As many know here, I had to deal with retina detachmant last summer. The biggest scare of my life. 5 lazer surgurys, which were painful as heck. Total of 9 weeks off work. Wouldnt of been bad being off if it was fishing related, but it was not.
Today was the first of a 5 day long weekend for me. Today was set for my visit to the eye doc, and get the toon fish ready with some rod holders, and the next 4 days to fish.
The eye has been good except for the odd days of pressure, but it was due to some stress and heavy lifting that I know I shouldnt be doing, but sometimes I just get carried away with my job. BAD BRIAN.LOL
Anyhoo, I went to the doc and had my 6 month check up since my 3 month one. I get started reading the letters and numbers one eye at a time. Right one was perfect still, left ( the detached one with glacoma) made it 4 lines. Dang, I was worried. Moved to another room for an orbital scan. Lovely lady she was.
Once done that, I have a seat and wait for the doc. He looks at the orbital scan, puts some drops in my eyes, and does his look see. I know the routine well now. Well so I thought. Usualy theres another set of drops to check further behind the eye. This was not the case today. He pulls back after having a look and says,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
See you in 12 months. I was like ah, you sure? Yup, your eyes are good. Except for a stigment which is a dead nerve that couldnt be repaired from the lazer surgury.
I was so happy to hear this. No, exstatic is the word I am looking for here.
I was so happy, I went and treated myself to a new pair of Maui Jims uv/polerized glasses with magnafiers on the bottom for tieing my knots. I havent spent that kind of cash on sunglasses, but I dont care.
What a way to start my days off,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Now to tie up some roe bags for fridays fish,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Ya I know, I dont spell so good,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,