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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. Thanks for the list Roy. Keep the reports coming Diggy. They are appreciated. Splashhopper
  2. That is what i "wasn't" doing on Saturday,,, waiting to FEEL the hit vs seeing it
  3. I was sooo looking forward to a weekend of fishing as I can't go till the long weekend now. Headed up to a river I like chasing pike and bass on Friday. Shored fished Friday evening for pike. It was just tooo hot to take the canoe off the roof! lol No pike but did have a big one follow my lure to shore. Oh well. Saturday morning I drove a little further north( now 2 hrs from home) and loaded the canoe with my gear and a cooler full of cold drinks and fresh fruit. Put my little trolling motor( 36lb thrust) in high gear and headed up river till I ran in to low water levels. This is the furthest I have been on this particular stretch and will definitely do that again wit my buddy, Dutchy, next time we head up that way. I was working top water frogs close to shore and under the banks and tossing heavy plastic worms for rocky shores. Got this baby on a plastic ( about 2.5- 3 lbs) on my 6lb ultra light set up. Had a lot of blow ups on my top water frogs but was just not hooking them up very well yesterday. I did manage a couple of small ones before this baby hit. (About 2.5 lbs) While fishing for the elusive largies in this river system, I got bit off by a big swoooshing pike. You think I would know better by now up there to put a small leader on at all times. A little further down river and I was rewarded for my patience with this one: As the day was ending I could hear thunder coming in off the lake and knew my weekend was gonna be cut short up there. I barely got the van loaded up and KERSPLASH! DOWNPOUR with lots of thunder and lightning to go with it. Drove home with NO AC again! ( taking it back again!) Got up this morning and decided to try a little lake system I fished a few weeks ago that is 15 minutes from my home. I started off late this am but still had a LOT of fun with the largies there. Caught 4-5 little ones on my top water frogs. ( makes me feel better that I am not losing my touch. ) Then I got this one I worked a back bay in this system and know where I will be going next time EARLIER in the morning. Water drops off from 3ft to 12 feet in about a 10 yard slope with sunken trees all through it Got this one on the top water frogs too: All in all, the weekend wasn't bad,, but I still haven't landed anything to add inches to team one! Sorry guys... just one of those years so far. All fish were released to live another day. Splashhopper
  4. ada girl avery !
  5. Does a good looking blonde come with the air hammer?
  6. can your uncle grab my canoe and take it with him too. If they only charge that to do all that, I will have a "grand total" of $258.00 invested in my 12' Sportspal. And I am ok if they just paint right over the chiefs head on it too! lol
  7. good thing the Jet boat tour guys were there
  8. Update from Toronto Star Fabiola Carletti and Wendy Gillis Staff Reporters Good news for the creatures of the Welland Canal — there’s no “Frankenfish” threatening to destroy the ecosystem. Reports that a Northern Snakehead fish — a dreaded and destructive invasive species with no natural predators in Canadian waters — was caught over the weekend are false. Angler Amy Merry told reporters that a fish jumped out of the water and onto the shore while she was fishing near Fort Erie. It was initially believed to be a snakehead —an aggressive species known for its ability to slither across land and live outside water for days. But research scientist Becky Cudmore, a specialist in aquatic and invasive species with Fisheries and Oceans Canada, examined photos of the fish and determined it is actually a bowfin fish — a native species in the canal. Snakehead fish are native to eastern Asia, are “voracious” predators that quickly grow to adult lengths of 1.5 metres or more, according to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). The snakehead was nicknamed the “Frankenfish” by the U.S. media, and is still seen as a potential threat to the Great Lakes ecosystems.
