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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Use the crayon to color the page in the bottom book on the desk.
  2. And back up to record highs for May long weekend, can't wait. lol.. You made a good point to, it goes up in minutes at the pump an takes a month to drop a little and the rotation continues, but at the end of the year the average gas prices are higher than the last.
  3. Welcome to the board.
  4. Welcome aboard, but I think your just pulling our legs saying there are more Salmon/ rainbow in Ontario than BC, the live bait must be really working for you over here. jk. I hope your right, that would be nice.
  5. Nice looking body of water, lot's of places for the fish to hide from looking at the birds eye.
  6. It took a while considering I couldn't open all the locks with the screw driver.
  7. I like like bacon wrapped walleye on the BBQ too, doused in Diana's sauce of any kind. Or again on the BBQ in tin foil drowned in lemon juice and butter and whatever spices you like. I'm getting hungry.
  8. Personally I would rather have a guide fishing with me if they took me out on a charter rather than watching me all day, I already know how to catch fish I just need the spots, like I said it's always different some guys like it when you fish some guys don't, if they don't than I don't fish, I don't care about getting a fish for myself the goal is to get the clients fish in the most productive way, you should always have the maximum amount of rods out as your allowed even if I don't set the hook it's still an extra opportunity, why waste it ? Anyway obviously our opinions are different, so you would be the type of client where I wouldn't be fishing, and that's fine, I wouldn't have a problem with that, that's my point exactly, every ones different. I go out expecting not to fish, but you end up fishing quite a bit or not at all depending on the clients but I most definitely have the maximum rods out even if their sitting in a holder. Nice fish by the way.
  9. Hey fellas, I fished rivers from Collingwood to Wasaga up on Blue mountain and everything in between 3 days or more a week my whole life but stopped when I got up north, so there are some river guys here and CC is not the only one. Don't be mad cause he's out catching fish, and if he's taking out rookies from this site for free and teaching them how to catch some Chrome, than what's wrong with that ? Let's see your pictures if you want to have a pissing contest. lol....jealous. We like the reports around here, and he never specifies or shows the areas hes fishing, nobody owns the river. And why is it every river guy thinks there better than the next ? I use to get it from city guys that came up to Thornbury 10 years after I was fishing it, there is so many ways to find a spot, these posts from CC account for nothing of the fishing pressure. Think about it. If a guy wants to catch some chrome in the city area all he has to do is type "Toronto fishing" or whatever city or town into Google or go to the nearest bait shop or tackle store. And someone showed you the first time, right ? it's not like you guys were the Christopher Columbus of river fishing.
  10. Lookin good.
  11. The times I've guided have been mixed, I always have a line in the water but let the client reel the fish and hand me their rod so it's still legal, might as well have more lines in the water if your allowed for a better chance. It really depends on a lot of things to me, if the angler is inexperienced than I like teaching them as much as I can and don't have time to fish. If there is a full boat than usually your to busy and have no room to fish. The majority of the time when you take one angler out they ask you why your not fishing and say they want you to fish, so I would and still keep an eye on things, the experienced fisherman usually like you to fish to because they don't need to learn the basic techniques they are more interested in the spots your fishing but still ask a lot of questions. Also sometimes you get guys that just don't have a clue how to fish so in those cases it's good for a guide to fish to make sure there are fish in the water to be caught and go from there. It would also depend on the style of fishing, I mean if your anchored and jigging than you might as well have a line out the side. I would let the client decide if it's O.K. first before I fish, usually they will let you know but I definitely always have my own line out for the client to reel in. For example with musky one guy casting at the front and one guy at the back and I'll through a sucker on a quick rig out the side so I'm not in their way but it's still more productive. Some clients want you to fish, some don't, sometimes you have to, to make sure your on the fish, some guys just want to see a fish even if they don't reel it in. etc... Let the client and situation decide for you, or ask them if they mind if you fish when you think it would be more productive, there are definitely a lot of asses out there that nothing would make them happy, so just bite your tongue and finish off the day. Fisherman usually have a universal humbleness about them but there is always going to be some complainers no matter what you do. Wondering why you can't pull a musky out of a puddle in your driveway.
