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Everything posted by Burtess

  1. Like you said above probably everybody is out of everything. I bought mine at LeBaron…. I do miss that place!
  2. Lol Brian... its a big burger. Ya I still exist 😁
  3. I've had the Eskimo QuickFlip 1 for a few years, the reason I bought it was, at the time, the lightest flip on the market. It's held up well has a fold up seat instead of a built in one, but I take that with me when I fish in the pop out too. Its pretty comfortable.
  4. It should have an RTS screen or the ability to show it down the right side. I use that as it gives an instant return of what's going on down there.
  5. I use this stuff but any Dacron or polyester thick line will work. This is the 50lb stuff which is easy on the hands when a fish runs. https://www.sail.ca/en/sufix-perform-tip-up-ice-braid-50lbs-blk-50y-258481
  6. Hey they are better than anything you can buy right??!??? ?
  7. I used a Piranhamx 160 portable for a couple years and it worked just fine. Could see my jig and swivel down 100ft no problem. Went to a 570 after because I got it cheap and it had higher res and a bigger screen. I think that unit will work just fine.
  8. I use tip ups mainly for pike and use 30 or 50 pound Dacron tied direct to a 30lb 7-strand SS home made quick strike rig. How are you guys using mono for larger fish? Do you have any issues getting cut when they take off and run? That's why I like the heavy Dacron, not really for the strength but for the ease of handling. Easy to see and untangle too after a fish and you have a pile of line on the ice. Burt ?
  9. I will be up at Chilly Willy's Jan 19-22, this will be my third time. Scott takes good care of us always and his huts are really clean and well maintained. Burt ?
  10. Hillsound Trail Crampons from Sail, reviewed them a while back..... http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=77520&view=&hl=&fromsearch=1
  11. For next time, get a dash cam with GPS and speed etc. and you will know exactly how fast you were going when you passed the officer. Burt ?
  12. Not live minnows but imitate them.... try larger bass sized white tubes (3 to 3.5") on a 1/16 to 1/8oz tube jig head and bottom bounce them through runs on the smaller flows (Bronte etc) . This works really well for fresh fish. Burt
  13. Wasn't intentional??? Doing the right thing?? Shoot the "coyote" if it was deemed dangerous..... don't run it over.... bad judgement call by the officer. Burt
  14. Awesome Mike, you can count me in too when it hits print! I have enjoyed your writing on here for a long time, it will be great to be able to hold it in the hand! Burt
  15. Just saw this thread Brian (visitors staying in my computer room!).... Quite the ordeal your going through. I wish you well and it looks like all the other positives vibes from everyone else are taking good effect!! Kevin
  16. Crud gives the flavour?? That crud is basically just carbon build up.... after a good burn off (and before using the wire brush) you can tell the crud has nothing left in it as it will no longer smoke or anything.... just carbon. Crud on the grates (and vaporizer plates) will just create flare ups and insulate the grate, preventing those nice grill marks. Flavour comes from the juices dripping down onto the hot metal plates above the burner and being vaporized and settling on the surface of the meat. Burt
  17. I use a stainless steel welders brush to clean my Broil King stainless steel grates. If you don't use a metal brush you can't get all the crud off. You have to visually inspect both the grates and the brush for loose wires before you cook. As long as you pay attention you shouldn't have a problem. For those that don't this is a good wake up call.... Burt
  18. $400 suit or not.... after 4 years of use you will probably have to renew the dwr. Gore-Tex material functions in two ways, the layer of dwr repels water on the outside of the garment, while the breathable membrane lets moisture vapour out (sweat) and also keeps liquid water out. Once the garment gets soiled or used enough, the dwr is compromised and the fabric wets out. This will not allow the breathable functions of the membrane to work properly and sweat will build up inside and you will get wet. Check out the Nikwax products as previously mentioned.... specifically the Tech Wash and the TX Direct Wash In (used in that order). Burt
  19. No name yet.... but lots of possibles.... gets very difficult when you have to find consensus among 4 females and myself !!! Burt
  20. My middle kid loves Huskies and she thinks Ivy is the bomb!! And I love those eyes! Enjoy, Burt
  21. I hope you can see the pics now.... (will they ever get the IE11/Windows8 problems fixed??) I just saw your new Husky posting, what beautiful eyes!! Burt
  22. After loosing our long time Boxer friend at the beginning of March at almost 12 years we thought we wouldn't have another dog for a long time, the emotions were still so raw. Well we very quickly realized that we needed a canine companion in our house, and that it felt so empty without one. We were lucky to find a very well respected Boxer breeder close to us, and had a visit and got on a waiting list for a puppy. The wait is nearly over! In two weeks we will bring the little bugger home. We picked on Thursday.... Here is a close up of him... And here he is playing with one of his littermates... The mad rush to finish puppy proofing the house is on!! Burt
  23. Same firm also has the severance pay calculator (not much good for union though): http://www.severancepaycalculator.com/ Burt
  24. A colleague and I have been asked out for an evening fish out of Midland on the Tuesday after opening, I think we will be heading west from there. We have a very good relationship with a bunch of really good people at a customer in Midland. We have worked really hard there and the people are really fantastic... you know ones you can really make friends with and sort of "click" with. One of the guys we work closest with and his son are going to take us out for bass.... I don't know if I'm more stoked about the fishing or just hanging out with them.... hey that's fishing anyways! Burt
  25. Our vet does the test every other year, and medicates for the summer half only. They will not sell the medication unless you do the test every other year. I thought this was standard? Burt
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