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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Wow... What were the Measurements on that? Thats a dam impressive fish!
  2. Nicely Done! I have not done the Pett. But its on my list fo potentials. Gotta love those old Coleman stoves....mine still makes the tip each year. Sure they are a bit heavy but nice and stable, dual burners, boils water in 3mins, and always starts I missed this thread back in July....now I can't see the photos, you'll have to re-post them!
  3. I have the Hennesey Asym Ultralite with the Safari fly and snakeskin holder...absolutly amazing. 1lb 15oz it sets up anywhere with tree's LOL.... I'm about 180lb's give or take depending on the week and two trees with 5" diameter is enough to hang for me. Where they shine is if you are a Side sleeper.... My hips used to ache somthing awfull with a thermarest matress on the ground because the 2" of air matress was not enough to absorb the curves of my hips(insert jokes here....) The Aysm conforms to add just enough support and just enough cushion to make it almost like a custom fit. Sleeping on my back...yup just as good. If your a stomach sleeper though....don't bother. Its also 100% rainproof and because your off the ground there are no worries of run off and no ground sheet required. Its ideal for portaging and it fits anywhere your tent won't...no need for level ground. The down side of a hammock is it can get cold on your back in the shoulder seasons... you NEED a good sleeping bag, or bring an emergency (foil style) blanket to place under your back if you don't have a good low rated Sleeping bag. Or purchase the insulation kit.... But in My oppinion your best bang for your buck is get a good Sleeping bag and avoid carrying extra weight such as an insulation kit or emergency blanket. ut truth be told if its warm weather camping you do...a cheap sleeping bag will do. I should add the ventilation you get from the open Screen under the rain fly....oh man its just awesome. As for where to put the Wife....if shes camping with me it usually means we're driving in by motorboat, or car so a full tent and inflatable matress along with our screen room and 10 man tent makes the trip LOL... Hammocks are more for the deep woods trip To all you tenters I say this....Sleeping on the ground is for Suckers LOL....
  4. We had one smash my buddies lure boat side at full dark 2 weeks ago....man did it make a splash lol! Unfortunatly it cut my Buddies flouro leader so we didn't get a good look at the size but wow what a viscious boat side hit.
  5. Disturbing, Cowardly, disgusting....simply appalling.
  6. I have to agree with Roy on this...as much as 9 shots seems ridiculous at first glance we only know whats been released to us. A cell phone video from 40 yards out with barely audible voices is not enough to be judge jury and executioner. Not to mention we only get a peice of the puzzle...how long was the stand off from the moment Police arrived etc... There are witnesses, they'll be questioned and we'll hear more as the case progresses. While I have to admitt it looks pretty bad on the police, for all we know he may have been reaching into his jacket.... However a 2nd degree murder charge says there is enough evidence to warrant a trial. The question I would ask is this, Are they laying charges because there isn't enough evidence to dismiss the case given the very public nature of the event and grass roots push for justice Or Is there enough evidence to suggest he's a crazy thug killing vigilante It'll come out in the wash when it goes to trial I s'pose
  7. That was epic dude! Informative, entertaining and enticing....I want to fish for Gar now LOL! Thanks for the effort, that had to take some time to put together and I for one appreciate it.
  8. Thanks for the kind words folks, The boat project was actually pretty fun...I like working with my hands. I needed more space to work in the boat though, I was just finding it a bit cramped. Anddespite being an older lady....I was pretty attached to that boat so I wanted to take the time and salvage her. Ya Moose it was nuts this spring....first it was shaping up to be a record late Ice out so we adjusted our plans but after the monsoon I thought we were pooched. Luckily some area's of the park were able to open with in our vacation dates because had the park not been granting any permits I would have been forced to cancel as I had travel with work looming the day after the camping trip....so I had no back up plan. You can never be to careful ya know LOL....
