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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. Well I picked up the 160 Portable priced matched at the local CT for $119 + tax ($134.47). Too cheap to pass up! I figure if I try it out and I am happy with it then great...... if I don't like the performance I can put the 160 on kijiji and keep the case/battery/charger and mount a different unit in it. Buying the portable case with battery for the Humminbird or Lowrance finders is $145 anyway so I either way I am ahead. Now I have to let the wife wrap it lol.... Burt
  2. Not much to worry about in Canada. The knife laws are fairly relaxed. Of course no automatic or balisongs.... but no real restriction on length. It is more about how the use of the knife is interpreted.... a tool or a weapon. Don't wave it around and you shouldn't have much of a problem. Use common sense, don't carry the 9.5" blade into your local Walmart etc..., carry your folder or a smaller fixed blade. I have carried a Spyderco Delica or Benchmade 705 clipped in my pocket (visible) for as long as I remember, to work (sales), kids school and sporting events, etc. and have never had anyone question why it was there. Burt
  3. I know these are two totally different machines, and the Elite 4X is more advanced, but considering the prices, which one would you purchase? I icefish casually, local lakes mostly for panfish and pike. I gathered the following info on the units: There are other features but those were the ones I found in common. So do I need the Elite 4X or will the PiranhaMax 160 do me ok?? Thanks, Burt
  4. Haywire twist works for me with single strand SS when making pike quick strike rigs.... don't think I'll be changing soon just for a bit of stretch Burt
  5. Did you get the charger and battery from BPS? There is one on Cabelas.ca for $45 including charger. I am debating to go this way and buy the finder and stuff separately or buy an Elite4 Ice Machine and be done with it Burt
  6. Ice Fishing is NOT permitted in Conservation Halton parks Bass closed Nov. 30 as well, and I think you are correct in they prohibit fishing from Nov. 30 till bass opener in June. Burt
  7. Aeration is one thing to keep minnows alive but water changes are the most important for reliably keeping them for more than overnight. When at the cottage I leave the bucket in the laundry sink with a trickle of water running into it (and out) and they do well. When they respire they release ammonia, which is toxic in very low levels. In the bucket you have no dilution or "biological filter" to get rid of or convert the ammonia to less toxic compounds. Thus you need to change the water. If you are on a well you just need to change the water with similar temp well water and you're good to go. If you are a city dweller, you need to use a dechlorinator (or chloramine remover if your area uses). I use a product called Prime to treat the water for all my aquariums, this is the most cost effective (concentrated) liquid product you can buy for removing chlorine and chloramines. Burt
  8. I started a boot review post a few years back, I reveiwed a couple of pairs and others had good input as well, there may be something in there of interest to you? http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=13779&st=0&p=301601&hl=boots&fromsearch=1&&do=findComment&comment=301601 Burt
  9. All that and no tops came off And what was that dude doing with the throttle lol.... on/off/on/off/on/off Burt
  10. Running no backing on an Islander shouldn't be a problem as they are machined from solid bar stock and should not warp. Sounds like you got some crap in the bearings or maybe a bearing went bad. If the vibration you mention is from a bent shaft they may fix it for you under warranty to be nice but that would be caused by an impact of some kind. I kind of laugh when many talk about spin time.... my Purist 2030(an old one)spins for only like a minute but starts with very little resistance which is the important thing. Burt
  11. Burtess


    What about putting tracks on it? Burt
  12. I don't know if they still offer the free small sample bottle but I use Militec-1 on the bearings of my JW Young and Stanton. I was turned on to it for use as lubricant for my Spyderco and Benchmade folders. http://www.militec-1.com/ This stuff goes on like a light oil but gives a dry lubricity and will not attract dirt or dust like oil. The Military uses it for firearm lubrication and protection. Burt
  13. A mechanic cannot say after the fact if this was due to someone loosening the lug nuts or not. All it takes is different torques on each lug nut and one can start to lossen off. As soon as one is loose many times the others will follow (personal experience). That said, I would hope there aren't people around doing stuff like this! Burt
  14. Picked up a jar of Gulp Pink Earthworms.... wondering if anyone has used them for steelhead and their effectiveness vs. the Powebait worms? Burt
  15. Is this a common "local" fresh water fish or something a bit more exotic? Since you said it was challenging..... an arowana lol? Burt
  16. Lots of sturgeon around these days, although this one has seen better days Burt
  17. Way back in residence at University, one of the guys got a good layer of Nair layed on his pits/chest/genitals after passing out one night. Next morning in the shower he was hair free and burnt pretty bad. Probably not the smartest thing to do to somebody! He was really pissed! Burt
  18. Rag wool fingerless gloves or the BPS Windriver fleece fingerless gloves with a hotshot stuck in the palm. That keeps the blood flowing to the exposed fingers. Burt
  19. Mepps also had a weight forward spinner called the Lusox, I still have a few of those, although I can't say I really caught anything on them.... maybe thats why they also are discontinued? Burt
  20. If you can swing the extra $30 or so the Convergence is a great pier rod. I use the 10' (CVS-L100M-2) but I cut about 4" off the butt end so it doesn't get caught in my jacket. Burt
  21. The only reason I go there is to get leaches (only place close that stocks them), otherwise I always thought they were the asses lol... Burt
  22. Actually looks like a marlin to me (don't know what kind though ) Burt
  23. Looks like a cat to me Burt
  24. 3/4oz glow Cleos or J-13 Raps in firetiger or chartreuse, occasionally the larger size of Gibbs Croc. Burt
  25. Hi Brother Bill, That is an onion bun, I like them better than the plain rolls..... on the side looks like a couple of back ribs, some pasta and ceasar salad. I don't really remember but I am sure it was washed down with a lot of beer.... I am going to try my brothers Colorado sauce next time for sure!! Brother Burt
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