legal" size from what ever body of water you are fishing, but then again there always has to be someone that says something crappy about almost every post on here wait until you get into a 48-50 incher fish, you are up for a heck of a battle
  23. nice to see those pickereyes come out of there..looks like our stocking efforst are paying off
  24. heyfff, youffff guyfffs sfould ftop pickffffing on ffthat poorfff fishy
  25. hope your family enjoys many years at the trailer and the "cottage" lifestyle that goes along with it, my family has enjoyed many years doing this, it's a great part of our lifestyle, and the kids have been brought up to value this as well
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