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Everything posted by Mike01

  1. Your making me hungry! We sure do live in a beautiful country.
  2. haha, I pm'd him this morning.
  3. I've been out a handful of times this year with limited success. I'll be fishing harder once bass and musky open next week. There will always be an endless debate as to what is effecting walleye stocks. A lake this size has too many variables to label one specific thing as the "problem", sure there are two or three things that are no brainers but I'm sure there are a few underlying factors as well.
  4. Sunset point off Lakeshore dr. is another spot worth trying as well. I can give you directions if you need them.
  5. Great eye! That tends to be a pretty productive area this time of year. And as previously said...a little of column A, and a little of column B
  6. That is a great price, they retail for over $200. I have one, it's handled everything from smallies to redfish and is still going strong.
  7. wow, just saw the infomercial for this LOL I love how it "catches" fish....with a 4" inch live minnow tied a foot behind it hahaha. Really though, someone needs to try this.
  8. Totally agree. I think the whole "card" thing is garbage!
  9. Hmm, most of the operators I've seen are requiring it. Maybe it's just for insurance purposes
  10. Most of the cottage rentals in callander area rent boats, don't forget you need a pleasure craft operators card. As far as I know there are basically no shore fishing opportunities in that area.
  11. Haha, I should have said hello
  12. It happend over at hunters bay marine last year. They were supposed to replace it but I guess they never got around to it.
  13. Headed out to do some fishing on Friday, unfortunately a friendly muskrat has chewed through my transducer wire so it made it a little difficult to fish the humps so we decided to give Callander Bay a try. Got one slot walleye on a jig and worm out of about 20' and two drum, which surprisingly didn't put up their usual tussle Not the best day but its always nice to get out on the lake.
  14. Hey T.J. Were you at Canadian Tire in the Bay last week. I'm pretty sure I saw you
  15. I have a Humminbird 757c. Has dual beam sonar(focused and wide cone) and all the GPS stuff you need. Only downside is I bought it before the side imaging units came out. And it's very simple to use, I think I've only had to look at the manual once.
  16. Always look forward to your reports and pictures. You're in a great spot up there.
  17. Is the water darker on Tomiko, that could explain the colour..?
  18. This will be my first time out on the South Shore this year(finally!!) Any tips on where the fish are, my first stop will be Callander bay I think, unless the fish are out in the main lake already.
  19. Nice looking eye! I'm heading out tomorrow
  20. I'm planning on getting a few of these as well, they just look so good in the water. Anyone know if they are on sale anywhere?
  21. I'm definitely a fan of Humminbird, I have a 757c and bought the portable kit so I could use it for ice fishing. I plan on using it in the canoe a few times this year as well.
  22. Blue Marlin for sure, they are a majestic beast....can I say that on here or is it too girlie?!?!
  23. Love it!
  24. By no means am I a pro salmon fisherman, but I do my fair share of saltwater fishing. I would be more concearned with your reels rather than what rods to buy. You can easily find decent rods in the $30-$40 department, most rods at that price all perform about the same. I would suggest getting a couple of well matched combos that will hold large amounts of line, especially for dipsy's.
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