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Status Updates posted by misfish

  1. Janis Little Blue Girl. 2 thumbs up

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish
    3. wkrp


      Its Little Girl Blue if I may correct you.

    4. Terry


      when i looked it was called

      Janis: Little Girl Blue


  2. The drive through 3 different snow falls was well WORTH it. Thanks for playing my silverish friends.

    1. Rodbender


      I drove through the same thing going to Algonquin yesterday

    2. ketchenany


      It's always worth the drive to Action.

    3. misfish


      Im looking forward to the 10 minute drives and 10 minute walk outs.LOL

  3. My Black Friday sale was, 40 wings, for $20 at Zhers. LOL

    1. Terry


      i picked up a cover for my Yamado

  4. Got the new smitty plans all drawn up today. Seems each year,I come up with new ways to improve it. Starting from the ski,s up. Will fit in my hub. Build in seat with rod/tip up holders. Racks, front and back, for the hub and auger. Best get busy building, as the ice cometh.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Terry


      yup come jan we should be good

    3. Acountdeleted


      New years day. Hoping to hit up the big lake for Lakers and perch.

    4. misfish


      I dought I,ll be able to get meself out there. I like my spot to MUCH. LOL

  5. 300 lbs of sand bags on a hard wood skid. Shrink wrapped and latched done. That should give the truck some good traction this winter.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      I just put itin 4 wheel drive or take corners slowly.

    3. Old Ironmaker

      Old Ironmaker

      My wife won't drive the truck, says it fishtails too much SLOW DOWN WOMAN

    4. lookinforwalleye


      I was wondering if I should put a little weight in the trunk of my charger...


  6. ONE MORE DAY,ONE MORE DAY,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Terry


      one more year, one more year, one more year


    2. misfish


      Oh thank gawd only one more day. I was at my wits end today. One of those days where everything wanted to go for a crap. All running though before heading home. Never leave the next shift hanging.

    3. Terry


      and here i was thinking i only have 1 year before i can afford to retire lol




  7. -6 at first light. The old hands knew they were going to be put to the test. Perfect waters,perfect drift could be seen. Went 4+1 special bonus fish. Nice 16" brown trout. Sometimes,limited water time, works best.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      check out kast gear steelhead gloves...i picked some up last year they are the best gloves in the world.

    3. misfish


      Lots of water up this way LL.


      AK. For 80 bones, I,ll stick with hjand warmers and cotton gloves. Mixed reviews on them things too.



      i just bought my 3rd pair...not sure what people are complaining about. For me i have circulation problems, they are a life saver.

  8. Is PBucket all screwed up or what?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Whitespinnerbait
    3. Sterling
    4. misfish


      Thanks lads. I do have a resizer, but some sites dont allow upload from PC.Flicker and imgur look good to me.


  9. Rain rain, dont go away,please keep raining for another couple of days. AMEN. ;0)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Terry


      and here i have to work friday


    3. misfish


      Pay backs a b,,,,,,,,,,,,, LOL

    4. irishfield


      Sprinkled here for maybe 20 minutes Brian, don't think that's going to help the streams..


  10. Awesome walk this morning. Fish were finicky,but managed to go 3/4. Not bad I would say. Seems they needed a bit of candy. ;0)

    1. BillM


      lol candy. Were you tossing it out by the bucket full like some guys do on the 'Geen? lol! Good shootin' bud!

    2. misfish


      I don't throw anything dude. Candy as in brown sugar and salt cure. They wouldn't touch the fresh stuff. LOL

  11. Toon never left the truck. Left over waves still crashing the shore line. Didnt bother to stay,as there were WAY to many angler there at 5 am. Water is super clear where I did end up and very low. I could see the fish. And the fish said,go away. So I did. Should of back tracked, but I needed fresh apples and pears,so stuck it out. What a grim grim half day. Think I,ll tie more bags and bore myself again in the morning.LMAO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      You dont listen to the weatherman,why would I listen to you? LOL


      Breeze was off shore. Waves onto shore. To much wind, days before.

