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Everything posted by Cookslav

  1. Actually...I'd say no I don't think its important. I'd say its Nieve and dangerous. The responding officer should respond to a call the same regardless of fire arms being registered to the subject or not... Assuming their subject has no firearms simply because he's not in the registry is a potentially deadly assumption. I would say the safest bet is not to make any assumptions, but treat each case seriously, and not jump to conclusions. Also, Just for the record... What does the registry have to do with helping police Identify potential gun owners? Could they not simply look at the license data base?....yup they could and it would accomplish the very same result. Although I'd still have to say assuming that I'm more dangerous then someone who does not "APPEAR" to have fire arms simply because I do have legally registered firearms is incredibly stupid, and dangerous...not to mention insulting. All that registry does is vilify firearms owners. It doesn't aid police, it makes them vulnerable if they rely on it as a tool, and further more, its not working... Its simply a massive drain on our Tax system that could potentially be going into out health care, school system, or better yet...into our police force. That money is 10X better spent on increasing our forces. You wanna cut crime down? Put more boys and girls in blue out on the street...
  2. LOL.... They made it in by a single point after such a stellar start I can't say that after having one close game vs the Bruins that THEY LOST is any reason to think they have the slightest chance of Winning the cup... They are one of the worst teams "in the league" as of the the last half of the season...they just coasted off a good start. But in all honesty, I wish 'em luck... I'm no fan by any means, but I like to see the Canadian teams do well. But I'd say regardless, Be it washington, or Boston...I smell a sweep
  3. Well, Its not saved a life or even "helped" to solve a single documented crime to date since it's inception so...its more or less just been a cash cow, and nuisence to responsible owners and helped to vilify the perception of firearms owners. The logic behind such a statement is to simply limit or "tag" Firearms as a whole in hopes it lowers the amount of stolen firem arms... When in reality a responsible firearms owner would obviously report the theft thus making the registry redundant or a HUGE waste of time. (stolen legal fire arm = illegal firearm..the fact its registered does nothing to help recover it until after the crime is committed) Its not fair or productive to make us register our firearms, because a few criminals use them in contradiction of the law. Why not ban cars? Cars kill more people then guns...cars are stollen daily. Yes we register our cars...has that limited the deaths caused by cars? Nope.... So I'll pose it this way and leave it at that. If you want to kill some one....you don't NEED a gun to do it. I mean Zero offence Ted, I think we're just on the opposite side of a fence here.
  4. Man I can't either... It makes me so sad to even begin that thought proccess that I have to stop myself in mid thought. Gerrit, and David I have no words...
  5. Good stuff! A good indoor project is always fun over the winter. I can appreciate the work involved, and I'm sure your Daughter is happy as can be. Cheers,
  6. Absolutely... If it were my call, he would have had until he was 10km off the coast. If he didn't respond by then it would have been over. The fact he saw them, and didn't make contact or answer should have constituted action. To play Devils Advocate... His Radio could have been off or not functioning, but when they made visual contact, and he didn't react I would have added the equasion. Stolen Plane + on course for the States + radio Silence + Ignoring Visual contact = Potential for BIG trouble, lets bring him down. I'm surprised they let him fly by, or near populated areas?
  7. I totally agree... And the key word is "if" they make it. I give em a 50/50 shot which is actually pretty horrible considering they have a 3 point Lead LOL!. They actually don't deserve to go IMO. After the Slide they had this year, the only reason they will make it it because of the Start they had out of the blocks.... They just kinda coasted for the rest of the season, and now their struggling. I like to see Canadian teams in the Playoffs but this year I'd rather see the panthers in there. As a kitchener Boy I'd like to see Pete take his team there in his first season....he's one heck of a coach, and he's shown it this year. First year inthe big league and shaping his band of misfits into a well balanced team. Thats his trade mark... As a good coach he builds depth, and develops a "team System"...never has he put his eggs into one basket, and relied on one line. Its a start, and their not deep enough to win it all but it would really showcase his abilitys, and who knows... Somtimes these dark horse teams that ramp up in the end can make for some pretty exciting hockey! The leafs of '93 come to mind under Patty Burns ex Hab coach...how ironic
  8. Thats a great report, and a fine read to compliment my afternoon coffee! By the way I've been meaning to ask...Do you ever NOT catch fish, or just get a few little ones by chance Thanks for sharing another northern adventure bud. Cheers,
  9. LOL...ya thats about it. But I'd bet the Sauble will be even worse. It has less area to work and the Saugeen will be BLOWN this weekend with all the rain and snow....she doesn't clear very quickly so a lot of the saugeens usual weekenders may make the extra 20 minutes down the road to hit the Sauble. The Sauble river tends to clear faster(more sand then silt) but it will be shoulder to shoulder this weekend. If the Ice is out, the Pier in Wiarton may not be a bad spot to check out either, but again...it could be jammed, and more then likey still iced up. Good luck, and have fun either way!
