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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. As a fairly novice/new hunter...whats the deal with the bells? I assume its to keep track of where the dogs have gone, but like mentioned aren't they suppose to be howling when on a trail? I spent last year training my Beagle to run no more then 150 yards out and return on call. Towards the end of the season I was doing some limited tracking and he had no issue with howling...especially when he was on rabbits, and oddly/dissapointingly on other dogs & Wood peckers in particular LOL!!!! This year I'm going 110% on deer tracking(need to secure a pelt, or peice of one first) Anyway...I'm rambling, My point is I've not heard of using bells? Am correct in assumeing its just for knowing where they are in the bush?
  2. Me too, If you guys are like me....I check the weather everyday, so its a great idea!
  3. It exactly as others pointed out....The other party involved in your accident is sueing. Your Ins. Company simply wants to know if its worth fighting or not. There is more then likley "somthing" in the poilce report that suggests you were perhaps not at fault, and shifts part of the blame on to the other party...they just want your account to see if it collaberates the report, and their position. However... 9x outta 10 the Ins. company will settle out of court if the amount of the claim is small. Its not usually worth the man hours, proffessional assesments and court fee's to fight it. There is simply a lotta red tape with personal injury claims and usually there is ALOT of "He said, she said" that needs to be documented and sorted out...then there are appeals, and new evidence etc. That stuff more often then not can cause enough of a delay in the case to drag it out over several YEARS So by the time it finally gets to court(5 year window from the fileing date usually) and a Judge makes his descion.... It more often then not ends up costing more to defend the case then the claim is asking to pay it out. One of my Best freinds is an adjuster for personal injury "defence"...for an insurance company. He once told me if you so much as scratch yourself in an accident ask for $9K because generally speaking if your willing to drag a case out for 5 years it will cost the Ins. company about $10K to defend it as a bare minimum. Sad but true....and there is the reason our Insurance premiums are so high.
  4. Good on ya for trying! Its crazy we can still launch here and there this time of year...last year if I remember correctly everything was locked down by December?
  5. BINGO! I look forward to this more...WAY more then the Stanley Cup if I'm being honest.
  6. Ain't that the truth! That task was left for today...But I'm guessing I'm not alone in gearing up to host Christmas dinner LOL! But it sure was nice to get another kick at the can...as late as Dec 22nd non the less
  7. I decided to brave the weather and hit Quinte again with BigSwede one last time before the big freeze This past Wed & Thurs. 2 words...Tough Bite. Wed we launched at the ferry because of false reports stating Picton harbor was frozen. we could have launched in Picton with out any issues but hey...atleast the ferry is free We Launched and headed west into Picton bay, working as far south as Merlands across the cement plant, through to Thomson's point.... and we saw a grand total of 3 boats all catching Nadda, and off the water by noon. We trolled 8am to 6pm and marked a TON of bait fish and pickerel stacked like cord wood adjacent to the bait balls, but we couldn't muster so much as a sniff... We ran 100' off the board with Reef runners, TD's, X-raps, sticks baits in a variety of colors(mainly purple, and clown)..troll speeds of 1.5-2.5km/h We tried experimenting with the lead lengths from the boards but realistically these fish were not interested. Most of the schools we marked were in 32-34' of water but fish were scattered at a wide variety of depths, and despite our best efforts we could not pinpoint any depths that were holding active fish. By 6pm we were more or less chased off the water with a complete deluge of driving rain and heavy easterly winds(not forecast) It was a bit of a white knuckle ride back to the ferry LOL... Thursday was a lot nicer...Dry, and crisp. We Launched at 7:30 from Picton Harbour and immediately headed to the Cement plant where we had marked so many fish the day earlier. Again the Fish were present, but tight lipped... We decided to steer our troll from the cement plant down to long reach and keep the wind to our backs as it was a bit