  9. I’ve been sadly absent from this great community as well as others I somtimes frequent for a while now and I apologize for that….sometimes life just gets complicated and free time can become a short commodity. All one can do is prioritize I suppose so this…..is my “catch up” post The reason for my absence is simple, I recently came into a promotion at work that has seriously (although temporarily) decreased the “free time bank” I used to have. The new gig involves a fair amount of travel through out Canada but I love the job so it all comes out in the wash I suppose? I spent the majority of my spare time in the winter working on a summer Project…My boat. I bought this boat off of a Board member about 5-6 years ago for a song and a dance more or less and she has served me well. She is a 1969 starcraft falcon whom my son affectionately named “Bluey” LOL… Well Bluey was deserving and in need of a makeover…that and I can’t sit still…so…a winter Project was born!!! I sold the motor as it was in need of some repairs, I ripped out the hood and spill boards flipped it over fixed the rivets, patched some “suspected” leaks and Painted the whole thing. While off the trailer I found some time to rewire the Trailer with all new LED signal/Break lights and because of the age of the trailer...I replaced the axel and wheel assembly. Once the trailer was completed and the boat returned to its resting place I re-insulated the floor and replaced some older rotted boards. I reinforced the hull rims and gunnels, built a casting deck with under floor storage and battery compartments. Added 2 back bench seats with under seat storage and 2 side rod lockers. Re carpeted the whole thing, installed locks on all the storage units, installed a fishfinder, running lights stepping boards. two removable seats in the middle for joy rides, Put on a brand new Merc and new bow mount trolling motor…. It’s a brand new boat for me, and less then half the price!!! Next up...was my Anual "Spectacular" trip for The Trout opener in Algonquin Park. I'm glad I found time to go but appologize for only now finding the time to properly report it… This years ice was a concern but….so was flooding and road access. I was contacted by the park service a week in advance and told my camp permit was cancelled due to ice still being on the lakes so they were needing me to change the dates of my trip and more then likely our location as well. Despite a shaky uncertain Ice out forecast we Hedged our bets on a new location and changed our dates to be 3 days later which we were told would be our best bet. Then….the rain fell….and fell….and fell. If you can recall Huntsville to Pembroke was under water and many access roads were washed out including our newly desired entry point….DOH! Once again the park called me and cancelled my permit…this is the first time in 20 Years of Camping the park I’ve had my permit cancelled twice. So once again we changed our location. But I wasn't worried, that’s the great part about Algonquin park! There are just so many wonderful lakes and access points to choose from that no matter where we entered I just knew we were in for a treat. Our entry access lake was bone chilling cold as expected from the recent ice out but, the interior lakes were ridiculously warm due to the recent rains, and run off, not to mention the glorious sun and warmth? For those whom remember.... The week after Trout opener was a balmy 24 degrees only days after ice out. it’s the first time in my life that I have camped in summer like conditions with ZERO bugs. If that were not enough the water in our desired lake….was warm enough to swim, which we did so comfortably. Here is an exsample of the Summer like hazy conditions we enjoyed ALL week long. The comfortable conditions were great, but the concern now shifted from access issues to “I wonder how all this crazy weather, and dramatic changes would effect the fishing? Day one we noticed it had an effect…The fish were tight lipped and skitterish Haunts that I knew to be great early season spots were baron and inactive producing no fish. We threw every trick in the book at them to no avail….I think it could have been frustrating had we not been enjoying the sun and bug free warmth all day, only to finish the day with some beer around the fire LOL!!! It’s a tough job but someone has to do it right? Day two we made some adjustments and started to work deeper specifically targeting shoals with hair jigs and deeper casting baits which paid off for me first! My canoe partner slipped the net under feisty 18.5” specimen which I coaxed in with heavy weighted Blue fox cast along the shadow of a rock ledge that dropped from 6’ of water to about 30’ Back at camp we compared notes around the fire and the verdict was out…. Fishing was still very slow, my fish was the only one to grace our bellies that night. Day 3 the boys went to work hitting the deep with long trawls washing spoons of every color, deep raps and weighted spinners…The thought was to pretent it was summer and try more traditional summer techniques. This turned out to be a great decision! Much better results saw us bringing in a haul of 5 fish for the table. The fish were scattered between 14” and 17” and all caught off shoals and rock ledges in 12’ of water or more. Not one fish was pulled from shore structure on the trip…which is a bit of an oddity for the opener in my opinion? Day 4 a couple of us hiked back to a small lake that is stocked to see if we couldn’t fill a stringer for the crew. It’s a bit of a hike, but again….the weather was beautiful, so it didn’t take much convincing to go for a stroll LOL! We managed a quick 4 fish with in about an hour which was a fun refreshing pace. The fish from this lake had an interesting color, almost Tan…I have never seen Speck’s with a light brownish hue like color to them? The pictures are not great but they had a distinctly odd color….The meat was still that usual dark red as you would expect, but they just were not all colourful outside? But tasty regardless with a little home made Provencal butter and open fire smoke....mmmmmm Day five was spent coming home… Despite the lower number of fish as compared to my usual trip, we had a blast. It will go down in history for us as the opener we Swam, got sunburnt and wore shorts…with NO bugs! Here are Some other notable pics just because...its so beautiful there Next up...Bass opener!!! I was just dying to put the