    3. misfish


      PS,,,,,,,,,I hate when your right.

    4. Terry


      i listen to my Ouija board

  12. Toon is screaming, to get out one last time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. misfish


      You might be able to talk me into some perch,n sunday bud. Saturday is another bucket list day. ;0)

    3. Pikeslayer


      Your 'jewels' might be screaming something different ;)

    4. misfish


      Simcoe is still very warm for this time of the year Simon. Not to sure about GBAY though. Will find out Saturday morning.

  13. NOV 2nd 10 deg. Should be on the river,not at work.

  14. Broke out the CTS stick today. It did not let me down. Love that thing. No worries, as I forgot my camera,so no cropped pics to share nor back grounds. My SPOT, is safe. ;0) Can,t beat that brown sugar/sea salt cure. It,s candy to them steelhead.

    1. crappieperchhunter


      Haven't fished chrome in years Brian....but when I did I always used John Kerrs recipe that had brown sugar in it. Always did as well or mostly better then anyone around me.


    2. misfish


      I have just tweeked it abit Steve.

  15. If anyone is upgrading thier floater suit this year and selling thier old ( in decent shape ) large (2 pc preferred),please pm details. Thanks B

  16. Get the Yammadooooooooooo ready, here comes the SNOW,,,,;0)

    1. irishfield


      15C on Tuesday... not so quick!!!!


    2. Terry


      damn, i have it in many pieces right now

  17. Wind,sleet and yes, snow on the river today. The river was a blanket of leaves. Nice fishing hole all to myself. Yet, the fish still seem to not want to play. No worries though. it beat sitting on my ass and doing nothing. Another few dozen bags tied and ready to do it again . Fresh air is good for the soul, and keeps the mind clear.

    1. dhickey


      I was fishing a river on thxgivng wknd I got nothing.2weeks before it was one after another?I think it was an early turn.The wknd be4 thxgvg I was in Bancroft hitting smallies and largies tight to shore on a deep lake. Bring on the ice...

  18. So the Jays are gone. The US election soon to be the same. Leafs well, they are what they are. Talk. So I guess winternet wont be far behind. Then again, some will be fishing til next spring and winternet will never be on thier mind. Dont ya just like the 12 month fishing season?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pikeslayer


      Now that, is hilarious :)



      The real fishing season is just beginning. The dog days of summer is my down time.

    4. misfish


      No can worms here me bye. I be more then happy to split a bag of pinkies on the river banks though.;0)

  19. Anyone else getting Chrome pop up, YOU WIN. Only when I come here apparently.

    1. cheaptackle


      Go ahead & follow it or do you want me to tell you what happened to someone who did? It happened at school and I durn near got expelled I was laffing so hard at 'em!


    2. DaveRoach


      not happening to me

    3. misfish


      Seems to be gone or done with me, as I didnt click.

  20. Wicked storm just rolled through. Flash flooding and deafening thunder. Hardest hit it Colling wood and Greigleath.

    1. Terry


      Innisfil still in the dark ages. And the power is off from the storm.

    2. irishfield


      I had a lightning hit in the middle of the runway, but still have power!

  21. I know why now,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.

    1. Terry
    2. ketchenany


      You had a "flat"!, it rained, it was cloudy, flipper broke, ice wasn't ready yet!

      Tell us! Even pictures, I give, no sunrise, that's it!

    3. grizzlybri


      oh i thought it was because he touches himself at night

  22. Lets all gather at the river. Ah , lets say we all dont.LOL

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Terry


      Washing me down

    3. esoxansteel


      Have you ever seen the rain

    4. misfish


      I watched the sun rise as my float drifted by, again and again.

  23. When your float is still in current ( like frog water ) and rod tip is blowing up river, the question comes to mind, why am I standing out here waist deep ? Easy answer. Better then working. LOL

  24. Roe bag tieing is so much fun. Hope the fish treat me well, this up coming 4 day weekend outing.

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