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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. Is this someone just messing around or is this legit? If this is legit and you are serious about catching big fish like carp and catfish you might want to invest a little $$ in a rod a reel that can handle these fish. If you can't afford a new rod/reel then work with what you have got. I would buy some swivels and some bigger circle hooks. Get some bigger weights (perhaps egg sinkers) and rig them ahead of your swivel. Run a 2 ft leader to your hook and use a chunk of cutbait as an enticer. This should help you cast further and setting the hook with a circle hook is much easier. This should work for catish. Your float and split shot does have potential but you don't say what bait you are using. 2 spilt shot and flat night not get you out where you want to be. You might find some better results by keeping your bait on bottom or very near to bottom.
  2. Those are some nice snakes indeed. 43" is a great result. Congrats to her and your pop too.
  3. Good fish there. Both the salmon and trout look big and healthy. nice job.
  4. the launch is free. It is not great but does work.
  5. I do have faith. I assumed it was not you. Just making sure. I don't doubt your flying skills and your contraption looks awesome. Sometimes we do dumb things. I remember once you tried landing on ice with your wheels when you should have used your skis or vise versa, and you almost hit the shore. No biggie. Pretty sure I jumped a 21' foot chaparrel 40' over a bunch of rocks at 40+ mph at midnight with 7 people in the boat. As long as we learn lessons from our mistakes. I don't mean to sound like your mother-in-law. My apologies. Just didn't want it to be you that was in that plane crash.
  6. There was a plane rash the other day near lake St. John and the pilot sustained some injuries. I know Wayne flies around there quite often and he was going up north and he did have a new contraption on the plane and it was windy. I doubt it was him and certainly hope it was not. I imagine he would know who it was though. Any comment?
  7. Don't like the wings at all. If I want see European hockey I should go to Sweden. The team is full of un-Canadians. THe other 3 teams left have way more Canadians on it especially Chicago. THey are a good team but I really don't want them to win.
  8. Cool trip Rob. I would have joined you but I can't stand camping and canoeing is just too much work.
  9. It is not a Honda, it is a Peugeot
  10. Congrats on the fish and the job. You're a lucky git. lol just kidding.
  11. Very nice. Can't believe I have to wait over a month longer to get me some of those bronzebacks.
  12. yeah, got a 7 last year. I didn't realize the record was 29 pounds!! Wow.
  13. I don't think anyone is attempting to catch these OOS fish (I hope not anyway). If you catch an OOS fish by accident and take the pic, just wait until the fish is in season to post on here. lol
  14. Send Dave Mercer a PM. Did you see his show on Erie bows salmon and eyes. It was insane. I am sure he could point you in the right direction.
  15. Very nice. I see you mounted yours on the kitchen surface. Not a bad location. I mounted mine on the kitchen table (also a great location). lol!
  16. she came out once only at the very start. Not a huge jump but it was more than a roll. She had roe inside her (this is the fish from the other thread you responded to).
  17. My buddy caught a nice medium sized chrome female steelhead in the Notty yesterday and I assumed she was a dropback fish. He kept the fish and when he cleaned it, it was full of roe. It was caught near the mouth of the river. Isn't it a bit late to be just entering the river now?? Maybe that is normal for trout up there. Surface water temp in the lake was anywhere from 6-9 degrees and the river was about 13 degrees.
  18. trolling hard baits. That 27# had a big belly as seen in the pic where the guy in red jacket is holding it.
  19. called and never got through either.
  20. Nice fish. That drum is big! clean looking bass.
  21. You just thanked him for calling you a sod. That is funny! Curado, low pro and lighter.
  22. Yeah big shoulders on that cat. Caught using a drop shot 7' medium action. Small net = one shot to get it landed. Managed to do it. Here is a second pic of that same 27 pound cat.
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