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That hit was text book clean, and to be blunt... If you watch the replay you'll see he stopped skating towards him about 3' past the blue line....he litterally coasted in there, LOWERED his shoulder, CENTERED his body and rolled through him. Camara didn't charge him...he let up on the gas, aimed and fired. No high forearms, no lift...it was a thing of pure Beauty. The issue was the kid wasn't paying attention and he got caught. You can't ask that players let up at this level of play "incase" someones not paying attention....thats like giving the opposing team a get out of jail free card. I Agree with Brian here, If it was a Canadian boy I'd be saying the same thing....KEEP YOUR HEAD UP! Thats drilled into us in fundimentals as rule #1 We play a clean but rough game and when its played right...we win I Gaurentee that every player out there in this tournament will be just a little bit more cautious now moving the puck forward in this tourney when they play us, and THAT my freinds....is exsactly what we want.
My Mother in law has it.. She had 2 vertibrae in her back fused and 2 rods put in. She needed to take time off work until the surgery was completed but now some 6 years later she's still working as a nurse and says although its not 100% better its 80-90% better.
I'm partial to The Nog and spiced rum...But My brother some times gets the Caesars going. Don't knock it till you try it but I got hooked big time on a spoonfull of spicy horseradish in my Caesars as well....texturally its different but DAM is it good!
I guess that’s the fundamental issue I have with this claim. I didn't sign or agree to any treaties...neither did my Dad, nor my Grandfather, nor did his father. Nor did any member of the Current Algonquin band. In fact with regards to this particular claim there is no treaty....there never was. Its a claim...a simple rudimentary claim and petition getting some current press. If this claim is even given consideration We're opening Pandora’s Box with regards to claiming indigenous rights for land "historically" inhabited and land that was simply assumed into Canada when conceived. There is ALOT more land in Canadian jurisdiction that could fall under that precedent....Virtually all of Canada actually. Under these arguments any particular claim with no previous treaty now is open for debate....
Ya I read it...and then some...its lot of legal mumbo jumbo and jargin. Unfortunatly the bigger picture for me is the "right" of the claim and most other claims of this nature as well. This pretty much sums it up and bothers me on many levels.
I always looked forward to these reports of yours. The Brownies were always a favorite... That and The idea of a 12' Tinner in Lake O. in the dead of winter....that takes stones my friend
Best quote of the thread LOL... It was the first thought that crossed my mind word for word Now this is a rather uninformed opinion here but I'll lay it out anyway. I don't get how these claims hold any merit anymore... Most were written, signed Bartered for or accepted LONG before I was born. Some if not most were agreed upon before my parents were born and yes even before our grand parents were born. I fail to understand how it is acceptable to NOW come out of the crowd, step forward and proudly lay claim to agreements that have been long past due or out dated by generations? Sure some of these deals were forced through, and some were simply bummed deals that natives accepted for menial things like whisky....so not to argue semantics but what’s come to pass is the past so let it go. If not we're opening Pandora’s box.... Maybe I should lay claim to property my family once owned in Poland which we lost when Germany occupied Europe? Sure I wasn't alive, my parents were not born yet but it was taken from my Grandparents under tyranny which they didn't agree to....so ya...I should be given back the land that now houses a city and make a mint off of some lease because its my birthright? If it sounds ridiculous thats because it is... This Particular claim is kinda Ludicrous in my opinion The basis of the claim is that they never ceded their rights through treaty and never sold or lost their territory through war. It was simply taken as part of Canadian territory when we were conceived....welcome to Canada eh? These claims were brought to the crown as being their territory since apparently 1772 via a petition...which the crown has denied being there is no documentation supporting the claim outside of the actual petitions. So its not a deal gone south, its not an agreement past due...its a simple claim for land not allowcated, given, settled, or occupied by the Algonquin band as home since Canada was a nation. Its simply a claim to past lands once occupied many generations ago. I guess thats fair? I say if one single person from 1772 can come out and raise their hand....well I guess I'd be inclined to support their claim. Maybe even some one from 1872???....what about say 1900??? no...maybe 1925....1930? Anyway you get my point C'mon now....enough is enough.
NF - Are we allowed to talk NHL hockey again?
