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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Yup,I got to level 50 on hard level. The key is using the cheap $5 shooters as a fence to control their movement with the fast shooting water towers positioned accordingly to pepper them as much as possible and upgrade the towers to full every time you get money, don't upgrade the fence, there's no need.
  2. " only got one " lol, a month ago you were dreaming of getting one, now ones not good enough, jeez. jk CCMT, nice fish.
  3. Wow, 100 years old, lasted all that time only to meet it's destiny to a net. They look like a huge large mouth bass.
  4. Think about getting a Berkley lightning rod, they are always on sale I've seen them anywhere from $30-60, the best rod I've used in that range by far. When it comes to reels you usually get what you pay for, so it's hard to say what reel.
  5. How big are they ? where are the weighted ? they look the swim baits/jerk baits try casting them out with little downward twitches. It's hard to say from the pics, not sure what they are.
  6. Welcome Alex, I remember that post, nice wally, unfortunately I can only fish for strippers, I try to stay away when they are spawning.
  7. Ya, he was working at the Honda plant and got fired for stealing out of the cafeteria is what a co worker told me years ago.
  8. Hey Nip, who you callin Greenbay ? I'm just down the road from you here on Georgian, I think Brett Favre stinks that's about all I know about Green Bay. lol/jk.
  9. Looks like a whole new boat, nice job. Yup if it's not marine grade, slap some sealer on the wood and use marine carpet. Unless you really like building the deck and installing carpet, than you can build a new one every 3 or 4 years .
  10. As usual I don't have the story but it's still nice to look at. "These pictures were taken west of Cynthia Alberta Tuesday afternoon at 3PM. Cats paid no attention to our truck. " According to my reliable sources. ▐αΣΓ╘▌╓ = translation- I need another moosehead, this snow is depressing.
  11. Hahaha, you sound like Wolf Blitzer.
  12. The best starter combo IMO would be a St Croix Premier 7' MH with a Abu Garcia 6500 C3. Almost every musky hunter has at least one of these, but it would be an outstanding combo for a beginner or a pro. Not sure exact price but It will be in the $300 range. A lot of guys will tell you 1 rod won't do it and they are right, but with the 7' mh, it will work for bucktails, cranks and small jerk baits.
  13. oyìªÜf'ú▬▬åç▄█©®δ∞φε∩≡ Look what you started Rick. I always wondered how they did that. ☻♥♦♣♠•◘○◙♂♀♪♫↕‼¶§
  14. Maybe go for an electric motor instead, they make many models now with some serious power that could be equivalent or even surpass a 3hp. I got a 75lbs thrust that pulls my 17" aluminum boat up to 4 mph.
  15. I'll have a pic up in a couple weeks, they spawn beside my house, the last 3 years has been, Apr 16th, Apr 9th and April 13th last year so it will be close, it's all about water temp as soon as it hits that magic number it's like clock work. That pic could be from this year just depends if the water is warm enough, usually within days of ice out is the ideal temp but they've been known to spawn under the ice from what I've read. With this cold weather it could be a week late this year, but it's going to warm up next week. Can't wait.
  16. 12 foot suckers, or 12, 1 foot suckers ? lol.
  17. For sure people do that Copper. I would love to do it here for musky, but the suckers are gone by early summer. Instead I buy 18" suckers at the bait shop for $5 a piece in the fall.
  18. It's a bait fish, but you can catch them as game if you want, game is just a term for popular fish. Any large 6-10" minnow will work fine, or go to the grocery store and by dead bait, works good to sometimes better, smelts or anything will work, freeze them with salt and use them whenever you want. Some lakes don't allow suckers or any species that is foreign to the lake so just check and make sure if your using live bait.
  19. Must have been nice, probably only 100 muskie anglers in the whole world at that time.
  20. What are you using these for ? pike. How are the Penn reels ? I know they make a couple suitable for Pike an Musky, but never tried one.
  21. It definitely makes me worry about the future of fishing, that's for sure. I wish the government would start backing the MNR ten fold, they need it, our country needs it. It looks like the governments not even concerned at all with the great lakes, just like everything else it will be a last minute deal when the damage has already been done.
  22. Sit at the mouth of an opening shallow bay, or creek channel with a 8-10 sucker minnow on a bobber or dead smelt with a bobber on a quick-strick rig, it accounts for some huge pike up here and doesn't get any easier, it's basically just a waiting game though.
  23. Te he-ha, You know what they say " you ask all the questions you'll have all the answers " We'll I don't know if they say that, but it sounds good.
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