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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. i know a few drunk snakes too
  2. I just may do that.... i got in to ice fishing last yr for the first time... would be nice to catch something bigger than perch through the ice too
  3. u r one thrifty guy
  4. purdy feeesh
  5. is anybody heading up to North bay this fall? I may send mine up as soon as bass season ends.
  6. I am interested in seeing this ruling too.... till then, i am following the black print in the reg book
  7. a lot of us use www.photobucket.com
  8. i don't know what was more impressive.... the fish or the HUGE MOTOR'S in the back of the boats
  9. Keep em coming please. Thanks for bringing us along on your trip. This Londoner appreciates it .
  10. hey... can i use one of those in my canoe too?
  11. looks like you had some fun... welcome to the board
  12. I better check the regs, but if Pike are still open ( til lend of sept I think) do they go on the feedbag like bass are right now? thanks
  13. nice looking fish. thanks
  14. Smalliefisher: i feel your loss brother. I just lost my closest friend and life mentor two weeks ago myself. This board has been very gracious during this period for me and I trust it will be for you as well. I lost the desire to fish for a couple of weeks and am not sure it is really back yet. (even though I had fun fishing this past weekend) This board provided some much needed relief and adventures during the past two weeks for me. Prayers from London to you and your family.
  15. http://www.marisys.com/how-to-forecast-weather_2010-05-26/
  16. I was fishing this past weekend. Thank you to all who commented on this thread. I appreciate it,
  17. If anyone has the link, please post it
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