Cookslav replied to jedimaster's topic in General Discussion
I hope the whole thing goes the way of the dinosaurs... Greed, greed and more greed on both sides of this stupid disagreement. The fact is the average Joe can't afford to take in a game with their kids because the ticket price is outrageous and the vendor prices are just as bad. The owners are responsible for this plain and simple....why? Because again and again they caved in to the outrageous salary demands of the players for far to long and have an unrealistic expectation of profit. throw in a couple "dumb factors" Like a players union with their heads in the clouds, agents whom make their living off exploiting the youth of the game under the illusion of protection from some crooked unholy alliance between both owners and Players unions....and of course then there is Bettman The only guy dumb enough to think Hockey needs to be expanded to be better? Cripes...blow it up and start over its rotten to the core. I'll stick to watching the juniors any day. -
Dang...sad news I've been out in December many a time in a 14' or 16' but not in the open waters of Huron. Even on smaller bodys of water like Quinte the weather is always top of mind and IMO a floater suit is manditory. That being said...they were out a mile from shore in Huron and found 2 days later...a floater suit would have done little to prolong the inevitable in that situation. My biggest worry when out on the weater this time of year is mechanical failure... Who knows these guys may have only intended to be out 100 yards and had a motor fail.... So many things can go wtong out there this time of year. My condolences to the families...especially this time of year
Updated pic of unidentified track.... Feline or Canine???
Cookslav replied to siwash's topic in General Discussion
Poo sure, but I don't think the tracks are though? Not enough toes, and any pad imprint visible is to small. The spread of the toes seem to long as opposed to wide and the toes are to pointed to be bear? http://www.google.ca/imgres?q=black+bear+track&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=pqT&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-GB:official&channel=s&biw=1107&bih=672&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=1e53Qm6uN1v6WM:&imgrefurl=http://www.gvta.on.ca/bears.html&docid=B2eVCT4R3_9ygM&imgurl=http://www.gvta.on.ca/images/blackbearpaws.gif&w=300&h=185&ei=IA5ZUP3eGoSJ0QHnuoGYBA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=576&vpy=173&dur=5436&hovh=148&hovw=240&tx=150&ty=89&sig=104760614415804747058&page=1&tbnh=110&tbnw=178&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0,i:82 I still say Coyote or Wolf. -
Updated pic of unidentified track.... Feline or Canine???
Cookslav replied to siwash's topic in General Discussion
like I said its hard to tell from the pics but they look pointed to me? -
Updated pic of unidentified track.... Feline or Canine???
Cookslav replied to siwash's topic in General Discussion
Coyote... The Claw marks indicate canine tracks(cats claws are retractable) Size matters though...could be a wolf or just a wild dog. Tough to judge the size from the pics, and the hind print is barely visible. -
Heck ya... He'd be a good draw for the stands as well, plus playing junior is better then riding the bike during a lock out for sure.
Guess I'll continue to enjoy my Rangers....Kitchener ranger that is! The junior leagues are playing better hockey most of the time anyway IMHO. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch My Leafs (why I'll never know) but sai la vie.... The problem with the NHL is the heart is gone until the Playoffs come around. The rest of the season is just "show off time" bah....
Topwater nightime walleye and a PB LMB for a friend
Cookslav replied to Cudz's topic in General Discussion
I had the same thing happen last year. I was using a Top water plastic weedless frog, working the edge of some pads and slop for largmemouth at dusk and picked up a nice pickerel. That was a first and...so far the last Pickerel I've caught on a surface bait? I've caught many a pickerel on Stick baits and floating raps, but they still run a few feet down, but hey....I guess Pickerel like frogs to -
Awesome coloration....I've never seen a northern lake so blue! I know of a lake In Algonquin that is similarily "green" though... Its clear down to an easy 20-30'....when the sun is shining its a bit more aqua/blue but on the Overcast days its Emerald green. I've been told there is a lot of Limestone in the lake and the cold springs in the lake keep it from getting much turbidity or algae. That combined with the shore being lined with several bogs...its naturally filtered clear. It is also high in elevation and has no Feeder creeks running in, only creeks running out through the bogs. I don't know this to be factualy correct as to why the lake is so clear and green...it just what I was told. But she sure is purdy
Karma... it is a three way street correct?
