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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Brandon @ Kingpin.... that was one big paw print
  2. I think I have rod envy
  3. Hi Terry: You must be getting inundated with request for money since you won the big one. This letter is not like that at all. What we are asking your help for is in paying for a Sober house so we can help those in need of these types of living arrangements. You need to know that I will be a live in manager of it and it will look similar to this: My qualifications to run a joint are in pictures as well: Before I recovered: Now I look like this: So if your philanthropic needs are not being met in an altruistic fashion, please consider giving generously. Sincerely, Splashhopper
  4. pretty sure I saw some of those things a few minutes ago driving home from brunch
  5. How the heck do you fish in this?
  6. Welcome back John..... please get in touch for some feedbag bassin as soon as u can sit comfortable in a tinnie.
  7. whoah,,, that's some serious chrome
  8. great pics
  9. check the next door neighbors on both sides..... look for shaded windows... a few people coming and going at odd times of the day... maybe you have a gro op next door "borrowing" your water
  10. Schweeet
  11. how about the oxie's ? * (hillbilly heroin)
  12. when i troll the thames, i am hunting for bass with that equipment
  13. A new species of armored, wood-eating catfish (pictured underwater) found in the Amazon rain forest feeds on a fallen tree in the Santa Ana River in Peru in 2006. Other so-called suckermouth armored catfish species use their unique teeth to scrape organic material from the surfaces of submerged wood. But the new, as yet unnamed, species is among the dozen or so catfish species known to actually ingest wood. Still, wood-eating catfish are largely unable to digest wood. Only associated organic material—such as algae, microscopic plants, animals, and other debris—gets absorbed into their bodies. The wood itself passes through the fish and is expelled as waste. "The fish pass wood through their guts in less than four hours, which is incredibly fast for an animal that supposedly digests wood," said Donovan German, a biologist at the University of California, Irvine, who is researching the digestion of wood-eating catfish. "People think they must have an amazing consortium of microbes in their guts to help the fish digest wood, but that isn't really what I've found," he added. "The amazing microbes are in the river, on the wood itself." National Geographic photo by Michael Goulding/Copeia
  14. very cool Leechman.... where is the camp at? Do you still have it?
  15. i think it's his workplace... didn't want his wife to know he wasn't working so maybe he wore the shirt
  16. i can see it
  17. I always see a lot of posts with stories of fishing trips to some pretty impressive looking lodges and cabins etc. Here is the kinda place I can relate to though: Note the finer things in life that they have to make you all feel warm and comfy during your stay
  18. I have no idea about waxing aluminum....
  19. My dad was a repair mechanic in the RCAF for 20 years. That was one of the primary products they used for general cleaning of the aluminum skins on the planes. I used TSP to clean the aluminum trailer that I bought off an old lady. She had not scrubbed down the outside of the trailer in fifteen years. A couple of hours of TSP and a good brush and hose and people were asking what I was using to make the trailer look like new again. Go for it. I use it.
  20. Prayers from our family to yours.
  21. I woulda got a haircut earlier that day if i knew i was gonna be on video
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