  12. Right on, nice fishies.
  13. So I think these pics are what Patrick was concerned about in his post, thank god it wasn't me. My friend emailed me these and I don't have a story behind it, but as you can see it's a good idea to wear glasses while fishing, I hope the young lad is O.K. So while were on the topic of glasses what color of polarized glasses do you use to see in the water while casting or looking for structure and weeds ? And what about cloudy overcast days do you go with a bright lens like yellow or something ? Ooooowwwwwwwwwwwcccccccchhhhhhh !
  14. Don't have the story, but it wasn't me thank god, I'll post the pics in a new tread.
  15. I would think you should know the water, know how to fish the species in that body of water and learn all the hot spots and go from there. Try to find a place where you've already spent time learning the area. For example I fish Gbay mostly, so I wouldn't go to lake Ontario and guide untill I spent a lot of time fishing there unless I knew another guide or friend there willing to teach me everything he knows before hand.
  16. Pro Tournament.
  17. It's funny how much it happens when you think about it. In the fall when your using 4" shiners for walleye the 6- 10 " perch can't get enough. Sometimes I go to giant bait just to keep the perch off.
  18. So I seen a magazine with a noodling tournament a while ago and though I'd do a little check to see if I was dreaming. Too funny, one of you southern boys get out there and give us a noodling post, I think it would be classic. Here is what they do : NOODLING CATFISH These are some pics I found, I can't stop laughing, this is funny to me. Who's up for a noodling trip ? I'll supply the gear and even give you first cast.
  19. They employ wordsmith wizards that can talk there way out of a death sentence. Oh, wait isn't that what all politicians do. Kids at home make sure to study and learn all the words in the dictionary so you to can muster up a chain of large words to impress the illiterate and confuse the scholars.
  20. Halifax is around the same distance as Florida for me so........it would be a tough decision. He's a one of a kind guide out there though, looks like fun, just don't get your hand bit off like that shark angler on CNN yesterday.
  21. Maximum profit, like I said before they're just legal crack dealers and they know the phenes will be back for another hit of gas.
  22. Mother nature can be a B!t(h sometimes. Here are my two brushes with nature. 1st one, I was driving a barge full of Douglass fur wood from BC ( worth a bundle, boss told me to be extra careful) out to and island on Georgian Bay we were working on. Well a crazy lightning storm and heavy winds took a matter of 5 min to start up, I was standing on a rubber tire with one hand on the wheel looking for the closest place to park. Seen a boat house and got there as quick as possible, waited out the storm (only lasted about 30min) tied the boat up and hid under the dock. watched lightning hit the trees about 50 yards away and when it stopped the tree tops were all smoking, not a fun day, but it was exciting. Other time the wind came in fast and waves got huge quick, filled my first boat a little 14" to the brim and ended up sinking just in time as I got back to my sisters dock and dug it out in the morning. :closedeyes:
  23. You guys are hilarious. By the sounds of it everyone likes them so I'll have to clean up a tester this year, with a few mud puppies and some chocolate covered crickets for desert. Thanks for the links and recipes, I'll save this thread and giver a go.
  24. I fish Gbay and do a lot of what your talking about all year after spring, sunken islands, shoals, deep weeds etc... I think you answered your own question. I would do all of that, I usually start in the deeper water and cast towards the shallow and continue to move closer in case the fish are up shallow so you don't spook them away, then once close enough I want to try and get my lure over as much structure as possible on each cast, I don't usually park in the shallow but right on the drop offs, also sometimes I cast around a little out 20 yards off the structure and have seen fish suspending in open water. When I cast shallow I start reeling fast and slow up the retrieve to drop the lure a little as the water gets deeper and vise-versa when casting to the deep side first start slow and speed up just to sort of follow the contour. That's what I do, if it's write or wrong I don't know.
  25. You have to watch this one it is short, I think I watched it 100 times in a row. Looks like a Tiger musky, but it's a pike somewhere in Europe. Someone mentioned to me that one of the fish swimming around is found in europe, I thought tiger at first.
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