  9. Thank you Garry.... keep the reports coming... this newbie appreciates them
  10. Way to go little one !
  11. not waterproof.... but it does have TWO ziploc bags over it "just in case"
  12. Last week I participated in a thread here( that I can't remember the title of) where I mentioned I wasn't getting much action for smallies on topwater lures. Well Saturday was a bust for me for pike action but I did get to hook up with some "friends of Bill W" and have a bonfire at one of their farms. What a great group of people. I stayed at the fire till midnight and was starting to drive home because the weather forecast called for rain turning to thunder showers over night. I was driving 15 minutes and I knew I would be having difficulty staying awake for the 90 minute drive home. No worries, I had my bedding in the van and pulled in to a used car parking lot in one of the small towns on the way home. I might do that again, as it was waaay quieter than the grocery stores and timmies lots that i usually use. Sunday morning I awoke to the sound of TORRENTIAL rain coming down and one persistent mosquito that somehow found its way in to my van. Oh well, I was awake and headed to the next town to get my morning java and a bagel. The rain wasn't letting up but i still wanted to fish. I know of two or three holes that I can fish under bridges for bass and trout and stay relatively dry so I headed for them. The first one I got to was very surprising as to how low the water level was. On a positive note though, I put the picture of the structure in my "trout bank" for this fall and will definately be fishing 25 yards further UPSTREAM than I usually do. As the clouds parted for a brief few minutes, I walked to a bridge and just got down to the hole when it started raining again. Oh well, I have my rubber raincoat and and my rubber boots on. Let's fish. I tied on a Matzuo top water popping bait and tossed it up stream. With a slooooow retrieve so that I would not hook into any of the MANY large flat rocks just scratching the surface i was pleasantly surprised by this fat rock bass. Hmmmmm.... I don't use that lure very often but just might switch it up a bit more. These rock bass were VICIOUS with their strikes and I caught about 5-6 of them within 15-20 minutes there. The really fat ones seemed to be right in the middle of the river near a log jam and bigger ridges of flat rock. They were a lot of fun in this very shallow water and I learned another technique for fishing my top water baits in the process. Slow, slower, asleeeeep seemed to be the ticket. As the rain let up, I moved down to where I usually drift for trout in the spring and fall and hooked in to this "smallie on the top water" Come to think of it, I caught one at this same place last year on a top water with my buddy Dutchy that I forgot about. After this hole seemed to peter out, I drove a little further south towards home and stopped in under one more bridge. The Matzuo lure seemed to be the ticket this am for this little chubb too. And for this smallie too. All in all it was a good weekend with friends, fresh air and a memorable sunset on the rails Saturday night. Splashhopper PS. All pics taken on my new Blackberry (I think it has a better camera in it than the one I drowned last week!)
  13. My wife and daughters voted against it
  14. I would be up for that Richard
  15. Hi all: I am heading our in a few minutes for some more pike action. ( got a waterproof case for my phone now too ) There are two places that I have been having succes with the pike so far this summer. 1) A small conservation lake that that has produce pike in the 20-30" range for me and a friend or two. 2) A small slow dark river that has produced pike up to 36" inches for me so far. Given these two places, what are the expectations for pike getting any bigger than this in these places. There is lots of other species of fish for the pike there to eat too btw. When I see some of the posts of the "northern" pikes on here recently, I think I wanna put even more effort in to hooking in to a few of those brutes. I just don;t know if they exist below Georgian bay is all. Thanks. I will be checking this thread on my Blackberry later tonight for any help you may have. Tight lines Splashhopper
  16. Great report... Great pics.... Beauty fish Between you and Solopaddler, I get to go on an adventure. keep em coming
  17. watermelon black black&blue
  18. DUUUUDE!
  19. I use Firefox and Avast( and I am NOT a geek). What is Ghostery extension on Firefox and how do I use it ? Thanks Rick
  20. Felt like i "took a trip and never left the farm" Love your reports bro. keep em coming
  21. but did you stay with one mile of where you were released?
  22. I got a replacement one for 149 bucks (BB-8530) by extending my contract.
  23. I bring it to take pictures with. You won;t catch me taking a call unless it is one of my children or my wife. They KNOW not to call unless it's some kind of emergency or sudden change of plans that I should be aware of.
  24. This past Sunday i flipped the canoe and lost my Blackberry to the river mud. I just got it replaced this afternoon and want to be prepared for next weekend. What waterproof cases do u all use? Thanks
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