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Everything posted by brandon

  1. i love this shot Deano.....like Dan said the rocks at the bottom give it extra detail.....plus I just love pics of snow and open water
  2. brandon

    Lake Superior

    good call on shootin those in HDR Dan......gives them a cool effect
  3. birdhouse is stellar in my books too
  4. Today I only had to work till about noon which was awesome because it was the first time the sun showed itself in about 2 weeks. I was hoping to just take some pics of ducks and geese so I went to Boundary Bay Park in Tsawwassen. After walking a good portion of the trail with no waterfowl in sight I noticed something far ahead in the tree.....I knew right away it was a Bald Eagle. In order to get a decent photo of it I had to approach from a certain angle due to the angle of the sun. After hopping a wooden fence and hopscotching around water hazards I THOUGHT i was in position for a shot......with the camera ready I aimed it up only to see this through the view finder... Thankfully the giant bird flew only a few trees over. I slowly approached trying not to spook it. I made sure to stop every few steps and take pictures incase I did accidentally spook it so I'd have at least a few pics. However the Eagle wasn't spooked at all..... I said my goodbyes and headed back to the parking lot however the photo expedition was not over yet.... A different Eagle was sitting in a tree close to where I parked so I got a few more pics of it before heading home I mentioned I said my goodbyes and this might sound weird but I thank every animal/bird I take pics of.......I'm normally not superstitions but its just a habit of mine....... Merry Xmas everybody
  5. nice pics man.....just try to keep in mind the "rule of 3"......try and split the pic up into thirds.....try and get a bit more land and not so much sky.....or do a vertical panorama to get the best of both worlds
  6. brandon

    new toy

    can't go wrong with pentax...lookin forward to seein some pics
  7. those are hilarious guys lol....... this has to be not only my fav beer commercial but my fav commercial in general
  8. I frequent OTB and they have a great group of guys over there.....all you hunters should check it out
  9. the north shore mountains here in Vancouver just got a fresh 25cms of snow.....me and the roommate were shreddin that fresh powder all afternoon.....I hear Ontario is gonna get pounded overnight.......be careful driving out there everybody
  10. I use a Manfrotto Modo 785B. It's lightweight, stable, and well built. I needed one that was lightweight because most of my pics are taken far away from any road. I bought it at Blacks on sale for $79.99....regular $99.99 What kind of camera did you get?
  11. brandon

    Dodge Ram

    not a dodge fan....but sweet pic man
  12. The people of OFC have spoken...... here is the wigeons in flight after some editing thanks for the opinions everybody
  13. damn man......amazing pics.......I LOVE that last one
  14. great composition Deano
  15. Had some time to kill during work today so I stopped at Trout Lake Park and was in the mood to take some pics of waterfowl. I'm gonna be totally honest and say I can't identify all the species (please don't point out the obvious ones lol) but enjoy the pics anyways..... a happy couple I dunno about you guys but I'd label this guy the Millhouse of mallards......only simpsons fans will get that reference...sorry if i've confused you Now these next 3 are my favourite pics I took today and possibly my favourite waterfowl pictures I've ever taken. I can't decide which one of the 3 I like best but I'm gonna rule out the last one becaues of the houses in the background.......I'll let you guys voice your opinions.... loner... bottoms up
  16. quite possibly the best Cola ever made
  17. lol those next guests should feel honoured
  18. this post really hits home.......i used to always sleep naked in hotel beds......all wrapped up in the sheets.....guess i'll have to change my ways
  19. I too will vote for the first one
  20. sweet pic man......has lots of depth
  21. amazing photo....great composition and you even got the rays of sunshine in it too
  22. Beauty read Rick.....thanks for posting
  23. brandon


    very nice Terry
  24. brandon

    Old Barn

    great pic and read Deano.......definatly something to sit down and take the time to read
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