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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. I am pretty sure I recognize this spot from mantracker
  2. They are talking about 7-10 days on the road. They have no idea where to go, so they don't really have any ideas. Gees, they were asking me. I think they are open to anything really. Thanks for all the replies everyone, very much appreciated. Doug.
  3. So, I have family coming across from Scotland on holiday. Their plan is to spend a couple of days in TO and then hire an RV and head north. They are looking for places where their kids can kayak/canoe, maybe fish etc. I don't know what to tell them. They are looking at Algonquin Park. Does anyone have any other recommendations? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Doug.
  4. Oh man, you've lost your man cave. She'll be wanting to fish all the time now
  5. I bought a mazda 3 GT today. Very nice handling car.
  6. What I was going to say. I caught the one in my avatar last year while fishing for steelhead. Totally unexpected. I didn't see that fish until 10 minutes into the fight. Took me 100 yards upstream. To put the fish in perspective, I am 6 foot 3 and er 250lb.
  7. Thats why a donate button works. I am a member of another site where I donate on occasion. It helps cover the costs of the server for those that want to help and if others don't then that is their business.
  8. What a looker that fish is lol
  9. These guys who get that many fish are few and far between and have probably been steelheading for years in the same river. Its not the norm. I was fishing on saturday in an area with probably another 15 guys. I saw one fish caught, 3 lost (including one by me) and nowt else. I fish with a guy who catches them all the time. He caught 3 that morning, came down at night with us and didn't get a hit. There is a huge amount of luck in it too. The one thing I have learned over the time I have been doing it is that steelhead often hit very lightly, a 6lb fish will hit like a 1lb fish. The float might only stop, not go under and if you don't strike, its already gone. You have probably had alot more than 2 hits you just didn't recognize they were at your bait. If you just want to hook up a fish, maybe try still fishing for them with a weight. I have caught some that way although it can be boring. You sure know when they hit though
  10. Your doing pretty well I probably fished a good 150 hours before I landed one. That does include hook-ups and losing them during the fight. I found it to be a pretty huge learning curve. All I can say is stick with it and you'll get one eventually. Tricky buggers so they are. Last year I fished probably 100 hours and got one 4lb fish and a few shakers. And I fish with people who know what they are doing. Its not an easy fish to catch. Probably not the help you were looking for........
  11. Whats wrong with the size of the avatars? Seems fine to me....
  12. So Splashhopper and I have been doing some perch fishing and I was talking about how all the trout waters in Scotland are full of perch. However, over there they are a not seen as a prized fish and nobody really eats them. In fact if anything they are detrimental to the trout waters as they eat all the young trout. Anyways, I was saying that the perch over there get alot bigger than here in Canada and it got me searching on the internet and I found some images. Thought it may interest some, current British record is 5lb 12oz: Overall they do get alot bigger than the fish over here: Anyhoo, thought it might interest some people. Dutchy
  13. I can stop fishing whenever I want........ :whistling:
  14. OK, I am lost. I have scanned the internet, read all the threads in here. What is the best centrepin to buy for under $200. I am just curious and there is so much confusing info. Are the Okuma reels good for a beginner or are they just crap. I have heard both answers from several different people...... :wallbash:
  15. That made me laugh..............
  16. Sort of. Oncorhynchus. Its a terminal node. But Coho and everything else, cutthroat trout all fall under it too. They are all Salmonidae. Origin of many fish is tough to figure out for example: "Main conclusions Using mtDNA and nuclear DNA analysis it was concluded, that the Adriatic 'sea trout' belong to species S. trutta and is most likely derived from hatchery-reared brown trout population." If anyone is really interested in rainbows, read this: http://www.isu.edu/~keelerne/fr10parkinson.pdf Conserving Genetic Diversity in Rainbow Trout
  17. It was boring, but alot of the top players are tied up on massive contracts now so moving them is almost impossible. Plus what you would have to give up to get them would probably kill your team.
  18. Two Stanley cup finals in a row is not to be sniffed at either even if you do only win one of them. I lived in the burgh for 3 years, still support the Pens.
  19. Being Scottish and not really caring who wins, I sense some fear from TJ on this one........ :lol:
  20. I was wondering that as well.
  21. No, Canada has the best PLAYERS, the team bit is somewhat missing :lol:
  22. Bingo, couldn't have said it better myself. He is thinking way ahead of the guys he is playing with and his level of anticipation is unbelievable. Don't believe me, watch some highlights of him playing with Malkin, or him playing with Jordan Staal etc etc. Sidney is not Canada's problem.
  23. I think it is alot of garbage. Never caught that many fish in the morning, especially chromes, they seem less than active.
  24. I have this one Great jacket, bit more pricey but well worth it.
  25. How is a fish going to remove a hook that is stuck in its mouth? The best they can hope is that it rusts out. Doesn't mean they don't feel pain from it.
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