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Everything posted by Mike01

  1. Yeah, he was super excited. We'd been fishing several times before but mostly for panfish. After he caught it he said he didn't want to catch anymore "big fish", I'm sure that will change in a few years!
  2. I thought I'd post some pictures of some of my outings over the past year This is from Florida this past March, we also caught a few redfish but didn't bother taking any pictures. Sheaphead Two unique finds from last years walleye opener, the sunfish came from 30fow! A couple of nice eye's from the summer. Couple of nice fall bass, the smallie was in 3fow Took my little guy ice fishing a few times this winter, this was his first walleye!!
  3. Everyone always acts so surprised when this happens. We live in Northern Ontario, get used to it When I was in highschool/college we would go camping up near Rabbit Lake every May long weekend and it would snow every time without fail, it was just part of the experience. With that said, the snow can go do dirty things to itself at this point!! I'm done with winter...
  4. I have done plenty of saltwater fishing and a good guide makes all the difference. I'd check out Capt. Greg Devault http://www.captaingregd.com/, I'm pretty sure I've seen him featured on the PTTS show.
  5. As of today there is some open water along the shore extending out 30-100ft. The ice is certainly starting to break up, but the lakes not going to be free and clear for a while.
  6. Jaxon rods would be comparable to a low/mid range shimano. They are certainly nothing special, but under normal use should serve you well.
  7. Lake Caugnawana area, a friend of mine has a camp on the lake.
  8. I thinking of doing a spring trip into Quebec, just wondering what I'll need for permits? I assume they are still doing the ZEC thing.
  9. I'm pretty sure that was a swordfish. I wonder how long it was stuck in there before they realized it??
  10. I've never heard of any lakers, but someone did get a salmon a few years back.
  11. Mike01


    I went to the store in North Bay this aft. Looked like it had picked clean. still picked up a few things though
  12. I watched a guy bring a shark in on a Barbie rod, now thats impressive
  13. I give up....there is no point in arguing facts and opinions on here, it only frustrates me further. I just don't want to see the lake that I grew up on and have so many fond memories of being decimated to a point were my boys don't get to have the same experiences that I did. I do my part to help the lake, I clean up garbage and debris on the ice after the huts are off. I make sure my boat is maintained properly so it's not leaking fluids. I release most of my fish except for the occasional family meal, and never keep fish in the slot size. I just hope that everybody cares as much as I do and does their part to keep Lake Nipissing a productive fishery for years to come. Mike
  14. ok, this has gone way off the original topic but I'm gonna go with it. The biologist that you guys speak of quit soon after being hired because he wasn't telling the first nation what they wanted to hear... regardless of laws and rights Nipissing can not support a commercial fishery longterm because of the mis-management of the past. tell me what beneficial social and economic impact gill netting has on the area surrounding lake Nipissing?
  15. So let me get this straight.... Your telling me the reason I didn't catch as many walleye this year as I have years past is because I'm not adapting to the "new" fishery. I'm not one of those weekend warriors of guys from down South that are here for a week. I spend any available time I have on the water and am even thinking of running a charter business in the years to come. The unregulated netting of the lake in the last 50 years has brought the walleye population to its proverbial knees. Maybe they are doing a better job now but IMO the damage has already been done. Mike
  16. Might pick up a couple of these while I'm in Florida, has anyone tried them yet?
  17. Went out for the last time last night as I am heading to Florida next week. Caught two eye's that were very aggressive at about 5:30 with a few perch mixed in, then everything pretty much shut off.
  18. I have a pro qualifier tournament and love it, I plan on picking up a couple more in the spring. Are you only going to be using this setup for flipping? You might what to look at a reel that you can engage and disengage with your thumb...just a thought.
  19. That thing moves along pretty quick!
  20. I honestly can't stand the show, or Italo. He is an arrogant, patronizing idiot and I don't care if I've offended anyone by saying it. On the subject of frogs as bait: I used them sometimes as bait when I was younger and would never once hesitate in letting my boys use them either. If your worried about torturing animals, you shouldn't be fishing. With that said I always do my best to put the least amount of stress possible on bait and the fish that I catch with them.
  21. I also have a carbon-lite, great rod, very light and sensitive. There are usually some good deals on bps combos as well. I've used BPS rods and reels with great success. For the price they are hard to beat.
  22. I have caught a few in Callander Bay(Nipissing) in the spring while fishing for walleye. I have never seen them over a pound though, I'd say down South would be your best bet.
  23. The fishing always slows down this time of year, first and last of the season are always best. I'm sure you guys will have a good time regardless!
  24. BPS Carbon-lite, very sensitive and light. I had my stella on it for a while and it was a great combo.
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