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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Its cool in my books, Religious implications aside its touching that a gesture made such an impact on a kid who's hurting. And I can tell you this... I'd rather watch a genuine emotional thanks then a rehearsed touch down dance any day. Show boating in sports is great for some and I've heard ALL the arguments about it promoting excitement in the game, but me...I hate it. I come from a day were you scored and you simply high fived, or got a pat on the back and the praise came when you hit the bench. Sure at a big moment there were pile on's and hugs, but that was "a team" rejoicing, not an individual rubbing it in.... This dancing in football, or shotgun salute crap in hockey just doesn't sit well with this cowboy but to each there own...its not my cup of tea though. The boys on my team pull that crap they ride the pine till they learn humility, and sportsman ship.
  2. I'd agree the points of simplicity, Read what you want, skip what you don't, Be polite. Like I said....simple The format has worked since the boards inception...and IMO its as good as its always been. So what if its a bit bigger and oppinions get complicated We gotta give them MOD's somth'n to sort out every once in a while or they'll get board
  3. Nice job! I love the fall coats...only another 7.5 months till I get another stab at them polka dot beauties Thanks for sharing,
  4. I assume you like to trip...if base camping why not just build a rock oven? nothing to carry in/out, nothing to clean and free
  5. That's tough Brian, I feel for you...I dread that day, but take comfort in knowing I will have had many good years before making that humane decision in their best interest. You made the right call for your Pet and I'm sure she appreciated the life you gave her and the comfortable exit. Pets have a funny way of finding their way into our hearts as adopted member of the family, and once they do...its an amazing lift in quality they bring to our everyday life. Take comfort in knowing your actions were appreciated and hang many pictures proudly. My sincerest condolences,
  6. That lake sure can be nasty. When dude got splashed I snickered a bit....saw it commin
  7. Nice work on the 20" I got my first Algonquin 20 last year, I'ver had many in the 18-19" range, but that first 20" is a special fish....Especially in Algonquin park! As much as I love spring in the park I have to say that the Fall is simply Awesome. 90% of my tripping is done in the spring, and I've gone a handfull of times in the summer and Fall....but every time I do manage to get there in the fall I always ask myself "why don't I do this more often?" LOL! The fall landscape is just amazing, and often the fishing is great it also happens to be the busy season at work though Anyway... Thanks for sharing it looks like a great trip!
  8. I'd agree that statement. The leafs actually looked pretty good last year outside of a gaping hole mid season...fantastic start, and a great run at the end. It was their prolonged slump that sunk them. Moving forward the only real question of any concern is did they figure out the chemistry.... Last year they started ridiculously hot, but when the rest of the league warmed up the Leafs shut down and couldn't break out of their slump. They got frustration and forgot how to play like a "TEAM". Every game was like watching a bloody try out....single efforts, hot dogging and selfish play. That goes nowhere when you play in the big leagues, espeicially when you are more or less a one trick pony....the phrase "shadow Kessle" comes to mind Anyway, If this team has actually gelled, and Wilson has found a way to keep them calm and positive(which is got to be a rarity for Wilson) then we have a chance....but as its been said already lets see what transpires between now and Christmas before we get planning any parades.
  9. No doubt in my mind...that there is an Atlantic
  10. That is a bit bizzar considering the size of the lake...I've never seen the lake drop THAT much in 2 months, espeically since there have been some rain events off and on in September. Weird...
  11. Ya no kidding...even after all the bi-law & firecode research, permits and inspections I had a bi-law officer come by to "re-inspect" as Some nosey nieghbor complained my brand new stainless steel double wall superflu stove pipe was an eye sore.... They also were concerned my chimney was not high enough and they feared the smoke would damage their home. 's Anyway, I was legit and my stove was installed to the letter of code. It was a pain in the behind but I'm glad I did it. LOL...its the smelly messy look I want in my basement? I guess different strokes for different folks
  12. Installed my own 2 Novembers ago, and LOVE it. Grew up with one, and My first house was simply to small to give up the space, so when I bought the new house It was in the plan all along to have one in my man cave(AKA basement) Goofy grin but this was the begining of my first fire in the new stove
  13. Very cool! Congrats on a unique catch!!! Beautifull coloring on them.
  14. Being its attached to your house I highly recommend against any flaming options and from the roof is not a great idea incase you miss and they get pissed off....good luck scambling down a latter with 100 hornets on your trail. Painters pole has my vote...plenty of distance between you and the next and it will be effective, not to mention you can re-use the pole next year when they re build LOL...