new and improved Bluey to the test. So I headed out to Lower Buckhorn for the Bass opener weekend with a friend. Despite being the Bass opener my true goal was to put that first Musky in the new boat. I had never fished this particular lake so I decided to trawl and mark areas on the map to return to later for casting….that lasted no more then 15 minutes before this 40” beauty Smashed my Super Shad Bluegill. What a blast…I got 4 solid jumps, one that seemed more like a cartwheel LOL!. I managed to raise a few more big girls on the trip, but no takers unfortunately… The Bass fishing was on fire I might add, we managed many largies and Smallies in the 16"-18" range but no trophies. It was more of a numbers game it seemed…the bass were particularly loving the weedless frogs, poppers and any thing up top making for a great trip.....Who doesn’t love surface fishing bass right? But brothers and sisters don't get caught out there at dusk with out some bug spray, or netting....it was BRUTAL Anyhoo, Now its finally vacation time and I’m looking very forward to getting some quality fishing time in on the new boat…hopefully I’ll have another Late summer report to catch up again! Cheers,
  10. Thanks Finesse, I found that site, I just wasn't sure how accurate the info was. I appreciate the heads up and specifics! Cheers,
  11. Thanks Chris, We thought about the French but it might be a bit far?...Opeongo was kind of the limit for us (Comming from Kitchener) My Brother was just there 2 weeks ago and said it would fit the bill other then the distance. Its still on the table as the fishing was apparently great LOL.... Fish, We're not going until late July... I'm pretty familiar with AP but just wondered about some other potential options before I commit and book it. I plan to book my permits next week, or decide on a crown land trip....just figured it can't hurt to ask the community
  12. Just looking for any advice on decent camps sites either in Massasauga park or just outside. I'm taking the plunge and organizeing a family camping trip with the Wife, Kids, neices, and brothers. Looking to boat in and tent it for a weekend.... Right now I'm more or less leaning towards Opeongo in Algonquin, but I remember seeing some decent sites years ago on BlackStone, and some crown land camps along Arnolds bay that came to mind...but it was years ago. Right now I am just having trouble locating any decent maps, or any current info on the camp sites access or launch/parking fees etc.... I could launch at Moon river marina or Petes place I suppose etc....doesn't matter really. I'm just looking for a decent sized boat access camp site. Opeongo In AP will do, I'm just wondering if its worth looking elsewhere while I have some time to plan. I'm open to suggestions as well....Just bare in mind its a friday dinner hour arrival and Sunday afternoon departure trip with young children and wives whom have NEVER camped outside of a trailer park LOL.... Any advice on the above would be appreciated. Thanks folks!
  13. Bizzar.... I've heard of it happening but its rare I would think. Whats crazy is how that momma took and offensive to protect the fawn? Whats bizzar is that dog is a lot bigger then your average hound dog yet beagles run deer all season with out issue? I guess the Maternal instinct is to blame for this one. Hope the pooch is ok...that poor dog didn't know what hit him.
  14. I've never had the pleasure of driving with Winter tires so I suppose my oppinion is not exactly informed BUT... I've never had an issue with my All seasons and have been a safe and confident winter driver my whole life. Most of my driving is here in Kitchener, but I do travel to Bruce and Wellington counties often where the snow is a bit more frequent and I have not had any issues with control that I couldn't handle safely. I simply adjust to the limitations of my vehicle and drive accordingly the way I was taught and thats got me this far. I'm 100% sure Winter tires make a difference but I just can't rationalize spending the cash on a second set of tires When I honestly have no concerns about my all season tires. Maybe someday I'll have a chance to test drive some winter tires and they'll blow my mind or somthing but for now I'm quite content with my all seasons. On a side note I find rear wheel drive vs. front wheel vs. All weel vs 4 wheel drive makes a hell of a difference though...
  15. Hey Pat, Just a heads up that historically Smoke lake can be bit finicky for the opener...being a bigger lake it "can" be late thawing. That and its a surprisingly large lake that tends to blow up in hurry which when heavily loaded for a trip...can be dangerous in that fridgid water. Hopefully your experienced in a canoe or in a group? Either way I'd exersise caution...I've been on Smoke and set sail in what looked like easy chop, but it quickly became more then chop LOL... Just bare that in mind when planning is all I'm say'n If your confident in your ability, or have a group for added safety your probobly golden but incase of nasty weather or late Ice....Make some Back up plans. The porcupine route is a nice one for early trout BTW. Its not what I would call a "banner" route for specs but it should satisfy your needs for a laker or chance spec. Don't be afraid to explore some of the smaller lakes and creeks around. Lotta folks stay on the well beaten path and those lesser traveled area's sometimes hold some gems Normally I would agree, but in truth...I've caught some of my biggest specs in Lakes with high populations of Bass. The tricky part is in these Algonquin lakes the Spec habbitat in the spring tends to be same areas Bass are spawning in. I find Spring I can still locate them in the mouths of creeks, Boulders, shoals and fallen lumber as you would think but come the summer months in those bass lakes its like they all but disapear. I wonder if they are feeding on the Bass roe, or fry inbetween the hatch???? Actually now that I'm thinking about it....the Saugeen is similar? I've caught many an incidental Bass over the years while spring Spec fishing in the spring. mmm....food for thought
  16. Nice to see you over here Jeffrey! Pat what kind of Fishing are you looking to do, and what time of year? It makes a difference but for the record... Jeffreys map is a great info source on picking your species for sure. Pick your taget species, combine that with the right time of year and set up properly...bobs your unlce.
