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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. should I float fish , toss spinners , or bottom bounce ? I have a few places in mind and have no clue how to fish the timber for rainbows. Thanks for any suggestions. Splashhopper
  2. PS... we were able to rent ours
  3. when my mother in law lived with us, we needed a personal body lift to transfer her from the bed to her chair. She had ALS ( Lou Gehrig's disease) I just don't know if the cable would be long enough to lower your friends dad down in to the boat all the way. But I am pretty sure it will lift him over the edge to a couple of guys waiting to transfer him to his seat then. Here is a link to see a picture of what I am referring to>> http://www.firsttoserve.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1201&Itemid=5768 Hope this helps.
  4. Yeah I could see it now: Me: " honey, check out OUR Christmas present that I got for us" Her: " Ahhh that's soooo perfect for Christmas" Me: I KNEW you would like it too Her: OFC'ers to fill in the blank next .....
  5. Never thought of doing that... thanks for the tip
  6. looks like a fun day ... wtg
  7. have fun fishing and if you win, that will be a huuuge bonus. It sure beats the heck out of working.
  8. and congrats on the baby too
  9. What cave did YOU just crawl out of?
  10. I think you may have missed a very important point here solo... The kid was not told to apologize... I didn't see that either until my wife pointed it out to me. His father accepted responsibility for the kids actions. In some circles, that would be considered ENABLING. It is very easy to be a "backyard" quarterback after the fact. Our family ( my wife and I) took the actions that we deemed appropriate for our family last night. I can play the " backyard " quarterback all day too.... and I did for a few brief moments after I called the police. And then I stuck with my wife's wishes and haven't reconsidered since. btw..Our particular townhouse is separated from this kids home on the street behind us by a pathway and green area that a lot of children use everyday to play in everyday. Thank GOD, none of the kids were out there when this happened and didn't get one of the bb's in the eye. And maybe, just maybe, the kid did get the crap scared out of him by his dad and the police last night and he will have learned more respect for the bb gun and its power. The glass window is a very small price to pay for a lesson that needs to be learned if the kid is going to have access to guns.
  11. congratulations .
  12. Police just left. THEY told me I did the right thing. ( pretty smart wife I have eh ! ) They gave me a report # in case the dad isn't a stand up guy and doesn't pay for the window. They also confirmed that there is a bylaw that forbids the discharge of firearms in the city, so this gun will be removed from the home tonight. I also told them I was not interested in having the parents charged for anything but did want the kid to feel the consequences of HIS OWN actions. And as I re-iterated in my previous post, the dad admitted that he couldn't handle his own kid anymore and would likely send him off to an uncle. Maybe that wasn't too clear to some of the responders in this thread. Thanks for all the input. Splashhopper
  13. To all those that say I shouldn't have called the police I ask you this: There is one piece in my original post that said: " I then tell the father about the kids attitude with me and he tells me that is the same problem the teachers are complaining about at his school." The dad also told me that if i didn't see the kid around for a few days it would be because he was being sent off to his uncle because he( the dad) couldn't handle him anymore. My wife hit it on the head, if the kid was respectful he wouldn't have the arrogant attitude about him. We have a saying in the recovery world: bring the bottom UP and maybe save a life or two. It would be very interesting to have the police officers that frequent this board to offer up there experience with the young offenders. Bottom line, I am not interested in having ANY parent charged that takes responsibility for their kids. The law will decide that, not me and my FEELINGS. Stay tuned, the police are due here anytime now( 9:30pm Oct 18) Splashhopper
  14. Was sitting in the living room watching the TV with my wife and daughter and here a loud PING right behind my head on the living room window. Upon closer inspection,,,, a little bullet hole ! I look out and there is two kids playing with a pellet gun... I get a real quick look at the clothes and then run out the door to confront them. I went through the neighbors back yard and there they are. Playing ball hockey all innocent like in the driveway in front of the garage. I yell at the kid and ask what the hell he is doing shooting up my window with his pellet gun not knowing his dad was in the garage! Dad comes flying out of the garage and start giving his kid crap and telling him that he has just cost their family MORE Money. Then the dad immediately turns to me and asks if anyone was hurt. No thank goodness. He grabs the pellet gun and takes it in to the house. While the dad is in the house for about 45 seconds the kid looks at me with a REAL SMIRK on his face as if to say : what the hell are u gonna do about it, I am just a kid! The dad immediately accepts responsibility and comes with me to look at the window. I get his number and address and then we get the property manager on the phone with him as well. He tells her that he is accepting responsibility as well. ( we'll see) I then tell the father about the kids attitude with me and he tells me that is the same problem the teachers are complaining about at his school. I go back in the house and my wife is PISSED when i tell her about the kids attitude. She tells me to call the police. At first I didn't want to because the dad is taking responsibility. But hey, I do want to sleep in the same bed as my wife so I call the police. . They tell me that it is a by law infraction and will be over at 9:30 to look at the window and take a report. They will then be confiscating the gun. Now my wife is happy... sort of. She then says, what if the kid is a real S>O>B and decides to throw a rock through the window... to pay us back for the grief that is coming to their house later tonite.... I just hope the parents don;t get charged with this... or maybe I do hope they get charged,,, i don't know how I feel about that yet... I mean the guy accepted responsibility for kids actions and all. For now, I am just keeping our family away from that window and have informed the neighbors on both sides about the situation. I am headed out for an "A"titude "A"djustment and will be back to deal with the police. Stay tuned. I will keep u updated as this plays out.
  15. I just called them. And for a mere $2295.00 + shipping from Kelowna BC... you too can have one. I am really gonna have to think about this. U see the boat only cost 395! What would my wife think?
  16. You got it solo do u have a link for the USGS site too ?
  17. A few questions: 1) Is there a definite temperature that the turnover happens at for inland lakes? 2) Is it different for different sized lakes and lakes that are spring fed vs river fed? 3) Does the turnover happen in rivers as well? 4) I am guessing that downsizing and sloooowing down the presentation and in to the deepest areas is the way to go or is it ? Thanks Splashhopper
  18. love the toothless grin.... priceless
  19. and my buddy Dutchy >>
  20. I loved the kids in the background ..... Keep on fishing !
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