  10. Oh boy... Don't jinx yourself yet! They are only 3 points ahead of the Rangers & Panthers who are tied for that last spot. The Hab have to face the Rangers, Boston, and Pittsburgh for their last 3 games....no easy run. I could see them looseing all three... Rangers are Do or die...lot of motivation, and way more depth in their line up Boston will simply kill them and Pittsburgh...well,they might beat them, they might not? Florida has 2 tough games yet...Philly, and Washington, but they got an easy game in there vs Atlanta as well Rangers Next 3...Philly, then the Habs, and then Philly again(weird?) Don't count your chickens before they hatch! Oooooh I love the close finish
  11. Nice Cats, Those would tug your line pretty good for sure. man does that water look brown? blown out real good, but then again I suppose thats were the cats thrive. Cheers,
  12. I've seen a crowd similar but not to that extent. I live on the edge of town here and when the snow is on the ground....the Farm feild next my place is FULL of them around 8pm religously. They eat the left over Corn stalks just beneith the Snow. On occasion My Wife and I have been able to count 18 of them. The Problem here is its Technically in the City limits...no shoot'n allowed. The Turkey population is crazy as well but its a bloody Sancutary out here LOL!
  13. Its a nice Pickeral fer sure but 37.5" might be what I would refer to as "an excited guestimate" Probobly no measuring tape at hand so it was eyeballed....but that being said I'm no expert and am well aware that Photos can be a bit tricky to judge some times especialy with out the tape handy. But.... It gives me a chance to post my PB 32" Pickeral as a comparison 32" and nothing more
  14. Anyone seen the forecast lately 16cm of snow by Tuesday http://www.theweathernetwork.com/weather/CAON0356
  15. Lets see what happens first round "if" they make the playoffs. They beat the Leaf 3 out of 6 match ups...And the leafs are not a premier team by any stretch of the imagination this year. The Habs have won 3 in a row since loosing to...yup the Leafs And look who they beat for those 3 Games I'll give Em credit for beating Chicago, but The Islanders, and the leafs were the last 2 games. They have to face Ottawa, The Rangers, Boston, and Pittsburg yet so they actually have a fairly difficult end to the season. Minus Ottawa of course... Montreal is a one line team...Not enough depth and that dog just ain't hunt come play off time(if they make it) If they could just clone Tanquay about 6 times over they might stand a chance LOL!
  16. Last Year on my spring trip I knocked 'em dead on brown or black. First couple fish I caught on spinners, but when I cleaned them and saw they were stuffed full of Stone fly, and Draganfly nymph, I figured Small brown and black tubes and grubs dragged along the boulders would work pretty good...It payed off hugely for the rest of the trip. But I used bullet weights and a hook though....no jig head. But if i was to use a jig head, I'd stay with black. Cheers,
  17. Naw man..thats for sure 100% an Atlantic
  18. LOL...some of us actually "like" to make it hard Browns on the fly are a blast....so there! Haven't seen Kyle around here in a while? Must have joined the AFNC
  19. Its all about the conditons IMO. Bring a dip net and see whats doing day to day with the hatch, but yes Hendrickson produce well. But when nothings working...Buggers tend to turn a few. Cheers,
  20. Thats why I did most of it in the winter LOL...truth be told that shot was taken the day after an opening party after I restocked with the only beer left over. There was whole lotta nicklebrook, Cameron, and Moose head consumed that night Better re-stock if I'm gonna do G2G Like Bill suggests! You keep the fridge full, and supply the big baits an we gotta deal...I better check with the warden first though
  21. Yikes bud, You help me with the Bathroom next winter, I'll help you out in exchange...got some concrete to bust I'm wired, just need the cubes to hang on the wall Whats really great is my Wife took the Pictures...I didn't think of it. I just did the work LOL! But I'm glad she did for sure.
