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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Eueeeueu, the mud puppy ruined the the fondue picture. How about some mud puppy fondue ?
  2. Very nice all around boat should last a long time.
  3. If I could get a new boat I think it would be a Stanley or similar. Welded aluminum, no paint ever just chrome, no wood ever and snap in carpet = no maintenance and looks good forever. Just pressure wash it once a year and clean or replace the carpet in minutes.
  4. I haven't seen any new ones but the old tinnies they made I see a lot of, they hold up good, the name brand isn't popular but they've been around for a long time so they can't be too bad.
  5. Crazy, that may be what those ridiculous pike are feeding on. Try it out and and give us a UK report, of course with lots of pics.
  6. All I know is that Cabela's in the US is usually cheaper than anywhere in Canada even after shipping , tax, customs, brokerage and whatever else. Not always on everything but 80% of the time they are, that's what I've found from my research, specially with the strong Canadian dollar.
  7. Hmmmm, I guess it's just me for some reason. I actually produce sound (just a hobby) and have very nice speakers and a good ear for quality, maybe my speakers are just so clear it's picking up the scratchiness, weird. I know what you mean a lot of channels are like that, those damn commercial guys are too loud.
  8. Thanks Lew. Anyone on Bell notice it ?
  9. I've seen that site before Roy, very nice work, I'm always tempted to get one.
  10. Anyone else notice that WFN has horrible sound quality or just me ? Out of all the channels on Bell satellite it's the only one that sounds scratchy and distorted, this is with a surround sound set-up or without, no matter what it sounds bad and all other channels sound good. I love the channel I watch it all the time but the sound needs to improve, Its not just certain shows either it's every show all day so it must be a station related problem.
  11. Make a red cedar one if you have the tools you won't regret it, I'm in love with wood handles since 2 years ago when i tried my first one, it's like the difference between no stretch line and regular line for sensitivity added and just as light surprisingly.
  12. Oh man, I get at least 20 Viagra ,hoodia, casino sites and penis enlarger spams a day. I feel sorry for anyone nieve enough to pay these idiots or open the attachments but obviously there are many people who do or they wouldn't be sending so many emails to the world. Maybe I should quit surfing through all the pr0n sites.
  13. No problem guys, looks like the weathers calling for colder temps again so hopfully it's back to normal for a gradual melting spring. Yeah, great guy, I've had a couple people ask me about him he's a popular fella.
  14. Ha, yeah he did, I'll still take him out fishing , I never herd from him after he fixed the starter but let him know in the spring if he wants and you too if you feel like it. Whether or not we find a musky is another story Thanks. I'm not sure why it flooded, obvious factors was the amount of snow we had this year and 2 days of heavy rain and wind, I've only been here for a few years but a old local told me the only time it flooded before was a 1953 hurricane. Wouldn't that be nice if you didn't have to walk the whole 50 yards to the LCBO, lol, boat through window. OK the road is open again guys as of around 5am, I guess when the heavy winds died down the water leveled out, the water on the road is gone. The gas station is still under ice but the traffic is fine on 69..
  15. No, it stops just before Kennedy's. I forgot my camera but there is a boathouse in the creek on the other side on the way out that got demolished from the rushing water flowing back out to the bay. Thanks guys. I'll keep you posted on the road (hwy #69 north), but I wouldn't plan on going this way tomorrow it will most likely be closed again. When it does open make sure to fill up at Nobel or Shaunnaga station before Pointe au Baril because after that it's a little stretch with no gas stations.
  16. That's my parents store, we are ok because of the little elevation. Wayne as of now 11:45 pm, I just walked home from a buddies on the other side and fell knee deep. It got a little deeper if anything and it is starting to freeze but the police and firemen said they will sand and salt it as much as possible to stop it from freezing to much overnight. I'll keep you posted on this thread, it's not looking to good at the moment.
  17. Yup, just a few minutes before the post, I was the first photographer on the scene, I was going to email the pics to the news paper, lol, but I decided to come to the great OFC community first. I think a reporters down there now taking pics.
  18. It's in Pointe au Baril, past Parry Sound. Yes, I hope the gas doesn't leak into the water Gbay is rite behind the gas station. It will be interesting to see if it freezes over night because so far no pumps or any man power is being used to get rid of it.
  19. The creek next door to my parents store flooded out and the hwy is closed, it's around 4 feet deep across the road, my parents are lucky they are up on a hill off to the side but the liquor store gas station and bait shop are all in trouble. Here's just looking from my parents driveway on a little hill. The Gazebo by the liquor store, floated over there from the other side of the gas station. Now I'm just waiting for a muskie to jump.
  20. Only if it was 100% the record. I need the money plain and simple even if it was $50 grand to lie that you caught it on a certain name brand even though you didn't. And it's a fact you would catch heat from every direction, but at the end of the day your name would be in the history books, good or bad it's still there to remember, plus a fish of that size is either a mutant (like a 8' man) or it's on it's last leg anyway. Just my point of view. Or if your a fishing guide or make your own lures or have a lodge or all three than it would be even better to keep it to yourself. Bottom line money rules, but I'm done dreaming for the day.
  21. I think that will be my plan this year, cause just going on the ice to fish and no trails or roads I don't see anyone ever even remotely close anyway. And we used to play Joust on 250's with 2by4's once upon a time (not recommended), lol. Can't wait till they decide to rape us on boat insurance with no choice in the matter, surprised they haven't already, but they are making us get a money grab license so I'm sure the mandatory insurance on boats will follow.
  22. Yep sad time Cliff, I'm pulling my boat on Sun, the ice is coming in quick this year. I just charge the batteries the day I put'em away and once a month just for giggles, I'm on the fourth year so far of the three I have and they work like new and they are always just on the cold concrete basement floor.
  23. Yeah, I need to invest in a ice fishing sled, but the insurance always puts a hult to that idea. But we all know how fast the snow can come and go. Almost as fast as money.
  24. Part two looks so much more interesting.
  25. Good link Bruce , it's definitely a Ermine (aka short tailed weasel) that changed white for the winter , according to the stats he was a full grown male.
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