  15. It was simply a Hunter saftey course and my bud has had his Pal for years. The issue is the instructor told my buddy infront of a few people in the class that they could not hunt Deer this year as they had to get their license before June 30th (which is the deadline for the Antlerless draw) Of course a few people in the class challenged this and re-questioned the instructor as there was a fair number of people taking the course so they could hunt THIS fall. But the instructor was 100% sure they were outta luck.... The reason I asked this question in the first place was because I invited my Buddy to join our hunt and told him to get his license so he could come along....then this instructor made it sound as though I steered my buddy wrong so I wanted clarification for peace of mind. Either way it all worked out in the end. BUT...My buddy is stopping by to chat with the instructor to let him know he's wrong, and that he should call his students and let them know as a couple guys left the course pretty bummed about not being able to hunt this fall. I wouldn't want to see him fired, but he should be told he's wrong for sure and like wise he should call his students and share the good news...its the right thing to do I think
  16. Well just for those who want to know I got official Clarification today from the MNR that YES he CAN get a Deer License. So this morning he waltzed into the Service desk and got himself his temporary Hunterversion outdoors card complete with a 3 year fish/small game seal, and Deer license with out issue. He is also dropping by the Instructor place to give him the headsup that his info is wrong and he should probobly call everyone that took his class to let them know he was wrong and they can infact hunt THIS Year. Thanks for all the replies, and peace of mind last night LOL...
  17. Ok I'm glad to hear a few more people are in agreement....I thought that was the situation, and was baffled when I heard his instructor was telling him he was to late??? I searched the regs, over and over again...but I still cant see where the instructor came to this conclusion?
  18. I hope I find one sitting scared still like that...
  19. Danny Boy, Thats exactly what I thought? And thats the exact situation....he's joining our group, and we do have Doe Tags. And its definitly not a controlled hunt....normal season.
  20. Yup he's licensed. He has his Hunter Safety and PAL. But Instuctor says he can't get a deer license this year because the Antlerless Draw was June 30th, and he missed it. Every time I read and re-read the regs it clearly states that hunters who do not apply for an antlerless tag, or that are unsuccessful in the draw can hunt Antered Deer anywhere in the province with the excpetion of controlled hunt area's. It also clearly states the deadline for the DRAW was June 30th But there is no mention of having to purchse your license by then...only that if you wish to enter the Antlerless draw you must do so buy June 30th So I am not 100% sure but if I'm reading it correctly he should be able to pick up his license the day before the season opens...he missed his chance for a Doe tag, but getting a license should be available?
  21. I have a freind who just completed the Hunter/Safety course who wants to join my group in November. I didn't think its a problem, but on his way out of the course the instructor and him got into a discussion, about where he is going to hunt etc... The instructer finds out he was going to join us this fall and informs my buddy he cannot. That the Deer Draw was back in June, and he's to late? I get that he can't enter the draw for a Doe tag, but can he not still get his license? I was under the impression he would automaticly get a Buck tag? I've read through the entire regulations and I can't for the life of me find anywhere that states a License deadline? There are deadlines for the Antlerless draw, but I can't find any information about deadlines for "antlered" deer??? Normally I'd just call the MNR for this information, but they are closed on weekends So I thought I'd tap into the wealth of knowledge we have here
  22. Hmmmm didn't realize they closed in September, that seems early???? Its just the areas you identified have no camp sites, so I just assumed you were staying in the Tea lake camp ground but I guess thats why we don't assume
  23. Ain't that the truth LOL!!! Where your trip is focused "has" specs I gaurentee...BUT Not in great numbers mainly because of the easy access off the coridor. But enjoy the views as they ARE beautifull that time of year all along the west gate. But be forwarned you can hear the highway from there....if its a back country experience your after, its not the spot. If your hell bent on a spec for the frying pan I suggest a stocked lake...there are plenty in the area. BTW...where are you planning to camp at the Tea lake Camp grounds??? If you are, then to be blunt...I'd switch to targeting Bass. Don't overlook smoke creek, and coot L. You might even get lucky and get a spec working the stumps....pray for colder temps though Cheers,
  24. simple answer, As some have said...get a letter. If your freind "owns" property and gives you permission to access your not breaking any laws. If your freind "owns" property but has signed a club membership that prohibits him from inviting guests that are not in his presence....your still not breaking any laws, but HIS membership may now be in question. But for the life of me I have NEVER heard of a lake where you can own property yet not be allowed to have a guest enjoy it with out you being present....might as well just rent, as to me thats FAR from ownership??? Cheers,
  25. My power NEVER....EVER goes out LOL!!! Truth is it used to happen frequently as a kid during storms where the power might be out for a couple hours etc... But now I can safely say My power has not been off for more then a single minute since the BIG black out a few years back. And even then its been 15 to 20 years of solid power.... Seriously maybe a minute is the longest its been out here in good 'ol K town. That being said other area's of kitchener have had outages that last a couple hours, but to my knowledge There has not been an outage in K/W that lasted more the 4-5 hours in 20 years(excluding the big BBQ a few years back) Just say'n
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