Cookslav replied to irishfield's topic in General Discussion
Dang...that 3 steps forward 2 steps back scenario gets pretty tireing but if anyone can shoulder it she can. Just keep stepping and she'll get there. Lots of thoughts and Prayers sent. -
Once in a lifetime thing that you've seen in the outdoors??
Cookslav replied to danc's topic in General Discussion
Wow that is a rare sight...most will never a Lynx let alone that close....let alone swimming! Great Pic -
Nipissing Walleye fishery in 'crisis': OFAH
Cookslav replied to kickingfrog's topic in General Discussion
I don't care about the Walleye....as long as the pickerel are safe But seriously, I'm no expert and I'm not claiming to be but I just have a hard time beleiving recreational fishing takes more then a gil netting operation Slot sizes, or lower limits would help lower the angling damage...thats a given But what do you do with a Native community not willing to follow a quota recomended by the MNR??? I think there is a lot of bullheaded opinions thinking more about $$$ then the health of the fishery and sustainability. My $0.02 -
Once in a lifetime thing that you've seen in the outdoors??
Cookslav replied to danc's topic in General Discussion
A couple come to mind, My first enounter with an angry bull Moose in Algonquin park that I apparently startled...while minding my own....errrr doing my business on the ol' thunderbox scared the crap outta me....litterally LOL! I'll leave the imagery for you to conger. Also while hunting a few years back I had found an almost perfect stand....almost perfect as I didn't harvest a deer, but its still an awesome spot. I found a fallen tree in the side of a hill which overlooks a nice open ravine at the waters edge by our camp....the area is littered with sign. Where this tree fell uprooted so the roots created a nice hole in the hill, with the roots acting like a canopy so you can tuck your self in there and be invisible from the sides and above with a PERFECT unobstructed shot into the ravine. Well... I stuck myself in there and sat put for a few hours when i just could no longer hold it in....I had to clear my throat. Just asI did all hell broke lose!!!! Apparently a Bobcat or Lynx (not quite sure as it happened so fast) Had crept up to the hole I was in on the out side where I couldn't see her and she couldn't see me so she was RIGHT BESIDE ME....so when I cleared my thoat she freaked and bolted right in front of me...we're talking 2' to 3' LOL!!!! It scared me so badly I Jumped to my feet in fear and Smashed my head on the roots above me "just" about knocking my self out LOL.... Thank god I had my safety on or I think I would have misfired for sure....both comical and cool. On the cool side of thing once while fishing for Muskie in Moon river first week of November, we wereout after dark finishing up when I kept hearing a ton of splashes....and then I notced some of them were comming our way? I turned on the flash light to navigate our way home, and see what the hell was comming towards us, only to see several fish swimming with their heads out of the water, and the more I looked around with the flash light, the more glowing eyes of fish we noticed swiming at the surface....it was just odd??? The next day the camp ownere told us it was whitefish and its part of the spawing habbit....never heard of that before? -
Cookslavs Specktacular 2012 Algonquin report
Cookslav replied to Cookslav's topic in General Discussion
LOL...yup I swear that 100 puch up work out is AWESOME....seriously, its a few minutes a day. I actually passed the 100 mark by the time the trip came so I deviated and am doing my own plan now. Now I do 40 strait, then 40 crunches and repeat 3 times...thats 120 pushups and crunches a day in about 10 minutes then I shower and go to work....never felt better and according to wife....never looked better. Lost 20lbs and about 2" off the waist and seriously feel great. Started with 10push ups, and 10 sit ups....about 4 months later doing 40 feels just as easy/challenging because its gradual. But I tell you the best part was feeliong about as good as I did at 18 again carrying my gear in and solo canoeing. Seriously give it a one month trial...you'll Love it. -
Cookslavs Specktacular 2012 Algonquin report
Cookslav replied to Cookslav's topic in General Discussion
Thanks for the kind words folks, I enjoy reporting it every year...I'm a traditionalist at heart I guess I'm hoping to get out again in the summer if I can swing it...might get lucky enough to do 2 Algonquin reports Cheers, -
I have a 3500W Champion I use to power my Trailer in the winter and I have had Zero issues. Its not as quiet as a new Honda but in all honesty its no louder then the old honda 1500W I have at the hunt camp. Mind you the Honda is 15 years old, and Champion is 2 years old so there have been significant developments in quiet technology since then. But for what your using it for...I'd pick up the cheapy.