  22. Nautifish posted a report about her fishing themed room at her place that got my attention and I thought I’d share mine as well because it would then explain and hopefully excuse my shameful lack of fishing reports this past winter LOL! I finished mine from scratch, so I thought some people might appreciate a play by play account, in case your thinking of doing the same…sorry for the novel but this little story was a 6 month endeavour, and There’s a point at the end I needed to share…. So bare with me, or skip to the end after the Pictures LOL! I moved into our house last year…new baby new house I suppose? But its always been a dream of mine to have fishing/hunting/camping themed basement worthy of entertaining in, so this new move made a large basement high on the priority/purchase list. There was a lot of surveying involved, and measuring “Measure 2 twice cut once” is what Dad always said. There was only interior Framing to be done which was nice as the basement was pre set with aluminum Studding around the foundation, and “most” of the Insulation was already in place, but let me tell you this… I may be a bit old school cause I think this new Aluminium Studding SUCKS! It bends and slides, and twists as your trying to screw the Drywall in place…might be nice for some but I was not a fan so I did the interior in good ‘ol fashion wood…. “Dad always said newer is not always better” The Electrical was easy…I bought a case of Beer from my brother who is an electrician LOL! So as he wired the boxes that would eventually house lights, switches, and out lets, I ran Speaker wire, Phone lines and television Cable around the entire perimeter of the room just in case I ever decided to switch the lay out of the room down the road….“Dad always said its best to plan for the worst case” I had some challenges of course as well… 42’ of overhead bulk head to box in the Duct work comes to mind. The home has nice tall ceilings so I just couldn’t bring myself to loose any of the height with a drop ceiling….although about ¼ of the way into the dry walling My shoulders were begging me to change my mind. Another major challenge was getting the drywall in… The 8’x4’ pieces wouldn’t go around the corner to the basement, and the windows were sealed on one side, so every piece had to be cut upstairs in the garage and carried down, which was both a blessing and a curse. I did 90% of the work solo being my friends and family are off on weekends, and I’m not so….lifting 4’ sections in place by myself was a heck of lot easier then 8’sections LOL! But the Taping, mudding and unfortunately the sanding in particular was literally Doubled…. The Dust was unbelievable LOL… It took me weeks of Sanding, and tapering, and sanding and tapering, but…I took my time. Like Dad always said “do it right the first time, and you won’t have to do it again“ I never thought in my wildest dreams I would ever be excited to paint… But after the hell that is called sanding, Painting seemed like it would be a holiday….and it was! Priming was awesome…no worries of drips, no tape, no lines to follow. Being I needed to prime the Ceiling as well it was so very nice to do some work that was not detail oriented. Just spray it on in every direction, and if it gets on the floor the carpet will cover it later so…no big deal! Dad always said…“its better to recharge yourself with some mindless work, then to stop or slow down.” Of course then it came to the real painting…. I got everything taped up and did the ceiling first, then the walls, and then got a bit Artsy with an accent wall. I had planned on Camo, but the warden was not letting that happen LOL!… “Ain’t nobody happy if Momma ain’t happy” is what dad always said…so I skipped the green. Next I picked out some funky low watt light fixtures. I liked them because I can angle, and place the light where, and as needed….I loved the soft lighting even more then I thought I would!!! “Sometimes less is more“…that’s what Dad would say. Carpet was the single largest expense of the project…. At a little under 1000 square feet, plus a set of stairs it adds up quick. Of course being a basement cement floor we opted for a mock shag and a premium under padding to soften the floor and warm the feet. The color we chose had to be of a darker nature being I have kids and cats LOL! This one is called “Deerwood” so even the carpet fit the theme… Dad always said “stay on the path and don’t forget what direction your going.” Next was Hanging the doors, trim, and Baseboards, and moving in the furniture…probably the most Satisfying part of the Project because it now was officially a finished Basement complete with an office to work from home on occasion, or just check on things here at the OFC! “Don’t forget to have some fun with it” Dad always said. But…the work was not done just yet! What is a man’s Basement with out a Bar I thought? So…I tried my hand at some Cabinet making. I measured twice, and ordered a nice matching counter top and begun framing again. Put a couple shelves in with some basic sliding doors, and installed a Recessed Bar fridge to save some room behind the bar….I Thought about putting in a sink and taps but Dad always said “don’t get carried away” Last but not least I had one more project this year I needed to incorporate to give my dream basement the Camping feel…A fireplace is what I had in mind. If anything it was an excuse to work with the Hilti Again…gotta love power tools LOL! (cue Tim the tool man Tailor…har har har!!!) So I tried my hand at Tileing a fireplace Hearth…that was quite fun