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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. We only kept the 4lb one, all the others went back in. I'll see the shakers when they are a bit bigger hopefully. Splashhopper actually caught a very nice 2lb bow that he put back. I would have kept it, perfect eating size.
  2. I'd fire them all. Everyone of them. 350 bus drivers holding a city hostage so they can get what they want. It is just blackmail and I wouldn't stand for it. These people need a major reality check. I would break the union. Someone in some Canadian city needs to do this. They have way too much power.
  3. Splashhopper and I headed to one of our favourite spots on a hunch that rainbows may be holding there. And thankfully they were. Caught 7 bows between us and splashhopper even got a nice wee rock bass. Most of the bows were shakers like this one And then I hit into this nice 4lb male: Sorry for the crappy images, but I dropped my camera and we used Splashhoppers blackberry camera. Twas a good outing and probably the last warm weather we are going to get.
  4. Dumb question here. Are these Ling related to the ones you find in the Atlantic Ocean? We used to catch Ling off the coast of Scotland. Just curious.
  5. Unfortunately I don't think people REALLY know what swastikas represent. Exactly how atrocious the Nazi's were. They see it as a joke. Its not a good one....
  6. We can never have enough respect for what all soldiers do. 4 members of my extended family died in WWII in France. What would the world be like without the servicemen who died and continue to die.
  7. They don't deserve to be anywhere near a memorial. Ass-kicking is much more practical.
  8. I have lived in alot of places and drivers in Ontario are really bad. I mean really bad. I've seen people go through red lights 4 or 5 seconds after they turned red, insanely stupid things. Need stiffer penalties for bad driving. Especially when you endanger someone elses life. I remember guys in Vancouver street racing, killed a pedestrian who was on the sidewalk, they got 2 years house arrest. In Britain they have deterrants: Cyclist going through traffic lights when they were red was hit by a women driving while using her cellphone and not looking (even although she had the green light). She'll be serving 5 years at the moment. Bus driver who flipped his bus when he was going too fast, guy died on the bus, driver's serving 7 years at her majesty's pleasure. Canada's laws are too wimpy. I mean 48hr ban for drink driving. what the hell is that? Again in blighty, you blow over the limit, automatic on the spot 1 year ban and a mandatory court appearance. The only way to start to cut out bad driving is to have SEVERE penalties for those that get caught doing stupid things.
  9. largest I caught, bear in mind I am 6 foot 3
  10. I read about this on yahoo or something. Its defo real. If it was hooked on a drumline it would likely have been dead, which would obviously make it easier to bite. Still, wouldn't like to meet the one the bit it.
  11. You can, but they must sign a disclosure/confidentiality agreement, it really will not stop you getting screwed though. However, it maybe the best strategy. If it is an add-on to a pre-existing product, approach the companies that make the product. Figure out if you really think the product will make money. Most patents <1% actually generate any money. If you honestly believe that the product will be bought by tons of people, filing a patent is not only worthwhile, but essential. Otherwise no company will ever touch it. You would be amazed how many treatments for disease slip by because the inventors never protected it. Therefore, no company will put money in developing it if their rival can also make it. Just bear in mind most patents make no money, so ask yourself if it is really going to be worth it.
  12. Twas an amazingly awesome show. Nice surprise to get fight fire with fire, fade to black, and ride the lightning. My ears are still ringing. Oh well....... Roll on night 2
  13. Tons of construction on I79 between Erie and Pitt. Down to one lane in either direction in alot of places. With all the trucks, its pretty slow going. Dutchy
  14. Just saw Lamb of God in London tonight and they were amazing. Cannot wait for monday/tuesday. There was a guy in the pit in a wheelchair, he was going nuts, even the band gave him a shoutout at the end.
  15. Nope, that is what days off are for. Been booked off for months. yeah!
  16. Yar, I be going to both nights, and I am off to see LOG in London tonight. Party on :thumbsup_anim:
  17. Very true. I have a friend who works in Ottawa screening blood samples for rabies. They are really poorly funded by the government. Example, major microbiology conference in Quebec city, Ottawa would not send the head of the unit (Covers entire canada screening) to the conference due to lack of funds. Truth be told, I am actually a biologist I run a research group at a University. Funding from the government even for us through the CIHR is in the toilet and only going lower. To do research in any environment costs ALOT of money. My major worry is the government has no clue how much is really needed to do a job properly like the MNR biologists need.
  18. That is brilliant.
  19. Not all parasites cause animals or fish to be unhealthy, mainly parasites that infect the gut do that. All frogs have nematode worms in their liver, lungs and gut.
  20. I often catch smallies on the Thames using watermelon heavy weight worms. One of the best colours I have found if that helps any......
  21. Exactly, couldn't have said it any better. Neidermayer's work rate was phenomenal and Beauchimen's was anything but. Kessel is good for 50 points with Savard, without him we will see.........if he stays injury free
  22. Burke did what he said he wouldn't, traded first round picks for an over-rated player. Sad sad sad. I actually think they are worse this year than last year. Is that even possible..........
  23. I think real early this year. I am going to say november 20th.
  24. Some of it is. I was a member of a club in Scotland which had 5 lochs as "their" water. As a member you can fish it anytime in season, but they still give out daily permits for non-members, about 5-10 GBP per day. Salmon rivers are very expensive to fish, and without a ghilly (guide), you got little to no chance of catching anything. You might catch parrs from the previous years hatch, but the big fish are real hard to find and impossible to get to hit. Most people fly fish. I like the way the waters are controlled in Scotland. If you want to fish, cough up the dough, minimizes the "casual" angler mentality if you get my drift.
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