Sorry this trip report is so late...I've just been busy....that work thing gets in the way And a word of warning for the "haters" yes...there is an empty can of beer in one or two of the vidoes. If it makes you feel better, lets just say I found them discarded on the portage and was packing them out. Now we can all still be friends This years trip was almost the trip that was not to be…. With two of the usual crew on Baby watch (wives due in May), 2 of the crew acquiring new employment and subsequently not have any Vacation time available and one of the crew purchasing a new home over the opener…. We were low on attendees for this years trip it seemed and the biggest potential trip killer….I was on notice of a Transfer for a 3 month stint in Manitoba. Luckily fate was on my side and things worked out, so I was able to be here for the opener. This year we decided to try an old haunt that is a little easier to access then some of the lakes I’ve previously fished these past few years. My main motivation for this cowardly act….My partner had to bale out last minute so this would be a solo trip from me. I was actually a bit excited about this for 2 reasons. Firstly Its been years since I solo paddled the park and secondly… The idea of not having to share my casting zone was dam appealing So this years trip would mean Lakers and Splake were in Play and although Spec’s are present on this lake it’s a rarity. This meant keeping my Spring trip report in true Tradition as Cookslav’s Annual “Specktacular” report would Be a tall order, but not impossible. Fish would certainly be caught….but would we catch any Specks???? Day 1 After all the packing, planning and plotting was done… our motley crew of only 3 set sail at 4:30am from Kitchener and made our way into the parks clean tea stained water for about 9:30am Despite seeing blue skies earlier and having a glorius forecast of warm sunny weather for the next 3 days….the park was misty, overcast and cool for our assent into the wilderness. We crossed our first lake with relative ease as the winds were almost nil and at our backs. The portage proved surprisingly easy being solo?… Anyone who has tried the 100 push up work out routine for strength building will tell you it works and I’m no different! I have been doing this regimented work out since March in anticipation of the trip simply hoping at the very least to be a bit less sore afterwards, but in truth…after doing it for a few months I can safely say this work out rocks! For a guy like me with a short attention span this 2 minute power work out fit’s the bill. With out actually selling it to you…if your looking for a strength building work out that can be done in 2 minutes a day that will save your back, hips, shoulders and arms from the usual hurt of a long trip….Google it! http://hundredpushups.com/ Anyway…back to the trip LOL! My freind pondering natures wonder...AKA comic releif at the top of a hill in midst of our Portage Some Curious Loons... We made our way though the next couple lakes and to our site in about 4 hours which is a record time for us. We quickly made camp with our priority put into tarping a seating area and getting tents/hammocks hung as the sky appeared to be darkening by the minute as opposed to clearing...so much for our glorious forecast. Fire wood was scavenged cut & quartered and put under tarps…enough to last the weekend done the first day!!! It seems the area must have had some significant storms as good dry fallen limbs and whole trees were plentiful? This was a much welcome change from the usual wet spring harvest I'm used to. This picture is actually a Site...I imagine it would have been crazy to be on this camp when lighting took this tree. Look at the Charring on the roots!!!! There were about 3 trees down on this site, but this one scene is enough of a reminder to respct Mother nature when she's angry for me. Cripes... We then had enough time then to pump some water, eat, and sure enough the skies let go as we sat for dinner….. There was no chance for a quick evening troll thanks to the rain but an early evening was fine by me after a good days hard work. Day 2 We woke to that same misty weather… Cool and damp but not to bad, the calm wind made for perfect casting conditions. So after some oatmeal stale camp coffee with a Baileys refresher…we were off to work the lake. We elected to stay close as the skies again threatened rain, and the odd clap of distant thunder kept us on our toes. Also we were expecting 2 late arrivals that afternoon so I wanted to stay close to ensure their safe arrival. My Uncle and Father had decided to join the trip a day late….nice of them to come AFTER the wood was cut. camp made and water pumped LOL! Bah...I was looking forward to their company regardless I LOVED the solo aspect of this trip...every time I was out there I was reminded of how much I like being alone The constant quiet really helped me feel a part of the nature scene