to be honest! Then came the hardest part…putting the hole in the wall! Although truth be told the hammer drill took care of that in a hurry. The rest was literally like playing with Lego…Simply point the pipe in the right direction, insert, turn one quarter till it locks, and insert 4 screws, then repeat until your above the roof line by a few feet…with a support rod thrown in here and there of course. Dad always said better “safe then sorry.” And last but not least….the only Fishing/ hunting part of the post LOL!!! Dad used to say “when the work is done its time to relax…“ So I accented the room with things I like!!! Anyone who likes fishing, and has an appreciation for art will know James Lumbar. All of his paintings are of pastime memories, and tender moments….but all also feature a Ghost hidden somewhere in his works making them even more enchanting , with the suggestion our passions follow us even beyond this world… I’ve always been a fan, and he has a few Pieces that are fishing related that fit the basement theme perfectly! Then I added some Paintings, a Friend gave us as gifts. The first is Me and My brother in Algonquin many years ago, and the second is the Mouth of the Sauble river at Sunset…2 very near and dear places to me. I couldn’t turn down this wall mural, as it reminds me of my favourite stand up north….I now sit at my bar and practice Squinting one eyed at the buck some nights. ..LOL! The Border I chose... well I think it speaks for its self. My wall of Fame…In other words my wall of PB’s (As Time goes on I hope to fill that wall with shots of the Kids PB’s as well.) Last but not least I had to “red neck it up” a bit to make it comfortable for the boys to hang out LOL! So I finished just in time for Christmas! Hope you like! Oh! And your probably asking yourself…What’s with all the “Dad always said” references right? Well as a kid when there was work to be done around the house cottage, or yard Dad always made me help. I’d complain and would whine because the other Kids were out paying hockey or hanging out… He used to say “you pay attention and Someday your gonna thank me for this…” Its about Time... Thanks Dad you were right, I now have my dream Basement, and I appreciate it all that much more because I did it all myself. (go figure he’s the one who taught me how to fish and hunt as well.) Maybe Next winter the Bathroom will go in... Cheers,
  23. Um...what? So Your saying the Taliban did not Harbour terrorists, Support massive opium & heroin supplies, and they don't support or spur MASSSIVE human rights retractions by say....Throwing dang Corrosive ACID on CHILDRENS Faces for simply going to School! Your saying the general public of Afghanistan wants us out, and the Taliban back in eh? Your saying we were not asked to join and extend our presence in this "JOINT EFFORT" as part of a NATO/U.N initiative to support this mission? What part are the lies? Please supply some credible links...enlighten to these lies. If the Taliban are wanted by Afghanistan citizens and are just generally nice civilized folk I think we should get the word out there. These brave men and women of our armed forces are over there fighting with free will and believe in their cause...they lay down their lives for this, and you think the way to support them is to bring them home??? What your asking is a slap in the face to soldiers and the families of those who serve, and especially those who died. Ask them how they feel about it some time and I think you'll find your assumption is way off of where they stand...I know because I Have. Its easy to be an armchair quarterback, and I suppose I'm no more an expert then you, but if you want them out ask yourself why? Is it because you support a Taliban rule in Afghanistan, or is it because you think its just not our fight? One is just wrong IMO, and the other is not only wrong, but Cowardice. A pull out leaves a horrible situation to fester... We need to honor our commitment.
  24. Wow....and people wonder why most of Canada has a "stigma" about Torontarians, and folks from Ontario. I'd suggest you leave the 1/3rd debate out of this and speak for yourself. I live in this 401 corridor, and can safely say almost everyone I know supports our troops AND their mission. Why? Cause we said we'd go, and finish the job....its that simple We gave our word, and we are nothing with out it. Our word is what makes us respected in this world. Our word crosses the borders, and goes beyond the limits of foreign culture. Your word is your bond...we gave ours to people in need, and we should be there until we are no longer needed regardless of the cost because we said we would. You still disagree? Go talk to the family of Tyler...ask 'em what they think we should do... Should we turn around with our tails between our legs, and make his sacrifice for nothing? So you think that’s what he would have wanted? What about his family, his friends and his unit? What about the young girls who have Acid thrown in their faces because they simply went to school that day? Any one against our involvement in this needs to re-evaluate their position on suffering & tyranny. grow a pair and stand up for something that is right, and stop undermining what our troops are doing. Just cause it happens in another country doesn't make it right to turn a blind eye when people are crying for help.
  25. Soft water...caught fish....time with the little angler....Man thats a great way to spend an afternoon! I'm jealous LOL! Thanks for sharing.
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