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Everything posted by Mike01

  1. Nice to see a big fish coming from Northern waters. Congrats!
  2. Got it all finished up yesterday. I used the blue DOW sheets cut to size and filled the rest in with a few cans of spray. Looks pretty good and the rate this thing is going I think it will outlast the boat, which is only an '05
  3. The pop bottles also sounds good, just don't know where I would get that many!
  4. Too bad, North Bay has some great fishing. But I don't blame you for passing through, it's better up north. I would say minnow patters and jigs with curlytail grubs would work pretty well for bass and walleye on most shield lakes.
  5. very cool, how fast does it go? Does it take on much water?
  6. Thanks guys, Closed call spray would be the best option I think. I didn't know it came in different varieties, so thanks for that! If I can't find anyone to do it for me, I think I'll go with the blue foam sheets and cut it too fit. The foam doesn't go directly over the center off the hull it more off too the side so I'm hoping there shouldn't be any standing water.
  7. are you planning on fishing the North Bay area?
  8. So I finally got all the flooring out of my boat and fixed the hull. In the process the foam insulation was heavily damaged and could not be replaced easily. I'd like to spray foam the areas affected but I have a feeling its going to cost upwards of $200 using those small cans. Can anyone think of a better idea, or do you know somewhere I can get larger cans? Thanks Mike
  9. The two of them sleeping is a sure sign of a good day, my boys are 5,3 and brand new. The two older ones do the same thing after a good day in the outdoors.
  10. I'd like to see a picture of that boat
  11. It's beautiful country up here! P.s. My cousin owns Lu Lu's(callander tavern). I'll let her know you enjoyed the food.
  12. Sounds like a lot of fun. How far down the lake did you have to run?
  13. Good luck, keep us posted.
  14. try off sunset point, just off Lakeshore dr. behind Churchhills. The government dock(King's landing) is also decent.
  15. We caught a couple of those on Saturday, I was surprised at the size as well. I'd also like to thank Nipfisher for rescuing my opener!
  16. I'll be watching for sure, I'm more of a NASCAR fan though.
  17. awesome! There is nothing like catching something your not expecting.
  18. sad news, certainly an entertainment legend. I loved wrestling when I was younger, Jake "The Snake" Roberts was my fav.
  19. Haven't seen any yet
  20. This year is a complete flip flop from last year, higher water and cooler weather. Should make for an interesting start to the season.
  21. lol, its spring in Northern Ontario....what do you think! Hopefully the cooler weather and rain over the next couple of days will knock them down a bit, but the weekend forecast looks pretty nice.
  22. I will never buy another aluminium boat of anything bigger than backwoods lakes. I have had far to many problems with leaking rivets.
  23. Well, the order came in today. From California to North Bay in about 24 hours, I couldn't believe it. Got dinged with an $18 "brokerage fee" but all in all I'd certainly order from them again.
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