  17. They "can" pay tax if they choose to.... No the opinions are vastly different. The major diffence is what transpired 140 years ago is no longer relevant to the current situation of our nations people(Canadians) The segragation of a nation with in a nation is counter intuative to the progress of Canada on many levels. The fiscal suport and land obligations that benefited natives from 140 years ago are continuted currently except.... For the fact that the funds are being paid by me and my family who like the natives were just born here....so we have to pay and natives get to collect it like some sort of blood line monarchy system. Like I said in the other post....these treaties were signed long before any of us were born and were signed by a queen of a nation that no longer governs us.
  18. Point out the flaw then oh wise one I'm all ears. I wouldn't say I'm "pissed" I just have a problem with crutches...
  19. You too...I'm confident in what I know.
  20. Nope. But that applies to ALL OF US...not one race
  21. "140 years later we're still waiting for the things promised to us" News flash...140 years ago you were not alive, and neither was I. Sorry but I have no desire to pay My Great, great, great grandfathers tab so you can prosper. I can't go back and claim land taken from my family in the world war, and I can't even go back and claim a mistake in my bloody taxes more then 4 years ago....what makes you think you have a right to anything more then you have today simply because your native? I Don't care one bit about ANY promise made 140 years ago that entitles one race to something more then my children will recieve, if it were up to me (lucky for you its not) I'd say take the deal you have or its gone tommorrow..... I'm long past saying "get over it" and quite frankly getting sickened more by the minute when I hear all the bleeding heart cries about the poverty when really its all about greed, and more money . Really I'm leaning more towards hand gestures at this point then words No appologies here...I'm past it
  22. Kinda like OSAP...only my kids will have to pay it back plus interest. And why is that? Because they were born as my child....a 4th generation Canadian and not native. What’s more frustrating is my children will pay for the Native education of the next Generation. And why is that? Because of an agreement made in the 1800's by a queen of a nation we are no longer part of... (Oh and before I'm labelled a queen hater, or Euro hater to...I'm English....5 generations ago) Sure I believe in honouring your word and holding true to what you've agreed but there is something to be said about what this generation has agreed to with regards to any treaty... Which is absolutely nothing....not in my life time, nor my parents, nor my Grandparents life time have we written any treaties. But of course there have been new "interpretations" on old version of orgional treaties written long, long ago...in essence stretching the meaning to fit modern times. Allowing the lands to be shared is one thing, giving the rights to fish in order to sustain ones self is another. But "interpreting" the treaties so that sustaining ones self is now equal to earning a modest living by today’s social economic standard by commercial gill netting lakes in order to seek a profit....that’s stretching things. Living a traditional native way of life from the land in the 1800's didn't involve outboard motors, and mechanical net retrieval etc...Now don't get me wrong I think its perfectly fine to earn a living by modern standards. But how is it fair to get the best of both worlds? Self governance, sovereignty, federal funding, free social services, not having to pay taxes AND....Natives can utilize the lands fruit for profit in modern standard to trade in commerce? How do I sign up for this club?...can I earn my way in? No... Its a given birth right for only natives. A birthright that was granted on the back of decisions made in the 1800's by a queens country that no longer governs us yet the principles stands even today....interesting string of events eh? Idle no more is about not being complacent....or so I've been told. Well I guess if I had to choose between The evil right empire who "supposedly" wants to limit/control/end the FN treaties Or Supporting more of the same missalowcation, and prefered taxation treatment for FN's I guess I choose to be non complacent....I choose change, I choose the dark empire.
  23. http://ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=5961 This is the Actual IPSO result as reported through them. Majority Says Most of the Problems of Native Peoples are Brought on by Themselves – 60% nationally, up 25 points from 35% in 1989 No additional taxpayer money should go to any Reserve until external auditors can be put in place to ensure financial accountability (81% nationally), with residents of Saskatchewan and Manitoba (92%) most in agreement with this and Atlantic Canadians (77%) and Quebecers (76%) least. This is where I see the largest hurddle to overcome will be....If the Idle no more movment is looking to Dr. Pamela Palmater to lead this there will be no resolve as she's been quoted MULTIPLE times as saying First Nations does "not need Canada Interfearing" Canadian Tax payers will never support further funding, or even the idea until external Auditors are allowed into the first nations books and there is a level of public accountability shown....which First Nations leadership does not support.
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