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Everything posted by Cudz

  1. I was out but I was trolling from 5:30 until 9am and was marking fish all morning but did not even get one release. I guess I should have found them and jigged. Oh well. I too found a bunch of fish around 79 ft. I get out only once in a while (kids and a non-fishing wife) so I reall like to make the most of my time. I was frustrated Saturday morning for sure.
  2. Thank you very much Roy. That is way better. I thought there must be something up that I couldn't figure out myself.
  3. I can't see everyone's responses to threads. I only see their name and I have to click on it to see the responses. Is this the new format of the web site or do I have to change something on my computer in order to see the responses the old way where you scroll through everyones resposes. If this is the new format I really really do not like it at all.
  4. wow. nice. if you do't mind me asking, how deep were they?
  5. Yep. You might laugh but you are not far from the truth. It is a transplanted fish from Prince William Sound. They had to be transported to Ontario, northern Michigan and Northern NY State, after the oil spill. These bass are more commonly known as the Valdez Bass. Somehow, the engineers in charge of cleaning up the spill inadvertantly pumped crude oil into a few neaby creeks which fed into a well know scientist's (who was alos a bass enthusiasts) pond. At the time Prof. David Allen, a professor at the University of Michigan (Institute for Fisheries Research), was trying to see how far north smallmouth bass could breed successfully and he had brought smallmouth from Lake Erie and Lake Michigan to Prince William Sound in Alaska. Apparently the crude oil eventually settled to bottom of his ponds and it settled on many of the rocks. Although some of the oil was cleared from the ponds, lots still settled on the bottom. Professer Allan continued to study his bass and although many died he also found that some were begining to take on similar pigment and colours to the surrounding rocks. He stated that it only took 2 generations to become almost completely mottled. At the end of his study in Alaska, Allan was instructed to remove all the non-native fish species from the 3 ponds. He did so, and actually transported the surviving bass back to Lake Erie and Michigan returning each strand to their original habitat. Since this time the mottled bass have reproduced and again their offspring no longer have such pronounced black markings but occasionally people still catch them in Lake Erie and Lake Michigan with a black dot or two (I have never seen this live or caught one with it). Reports have also surfaced that some smallmouth bass with black markings have been caught in other lakes that are near the two great lakes. These recent findings have spawned a whole new study at the Institute for Fisheries Research regarding the smallmouth bass' migratory and movement patterns.
  6. I know it has been said before but, WOW. Way to nice it up
  7. Lived in Abu Dhabi for 6 years and 2 years in Dubai. I have some really good sailfish pics.
  8. THat cat in the hat number is special. I would definately wear that!
  9. Nice fish indeed! What kind of rod and reel does Barry use? Just kidding. I like the new hoodie indeed. Need to get one of those. 50 bass is a great day.
  10. sorry about the friend. Car can be fixed, you are right to be greatful for what you have. Glad you see it that way too. Now about your fish. Decent???? Are you kidding me? That is a gorgeous fish!!!!!!
  11. when you set the divers make sure you set them so they move away from the boat. You have to actually turn the weight toward the boat so it will pull away from the boat. Don't know if that makes sense. As long as you are going in a straight line while setting up you stuff I don't see why there should be a problem. I too would set riggers first though just to be sure.
  12. What were you fishing? Whities, lakers or pike? Was he filming or just fishing?
  13. LOL. WHat are you talking about?? That hat is the shnitz!!. Mhy dad is/was hardcore. He was 30 years in the military and I did not step out of line. He told me that if I came home with an earing he would tear it out of my ear. I believe he would do that. My old man wrestled in college and was 33 and 1. He is 65 today and I am pretty sure I would struggle against him now. Once a boy came to pick up my sister and he was riding a motor bike. My dad told him if anything happens to her, that he would kill him. THe kid laughed nervously and my dad said it again, "son I will kill you." The kid and my sister ended up just going for a walk that night. lol. The kid nealy pooped himself and I actually felt bad for him. My dad was fine with the pink shirt and I am pretty sure I bought the hat as a joke. Wish I still had some sweet swag like that. I would wear it fishing all the time.
  14. That's right. It's Bob. 1986 signed poster from Bob himself. I was 14 and he told me to play it cool when it comes to the ladies and not to take any crap from anyone. Hmmm. He said that, or maybe he said; "Cook's Bay has some good largemouth in it." Can't remember exactly what was said but he was my idol at the time and he is still a great fisherman and a great Canadian. "To Chris Real Fishing! Bob Izumi" I am so stoked about this pic. I forgot I even had it.
  15. It was that combined with the marajuana plants that grow between the rocks there. Don't believe me, look closely at the photo. Only marina in Ontario that doubles as a municipal grow op. That might be true or maybe I am high. lol.
  16. I bet it is a marina. JK Looks like Bluffer's Park - hope that wasn't a secret. Sorry if it was but I don't think that the marina there is much of secret anyway.
  17. Wow! lol! I want to see this. Rob is a very strong guy, but Dawg has experience on his side (and hopefully a big bat). lol
  18. let us know. I have never tried that. I thought that was what you were thinking. One thing I might do is put a swivel about 3 or 4 ft up the line just in case that tube starts spinning around and twists your line badly.
  19. Yep, pretty sure I am wearing rugby pants in one of those pics. Anyone remember those? I am not sure what I was doing wearing that hat and pink polo top fishing. I blame Duran Duran for that.
  20. I think it is great that you have 30 mins to spare and you walk out your door to the lake and lay smack down on some nice fish. I love it.
  21. My buddy troll around rocky shoals with tubes and he swears by it. Smallmouth eat it up. No reason why thy wouldn't, it is not much different than dragging a tube. Were you thinking of trying it for lakers? Never heard of that.
  22. Was going through a few photo albums and came across a few old fishing pics. Thought I would share. I have a bunch more but I can't find them. Most of these fish were caught with my dad. Still one of my favourite things to do, fish with my pops. Wish he didn't live in Alberta so we could do it more often. Hope you enjoy my little trip down memory lane. Lake Trout - Lake Simcoe, 1985. Check out my Miller Beer hat. lol! Lake Trout - Lake Simcoe, 1986 Drop Back Rainbow - trolling Wasaga Beach 1986 Smallmouth bass 4lb Lake Manitou, Manitoulin Island, 1988 Chinook (Father's fish)- Lake Ontario 30+lb, 1988 Smallmouth Bass - Lake Simcoe, 1989 Chinook - Nottawasaga River, 15lb, 1989. (Note my mullet and my buddy's sweet tank top and EX hat) Carp - Red River near Winnipeg, 1993. Caught some huge channel cats that day but can't find the pics Tarpon - Cairns Australia estuary fishing. 1995 Lake Trout - Lady Simcoe, 1999 Hamour (local name for grouper) Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2000. I caught many more bigger ones than this but I can't find the pics. It is not uncommon to get 20 - 50 lb specimans.
  23. I have a new pair of Custom Oakley monster dogs with a polarized gold iridium lens. I am very happy with them and they have a custom etching on the lens that I chose. This is my 8th pair of oakleys and I have also had spy, arnette, bolle, revo, serenghetti and other sunglasses in my life and I keep coming back to oakley. I feel they have the best customer service when things get broken or wear out. Just my opinion though. Although the Oakley wire 4.0 are nice, my friend has a pair and does not like them as much for fishig as they do not wrap around his face and let light in. I often see him cupping with around his glasses to keep the light our while looking into the water. I never need to do this.
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