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Everything posted by brandon
see I already use a blower and it does nothing......in fact i've heard blowers sometimes just blow more dust on the sensor than they do take it off. But i might hit up futureshop for that rocket blower kit but I still wanna hear if anybody has tried the peroxide or rubbin alcohol because I already have those as well as Q tips....and im broke lol so the less i have to spend the better
...some of the hoochies walkin the streets of DT Vancity. I am getting tired of photoshopping out tiny dust particles on my photos. I know they have sensor cleanin solutions out there but not only are they hard to find but theyre quite costly as well. I just heard that Peroxide on a Q tip works well. But before I go putting chemicals on my sensor I thought I would ask around first and see if anybody has tried the Q tip/peroxide combo before.
lookin good. your getting the hang of the colours........to eliminate the problem of the clouds moving so fast you can select the option to "attempt to reduce ghosting artifacts" and select the "moving people/objects" option as well as the "High" detection option. Also try taking the photos as quickly as possible without too much time in between each shot.
Today I took the day off because I just really didnt feel like working so I went hiking instead. I headed up to the first pump peak of seymour.......nothing too great in this batch but check'm out This was taken from the Deep Cove Lookout on the drive up the mountain. The sun is above Mt. Baker, Washington while the Burrard inlet sits below a blanket of fog. Here is just a HDR panoramic photo looking west Here is a shot of Vancity.......man it felt good being so far away from that place instead of working there for a change....also in this photo....Vancouver Island And this is my fav pic of the day. Dog tracks in the snow near a solo tree with the mountains of the East in the background Here is the same scene as the previous one but I went for the christmas tree look.......a natural star I came across this Raven up at the peak... ....so I took a few pics of him then i got the "oh no you didn't" look from him/her...im guessing a her cuz women are more prone to that look.....no offence intended ladies.....i wish the pic wasn't cut off but i think I still captured the message this Raven was giving me.... and with that she took off.. man I love "sick" days....... hope you guys enjoy the pics as much as I enjoyed taking them
in my huge harddrive lol......actually its not that big, its only 160 gig and if I need more space I'll buy an external one. My camera is only 6 megapixel so my files arent nearly as big as some of the people out there.
phat bassturd, the thing with HDR is it allows the good parts of each photo to all be seen at once. Here are the 3 original photos and none of them look special at all. But when combined using the HDR method it looks just like it did when I was there. In my opinion HDR shows the image as close to what the naked eye can see and to me that's what its all about. I like to take a photo and capture that exact moment as close as possible.....same scene....same colours....same everything....and HDR makes that possible. and the HDR image
lol I wish that green flash was a UFO.....then maybe the pic could make some money lol.......but its just glare and I have other pics of that sunset but I liked that added hint of green
0 degrees up on Mt. Seymour tonite and from the city I could see some snow so I decided to try my hand at winter photography.......snow and ice make for some good photo opportunities but man is that white stuff ever slick......i beefed a few times up there lol......but anyways heres 5 of the 200 i took.......well i guess its 15 of the 200 cuz theyre HDR......but anyways......here ya go.... this one is similar to a previous one I took however its a completely different location and the sun and sky made for a cool looking shot With all that snow and the sun beating down on it there is surely to be some runoff.... I just thought this was a cool looking scene......lots to look at gorgeous sunset over mystery lake..... I left mystery lake fairly early cuz it was gettin dark fast and i wish i woulda hung out a little longer cuz the moon made an appearance.......this shot is from the parking lot enjoy.....
Abars is still open and theres parking behind it. I've seen some bass under the docks there but it's quite shallow. However you can also cast out into the main river too from there so it's worth a shot
Riverside is good except you may get kicked out.......most of the marinas don't allow fishing but fish till you get booted cuz some of the best fishing is in them
lookin forward to see how they turn out Dan.......my weekend project is for some snow photos......I looked north today and noticed all the peaks I hike are now White
the furthest my camera goes is -2, 0, and +2........I also set it on continuous drive so I just hold the button down and click, click, click 3 pics just like that all bracketed. I like using the continuous drive mode because theres less chance of camera shake between photos......plus its quicker
lol ya the way I see it now is that if its stationary, it's being shot 3 times.
