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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. Eye of round is cheap!! If I purchased all that meat already cut (from whatever cut of beef) in the store they regularly charge $14-15 per Kg. I had a full eye of round in cryovac for $2 per pound. All that meat cost me $12.... instead of $45. And since you cook it so long, I think it almost becomes irrelevant where the meat comes from lol.... its all tender in the end. Burt
  2. No pics for the schnitzel but it is easy to make as well. Pork or veal cutlet (scallopini), beat it fairly thin with a meat hammer. Roll in flour - this dries the meat surface. Don't skip this step. Dip in beaten egg and let excess drip off. Cover in bread crumbs (I add some seasonings to the bread crumbs - Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning, granulated garlic, black pepper, salt) - this next part is important - do not press the bread crumbs into the meat!!! Fry till golden in vegetable oil at fairly high heat. I use canola (don't use olive). Use lots of oil, I use about 1/2-3/4". If you fry them in lots of oil and high heat they will not be greasy! Drain and lay on paper towel. The result will be a cutlet enveloped by a thin, crisp, breading that floats around the meat (this is due to the method of breading). A squeeze of a lemon and your done. Eat them quick, they are fantastic fresh out of the pan. Still good the next day but not as good as freshly made. Burt
  3. A couple months ago my father passed (well not really passed, he still has a bunch of Rouladen left in him!!) the recipe to me as we spent the afternoon together cooking. The ingredients: thin cut eye of round (I cut it myself), onion, pickle, bacon, paprika, sea salt, black pepper.... Seasoning the meat with paprika, sea salt, and black pepper.... Arranging the other fillings.... Roll them up and tie with thread (Dad does this far better than me!!).... In the skillet..... Browning.... Add the extra "good stuff".... Degalze the pan with juice from a previous roast (wanted to "keep it real" instead of using beef stock), and let it simmer.... Damn... it smells good.... Burt P.S. Lets eat!!! Made some schnitzel as well..... Burt
  4. "Wigwam - The Ice Sock" will kick the Bass Pro Lifetime Guarantee sock's A$$ lol.... http://www.wigwam.com/Products/The-Ice-Sock_ProductDetails.aspx?ProductId=d21d74de-fa96-dd11-9fb3-001d091bb843 Burt
  5. Those are tiger shovelnose catfish so it must be somewhere in South America. Burt
  6. Since when does catching anything have to do with quality time with a buddy???? Nice bass, glad you had a good time!! Burt
  7. You shouldn't have to pay for it. Tell them you will leave and they will supply one and install it for you, they always do.... Burt
  8. Yup... thats a good one!!! Burt
  9. I have an opportunity to go up with some guys and get an on ice bungalo this season. Wondering how this operation is and any comments from those that have been there. http://www.chillywillys.ca/ Thanks!! Burt
  10. Thats impossible.... everyone knows that no fish can pass around that electric barrier Burt
  11. The difference in ice between a 6" (28.26 sq.inch) and an 8" (50.24 sq. inch) hole is 78% more for the 8"!!!! That is why it is so much more effort to cut over the 6". Burt
  12. Pinks in Erie??? I remember years ago when they ran in through your back door, Spencer Creek..... thick too....but all the runs have gone down hill since the construction of the carp barrier and the RBG loves it when Cootes silts in, they can plant more plants!!! Burt
  13. I tend to like the "meaty" fish, and you don't find too many of those in fresh water. Swordfish, dolphin, shark...... IMO nothing much beats a rare (almost blue) sashimi grade tuna steak... YUM!!!! Burt
  14. I can understand asking that the charges be removed, heck its $160 out of your pocket. But complaining that they are "shafting" you? I mean the title of the thread is quite negative... This is how I see it (and maybe its only me that sees it this way).... You signed a contract.... defaulted on this contract.... they have a right to compensation, whatever it says in this contract.... thats the way it is. It is not their problem why the account was NSF, they shouldn't have to care (but they could to be nice)... Play nice with the President, and he may do something for you, but remember that he doesn't have to, and that shouldn't make them a "bad" company for persuing what they are entitled to. Burt
  15. The big difference with the Fortune Spoons is with the paint finish. Compared to the finish on glow Cleo's, the Fortune glow lasts about 5X longer, and is a softer more even glow. Black lights and certain flashes are best for charging the long glows. Regular flashes don't charge them that well. Burt
  16. I have called it a couple or three times. Never have seen anyone come, and they have never got back to me or contacted me for further information. Even though I have not physically seen any response, I will still call when I witness a violation. Nothing will ever be done if you don't let somebody know.... Burt
  17. They are in there thick buddy..... so many I couldn't believe it, had them all to myself today as well. Had to pick me up some RubA535 to get the pain down in my arms..... Burt
  18. Tis the season.... give it a week or so and it will be done with... Burt
  19. Sounds fantastic when taken out of context..... Burt
  20. If it's an African "Clawed" frog, you should probably remove the claws lol..... Burt
  21. Whole yes, but cut up, no... You could feed it a whole 1" goldfish and it wouldn't have a problem. But a piece of fish with a thick bone in, it probably couldn't handle. When you feed arowana market shrimp, you remove the tail spikes off the shrimp, as it has been known to puncture or lodge in their digestive tract. This sounds similar. Doesn't sound like he is trolling to me.... As for cleaning the carp, no need to make sure you get every piece of meat off, just do a quick fillet job and take a bone free slice from each side. How much do those frogs eat? Burt
  22. That would be a tiger fish, Hydrocynus vittatus.... And nice pics of some Arapaima gigas!!! Burt
  23. You cannot "smoke" on a gas grill... but you can add smoke flavour. One of the problems is in the lingo.... there are a couple different methods of "smoking".... Cold smoking, like that typically done on fish or cheese is at very low temperatures, say 130-170F. Hot smoking (or BBQ'ing) is typically done at temps of 220-275F. Grilling (what most call BBQ'ing in error) is at elevated temps, say 300-600F (or higher). So on the gas grill, you will be grilling, and adding some additional flavour with wood smoke. Since cooking times are shorter when grilling, you can use stronger woods and more of it to give flavour (mesquite or hichory). When grilling steaks (thick ones) I typically place the smoker box on the flavourizer bars on one side and get it smoking with the gas on high. The other side is on low and gets the steaks when there is a lot of smoke. I will cook them slower on this side to get even temperature thoughout the steak. When they are about rare, I will transfer them over to the hot side and do a "reverse sear". This carmelizes the surface of the meat and brings out nice flavours. I pull them at med-rare. For chicken, I will get the smoke going like above, but cook them mostly on the top rack until done. Chicken picks up smoke faster than steak so be careful depending on your preferences for smokey flavour. Burt
  24. DO NOT put the oak in the firepit!!! Oak is a fantastic base for almost any meat. I use it all the time and mix it with fruit woods. As for woods tasting different.... I can tell hickory from everything else (not so fond of it, over used), most fruit woods taste the same and are milder, I have tried all the maples (sugar/silver/black/red) and they all taste mostly the same as well. Mesquite is for grilling, not for smoking/BBQ (way too strong).... And cedar is usually used for grilling as well (generally soft woods are not used for smoking/BBQ (creosote))... Burt
  25. What does that have to do with climate change?? I have been listening to cicadas since I was a little kid, and they were around before me! Burt
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