I was in….no gabbing, no competing for fishing spots, and of course nobody to rock the boat LOL….I’ve never felt so stable in a canoe A trick I learned from an old timer years ago was to lay some heavy stones in the front of your canoe to counter balance your weight as it helps keep the canoe a bit deeper in the water, and thus more stable. Plus it Reeeeely helps keep the nose down in wind and makes solo steering a lot nicer. The sun peeked its head out just long enough for me to snap a pic of the area...and my rock set up I casted a lot of shore line and a lotta shoals/drops….not a sniff. I trolled for a while until I heard my radio go off…My Dad had arrived so I figured a beer break and some lunch is just what I needed. We chatted about their trip in, which was about as uneventful as ours. It wasn’t long before we decided to get back at the fishing…but it would be short lived. I can safely say it was S-L-O-W going….I had not gotten a hit, follow, or even a glimpse of a rise all day. I began my troll home when I started to hear thunder then BAM!!! Finally I had a fish on which I got close enough to see was a small laker….but I gave her a long distance release DOH! Back at camp we shared similar stories between the 3 canoes which was a bit discouraging to say the least as it POURED rain. Thunder and Lightning was fairly constant until Dark...Fishing was done for the day. All the catches had been OOS incidental Bass and 2 lost fish that wee believed to be lakers. We decided tomorrow we would march on to another lake I know to hold a healthy population of Splake for some good eats! Day 3 Again it was misty, overcast but this morning…..was COLD Overnight the temps had plummeted, and the damp cold was tough to shake. I had woken up several times through out the night shivering, as I tend to sleep with my arms out of the bag….no idea why I do it, but I do it when I’m sleeping, and usually awake near hypothermia LOL!!! This morning was just not comfortable at all…one of the worst I can recall in the park. It was probably hovering on 1-2 degrees, but I just couldn’t shake the damp, misty cold. Why this morning was so damp was beyond me, but the whole crew felt it. In all seriousness I built a decent fire and sat around it for an hour or two eating Breakfast and had about 4 warm coffees before I got the nerve to get moving and ready for our day trip. It’s a bit of a haul in and out of this lake so we got an early start and left our camp by about 8:30am 2 short hours and we were fishing a real Gem… Emerald green waters that taper off into jet black holes. The Lake is dotted with fallen timber all along the edges and big rock/boulder fields litter the north, and the south is a mix of sand/gravel. It didn’t take long to formulate my game plan….I immediately went to work in the wood, allowing the north wind to push me south into a sandy bay….lots of rising in the that bay, so my plan was simply to pound the fallen lumber, and when I come into casting distance of the bay I would switch it up and cast the rises. It paid off in my first swing. I had a monstrous hit, head shake and then my line peeled out….I knew I had a big fish right of the bat. I’d work her in, and she’s pull out circling the front of the canoe and dive. I gingerly worked her closer, and readied my net….all the time trying to remember I’m in a canoe, and trying to remind myself NOT to lean LOL!!! Finally I brought her up, and she was a beauty! I made one good scoop and in she came….all 23” of her. video of the Catch I went back to work repeating the same pattern for about 2 hours when Finally I had another strong hit….and a miss??? It was a solid hit, but the hooks just didn’t stick, when I reeled in I saw the issue. My hook had broken off What a let down…. That’s when the excitement started… I had just put my fish on the stringer when one of the other boat stuck gold. Another solid 19” fish had been put in the boat. As they put their fish on the Stringer….disaster struck They tipped!!! I heard a big splash and looked over to see their canoe upside down, and my buddies flailing in the cold water. I immediately started in their direction calling to them, but I couldn’t get a response. They were in total panic mode, with one guy swimming to shore, the other treading water and gasping for air….with NO life Jacket!!! It was floating right next to him, but he couldn’t see it…. I barked at him to grab his jacket, and put it on as the other guy was already on shore and safe for the time being, but Nick was in danger of going under as he was gasping and sinking fast. I was going towards him as fast as I could, but still 20 yards out, luckily he heard us screaming at him and he put his vest on, and swam towards shore. Let me tell you…that was the scariest moment of any trip I’ve ever been on. Watching your friend drowning from a distance…not fun. Long story made short they were fine, as luck would have it I had full rain gear in my pack