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Everything posted by Dutchy

  1. I have bought from tackle warehouse. Never had any issue with them.
  2. Same here, I use a priest followed by bleeding them. After they are brain dead their heart will beat for up to 10 minutes which is enough to bleed them out.
  3. I take no credit for it. I was with guys who have been brook trout fishing in that particular area for between 20 and 40 years. They told me exactly what to do, where to go and I still caught nowhere near as many as they did. Its not easy to catch them
  4. Malkin is a big guy, he was just swatting at Gionta like don't bother me. :rofl2:
  5. Crosby needs to pull out a gem to get Pitt going.
  6. Great report. You just using corn?
  7. Pittsburgh look totally uninterested in the game IMO
  8. After fishing them this weekend, I am totally jealous. Good luck
  9. What a fattie. Nice fish
  10. Thanks Leechman. I'll be after these again. They are really beautiful fish. I heard there are much bigger ones in Quebec waters....... Cheers Doug.
  11. I was invited to go brook trout fishing with JJcanoe (John) and some of his friends. Its an annual pilgrimage for them and my first attempt. We were fishing somewhere north of London, but south of Baffin Island. Hopefully that is not too specific I have wanted to fish for brook trout for a couple of years and was assured I would get into some fish. They were not wrong. I will say up front that I caught nowhere near as many as John and his friends, but I did a respectable job I think for my first attempt. These fish hold in some weird places in the river. Friday: We fished a small pool and there was ALOT of chub around and some big ones (Over 12 inches). Eventually I hook a brookie, my first ever, around 9 inches: Keep fishing and hook a small brookie in the same pool: John went wandering off and came back to announce he caught 17 fish including two 14 inch brookies. He has the pics of these ones which he is going to post later. Saturday: Start fishing around a bridge and first drift I hook a 10 inch brookie. (John has pic of this one) We wander off to where John had been fishing on friday, hooking brookies all the way up: It was a fantastic day, I caught 6, John about 25. Experience definitely seems to come into this, but I was still happy that I caught any at all. I lost one really nice fish that was under the bank I was standing on. That was a first for me to have a fish shoot out from basically under your feet. I'll be brookie fishing again, what a way to spend a weekend. Sunday was pretty much a bust, I got one 5 inch brookie, John got 6 or 7. John has a lots more pics, so look for updates. Doug
  12. Primantis, oh how that brings back the memories............
  13. Delusional my friend, delusional :whistling:
  14. Sure thing :rofl2: :rofl2:
  15. The guy shining up his Stanley Cup ring from last year. :clapping: He played very very well for Pittsburgh last year in the run to the cup, very underrated. He did play really well for the habs in this series as well. Ovechkin is somewhat predictable. When he comes in and a blocker steps in his way, he shoots anyway. Crosby and Malkin typically pass the puck off instead even just to keep possession. This will be a very different series for the Habs.
  16. Yes I agree, it gives the pens an even easier route to the final :whistling:
  17. Well done Habs, rode their luck abit at times, but you got to get a bit of luck. As a pens fan, I was really hoping for Boston in the next round. Pens V Habs should be a good series. Bring it on.
  18. Where there is one, there is for sure more. My friend in Goderich said they have been seen around there on numerous occasions.
  19. Very nice. I need to get back into fly fishing. I used to do it all the time.
  20. That fish is a beauty. Congrats, I still remember landing my first bow
  21. Low and clear indeed. This pic shows it even better, same fish more panoramic view:
  22. LOL, I couldn't possibly comment on that. All the bows were spawned out. but some C&R is always fun after 4 months of nothing.
  23. Me, splashhopper (Sleeping til 5am) and JJcanoe hit a Huron creek at midnight hoping to slam some big bows. Knew there would be alot of dropbacks, but were also hoping to hit into some big brookies (which didn't happen). I had walked the creek a week beforehand and seen some spots that were packed with fish. Things started slowly, lost one decent sized fish, then started hitting these little roebag thiefs: JJcanoe managed to nab a couple of 7 inch shakers further upstream. He was fishing the creek in a forest and after he came back we heard the coyotes howling. They seemed fairly close. Then we moved to a known hotspot which had been crowded at midnight. 2nd drift and I started slamming them, this 26 inch female the biggest: Ended up getting 6 bows ranging from 2lb to her above. All of the bows went back (including her above) except one spawned out smaller female that I kept. To try and help them get back to the lake, we put them downstream of a big logjam, but not surprisingly most just sat in the creek like this 4lb male I caught: Lots of fun had by all Dutchy
  24. They did their best to turn it into a series, ultimately Pittsburgh were too strong.
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