stiff. About 2 hours into our second day Just past the Marker buoy leaving the Cement plant I finally had the planner board go off on a Purple TD 11 But the line went slack...we were 0 for 1 but it was encouraging. We continued in the area for another couple hours in the chop with nothing to show, and we were not observing any one else doing well, so we moved down the reach in search of more active fish, and if anything....we needed to get out of the wind for a bit to warm up. We trolled down the reach as far as Huffs point with another boat in toe...nadda for either of us. By 4pm we turned it around and decided to give the Cement plant one more go at Dusk. I made a judgment call not usually considered to be advantageous by most hard core Pickerel anglers... I removed my Planner board and flat lined with about 150' of line. My rational for doing this was to steady the action of the lure...with the chop the planners were doing a lot of bobbing and weaving which IMO would have been making the lures action a bit iritic...which I know is usually one of the "benefits" of using a Planner, but with the slow bite, I couldn't help but wonder if a more subtle presentation would help.....At 5pm I got my answer. A nice 22" pickerel for my troubles It was not the 33" Inch Quinte Monster I was looking for to beat my current PB but it was a VERY welcome fish after 20 hours of effort It was nice to simply validate my approach...getting a decent dinner was a bonus. He had the Santa like Christmas Spirit with a Fat little belly on him, PS, Water temps in Picton harbour were 34-35 degrees, and we scoped water temps of 33 out by the Cement plant. There are NO positive temps forecast between now and Boxing day so if your going I would expect some light Ice starting to form at the Launches. However the Long range Forecast has some warmer Weather forecast next week, so I think there is at least another week or two of soft water fishing available. Good Luck and tight lines!
  8. I am a firm believer that you can tell A LOT about a person by how the treat their pets and Its apparent you are a very caring man. I fully understand your anguish unfortunately... I have had to put down a pet once and have never since forgotten that day. I don't regret the decision as it put an end to his suffering but it was by far the single hardest thing I have ever had to do. A "planned" loss that gives you time to say good bye does not by any means make it easier....if anything I believe to be harder. Having to make that decision...this time of year... when the situation is a result of someone's negligence..that is as tough a spot as they come. You have My deepest sympathies,
  9. Ditto, Your 99% ahead which is simply awesome!
  10. Great post Lew, A very touching tribute, its obvious you you have a lot to be proud of. God bless on this difficult day.
  11. When it comes to dogs I think you gotta Keep it simple, and something you can yell... I think as far as simplicity goes I like "Bull"
  12. Is it worth my time to fish Quinte in 30km south winds... I am getting some mixed reactions and am curious to hear what the lot of you say. The next 3 days are forecast with winds of 30km hour and I'm told The bay is a bit dicey. I've seen her in 40km winds and I didn't bother to launch...but those were north winds. Any advice is appreciated...I just don't want to drive for hours only to turn around because of conditions.
  13. Bingo, Plus a little a bit of dump and chase, and first man in the corner, finish your checks & make 'em count...Then watch the trap fall apart.
  14. Yup...funny you say that cause I was thinking it. Except nobody was rolling clutching there knee for no apparent reason I think I'd be inclined to call it a delay, but in reality the official did the right thing blowing it dead and giving the bench a bit of "advice" on the play.
  15. Looks like and Awesome trip, and for the most part some nice Fall weather....gotta love the adversity the fall can offer. Funny how picky those polka dot beauties can be on lure choice yet when you find the right one...it can turn into a frenzie. Cheers,
  16. The first one looks like a fall fish to me? If its a horn head she's the biggest I've ever seen. Could be wrong, just say'n
  17. yup...I do I've marked a few spots of underwater structure that held fish in the Soft water season, but in truth its success has been minimal. It would seem the summer haunts don't always produce the same way in the cold. But I'd have to say that each time out to these spots we've not been skunked...so its put me on fish, but I've not seen any banner days?