lol ya pretty well every photo I take now is in HDR......other pics just dont look the same anymore
it says all pets welcome so here goes..... this lil gem is my newest/only pet I have here with me in Vancity.....no I didn't pull him from the streets....He was pet store purchased on sunday and the thing is like a puppy. He's about 6 weeks old and just wants to explore everywhere.....and he even comes when you call him.....But I can't let him find out I'm a pest control technician or he might freak out...... I present you.....Cheese The Rat
So recently I did some research and apparently after working 40 hours a week here in BC it is the law for your company to pay you time and a half OT pay....Mine hasn't been doing this. Now they owe me about 450 bones which isn't much to a lot of you but when your making 15$/hr doing dirty discusting and dangerous work, its a lot of money. Living in Vancouver is very expensive and last month I only made 1600$ after taxes which is brutal considering the debt I'm in and the cost of living here. I should also mention that since I'm hourly pay I dont get production bonuses on some of the jobs which brings me to the question.....why? Like my supervisors expect me to bust my ass for 15$/hr for what? what's in it for me? Anyways I plan on asking for a raise as well as demanding my OT pay that they owe me as soon as the bosses get back from theyre second tropical vacation this month.....how convenient eh? Needless to say I'm not very happy with my job or company I work for right now and honestly the only thing keeping me with this job is the company truck. However I'm trying to get a hunting guide job so I won't need a vehicle or have to worry about rent.......and think about the photo ops eh? heck yes. Now for the reason this post is in the Photography Section. Today I had a bit of spare time while working so I stopped off at home and grabbed my camera and decided to take some photos on COMPANY TIME......they wanna eff with me.....bring it on....I don't take s**t from anybody. Anyways the photos are nothing special but posting photos I took on company time really make me feel good inside lol.....sorry for the rant but damn that felt good to get out.......heres the pics... First is Deer Lake with Burnaby in the Background.... Here is a mallard at Deer Lake there......take that company that for now will stay unnamed.
you just might hook into some fish like in your avatar..... but just toss on a pickeral rig with worms or minnows and u'll get yourself into anything out there
Now I know where the frogs keep going from the pool!
brandon replied to irishfield's topic in Photography
.......its amazing how the chlorine doesn't kill them as quck as you think it would tho eh? I mean frogs and all amphibians absorb things in the atmospher and water right through their skin.....crazy stuff -
thats what I thought too Bob.....
I went up to Mount Seymour on friday to try and videotape some bears. Now its cold up there and I think the bears have moved down into the valleys so when I wasn't seeing bears I got bored and started videotaping myself......if this gets a laugh outta somebody thats all that matters......ps. theres some mild swearing so just a word of warning.....enjoy and sorry for wasting your time lol Hiking
better make sure its bear hunting season when the rifle is with you.....a CO would have no problem charging you with hunting out of season even if you are fishing or just hiking....i'd say bear spray or bear bangers are the safest route
Albert Gore Junior wins Nobel Peace Prize
brandon replied to TennesseeGuy's topic in General Discussion
speaking of Al Gore.......If your a southpark fan check out the "manbearpig" episode if you haven't yet.....its hilarious..... www.allsp.com -> season 10 -> manbearpig......good for a few laughs -
just keep that one important fact in mind.......if a black bear attacks, it's a predatory attack and it WILL try and eat you.....always fight back and like others have said make loud noises or get some bear spray or bear bangers. And I read one comment about bears being afraid of any dog.....I personally feel differently about that. Some dogs, if properly trained will scare away a bear whereas other dogs will induce an attack. If your walking through bear territory with a poorly trained dog off leash and curiosity gets the best of him, chances are if he stumbles on a bear either the dog isn't coming back or the dog will lead the bear right back to you. However having a properly trained dog, I feel is one of the best things you can have to reduce any encounter at all without coming to the decision of what might need to be done if an encounter happens. And I know its not advised to run from black bears or any bear for that matter but keep in mind bears along with most animals run better uphill than downhill.....if you must run......head downhill and dont stop. I actually just read that bears can run 35mph from a dead stop on even ground.....that fact just amazes me that an animal that awkward and robust looking can reach those speeds that quickly. And just be calm when you see a bear. I see them daily when I hike out here and you should see some of the people go bananas when they see a bear. The bear is just off in a berry patch minding its own business 80-100 yards off the trail and i see people yelling at the top of their lungs just making complete fools of themselves. Most of this is due to improper education about bears and bear encounters and those examples as well as people asking me if its a black bear or a grizzly bear prompted me to volunteer for the Bear Aware Program here in BC and I love it.....but man some people are just so oblivious to bears yet they live in the same area as them....I know this post/rant really doesnt have much to do with the original but I thought i'd chime in with some of my thoughts/ experiences.
Thanks for that info Kev......I'd probably say they were a form of coral fungus but either way they looked pretty cool