that one guy could were, and so did my dad, plus I had a jacket, and sweater I was able to lend them so they had dry clothes to get into. We Righted their Canoe and grabbed their gear that was floating for them….some how they still had their fish on the stinger LOL!!! It was another nice fish for sure. But they lost one rod, one camera, a net and a tackle box….lucky for them we had extra rods back at camp. We got a fire going for them to warm up by and then that was pretty much enough excitement for them so they headed back to camp. They had plenty of argueing to do about who leaned and who did what to cause their flip In the end it was decided they ran up on a branch sticking up "Just" under the surface...the red paint on the branch gave it away. After all the hustle and Bustle in that end of the lake…I decided to change side for some quiet time. It didn’t take long at all….10 minutes in WHAM I had another bruiser on the line! This time is was from just outside a faller Pine tree, and she was dangerously close…. So I played her hard, and worked her away into the deep and dropped the net beneath her. Another nice solid 19” fish. video of the lure used and fish on stringer We fished the lake for another 2 hours and called it a day. Back on the Portage I swapped info with my Dad and Uncle who primarily had fished the Boulder field with mixed results…they each landed 2 fish but nothing over 14”. So all in all the lake gave up 7 fish for us, 3 of which made a great fireside dinner. This... Quickly became this... A little Provencal Butter I made for the trip with fresh lemon....dang it was good. This night was going to have a show….we were expecting a glimpse at this supposed “Super Moon” We were all pretty excited to be in such a remote area to see this, and the skies had finally cleared out so all cameras were ready!!! It was cool…but more then anything it just seemed really bright? Not super big or anything?….just bright? It came out early...here are a couple of bad shots.(sorry, but they didn't turn out as nice as I would have liked) Anyway…drinks and fishing stories flowed around the camp fire, and we laughed a lot at the “tipping” incident. The funniest part was how upset my friend was at losing his “lucky lure” He didn’t care about the rod he lost, but the lure was his favourite and we all kind of chuckled at this Luck his lure supposedly brought….that is until he went to put his life jacket away under the tarp in case it rained and guess what was stuck to the back of his life Jacket!!!! His Lucky Lure had survived the tip incident…it mush have some how got stuck on his jacket in the commotion? So as it turned out….that lure WAS really Lucky! Day 4 Sunny!!!! Finally the weather was sunny….but windy…you just can't win sometimes I guess? We elected to hit the Spake lake again this day because of the stiff winds. Our base Camp was on a fairly open lake, which was making it difficult to fish any one spot out side of trolling. So we elected to troll to the portages and make our way to our lucky lake. We did actually catch a few Incidental OOS Bass along the troll…one of which was a tank...prolly 6lb smally. We were hoping it was a big laker, but no such luck. After running the several portages and lakes we were once again on our targeted lake. It was a tough day to be fishing solo, but I managed…the winds were variable and a bit annoying as I’d just set up for a drift, and then the direction would change grrrr…. We worked the lake top to bottom and then some…and managed to pick up 2 decenet fish in the 17" range Luckily uncle managed a beauty 19" so it was enough to give us a dinner again.! My uncle with our days catch... which became this...Garlic Fish crisp and Lemon pepper Back at camp we relaxed, and did some fishing just off shore from the camp as it seemed the fish were rising everywhere….but no one could get a fish to commit, until I decided to throw a wooly bugger….bingo! We Finally got a spec not more then 30’ from camp...barely worth mentioning and quite small but welcome. She went back to fight another day, besides... She gave me what I wanted (Validation to call this my “Specktacular annual report”) Day 5 Departure came swift under clear blue, and warm skies…. Why is it the weather ALWAYS seems to be best on the day you leave??? Its both bitter and sweet I suppose…on one hand it sucks to have the weather so accommodating as your leaving, but on the other hand…how nice is it to pack up in warm DRY conditions? Meh? Anyhoo…we sailed through the calm lakes and quickly passed the portages being much lighter going out via less food and beverage. And we drove home through a VERY congested Toronto….It seemed everyone who has a cottage must have decided to get away for the weekend. We were in stop and go traffic from Barrie to Milton….we should have just stayed LOL!!! Cheers,
Great read Really gets my anticipation going and the blood pumping....can't wait to get out and wet a line.