  18. Very Nice! 14 days for me...
  19. Sorry bud, Like I said I didn't mean to make it heavy, but it needed to be said IMHO I know it was not your intention to ignite any issues, nor was it mine in responding. But this remark in it's self...you gotta see that's a little harsh In all Seriousness I know your not meaning to be offensive...I've been around long enough to know your usual disposition and I didn't take exception to your post And likewise I certainly didn't mean to stir any pots. I simply felt if we're discussing the efforts required to make a post acceptable, We should also be aware of what that's asking of some people and maybe take away some perspective on how to deal with it in the future while avoiding conflict. Put simply, We just need to be respectful. People need to put effort into making their posts coherent and like wise if its not, I think people need to be respectful in asking for clarification as opposed to public humiliation techniques such as corrections and assumptions of someone’s intelligence. I think that's a pretty fair and for this motley crew I'd bet for the most part its common sense
  20. I dunno...I found it funny Seems to have been made a Little complicated for no particular reason, but then again its political so....go figure
  21. For the record I have not taken any offence, and for what its worth, I'm fairly sure I am not one of the crazy bad posters. I just thought I'd chime in and push a thought into the back of peoples minds... Some of these horrible posts may in fact be someone’s best effort, or at the very least a "recreational" effort. I figured if we are going to discuss the expectations of posts we should at least remember sometimes its not that easy...that's all. I didn't intend to make it a heavy conversation. Yes some of the comments insinuating that its perhaps so easy, or the intelligent thing to do is boarder line offensive, but I'm pretty thick skinned Had I been 20 years younger I'd be insulted, but that would be a confidence issue. Now many years later I'm fully aware of my my limits, my potential, My true IQ and my successes in life. Being a slow reader/writer is not an intelligence "thing" but sometimes people assume it is...So some people get a bit sensitive about it so please tread carefully. If anything that's the point I'd like to make.
  22. There is a HUGE difference between celebrating, and rubbing it in....and on my team we don't do that. Self control is a skill I teach my kids and disapline on the ice is just that....disapline on the ice. That includes celebrations after goals.... If they jump for joy, pile on hi-five etc...that's a celebration. skating down the ice on your own at full speed, throwing your gloves in the air and pretending to shoot them....that's just plain stupid. Single effort, single showboating...showing off On my team your kids rides the pine for it.
  23. LOL... Sorry Roy your ending of the thread is better then mine I guess it only took me 8 minutes to come up with my version
  24. "If we cheapen our language in this manner then we are cheapening the way in which we think." I think some effort is always required to make a point and also think that "most" put in an effort be understood. In saying that...it shouldn't have to be more then a quick proof read to ensure your point is in the body of the statement IMO. In saying that, Emoticons, slang and informal speak is totally acceptable in this environment if your asking me. I would not be expected to use proper language in a bar, or at the rink when speaking the language however It would be the expectation at work...so there's a time and a place for each. For this reason alone I'd say here in the "winternet" season among friends on a message board I'd say We should be exempt from the spelling/grammar police. Different strokes for different folks
  25. Well, I'm a bit Bias, Unfortunately for me I am both dyslexic and deal with dysgraphia...(no joke) Both are learning disorders that I struggled with through grade school and countless hours of remedial therapy and classes. Even today 35 years later I struggle to comprehend what I read. When I'm posting here I have to think hard…type…think…type…edit….think…edit….spell check etc. Not occasionally, but Every single time I post something of any calibre. In truth I probably work a little harder then most when putting a post together not because I take it more serious then others, but because I know I have to or it’ll come out as gibberish. A post like this can take me 30 minutes LOL...sad but true This is a recreational outlet for me, so if I don’t make sense, or my punctuation/spelling is off key I apologize. But turning the table I’d appreciate it if the spelling police were respectful. I'm here for fun, not to be judged... I often type as I would speak, forgetting grammar…its easy, fast and I’d like to think the point gets across. I’d hope if I am not making sense someone would ask a clarifying question, as opposed to poking fun at me... Anyway not to make it heavy, I’ll give my best effort to make sense, if ya’ll give your best effort to tolerate a disability in recreational environment. Sounds fair to me
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