Wayne: I have two daughters myself and cannot imagine the worry and fear that is part of your families journey today.
I have been taught to keep my life in 24 hour compartments.
When I remember to do this, my day unfolds as it will and it is manageable.
When I don't remember to do this, I get wrapped up in fear of tomorrow and regrets from yesterday.
Another great lesson I learned when my wife and I were the Primary Caregivers for my mother in law ( Lou Gehrigs disease) was to "take care of the care giver". If the caregivers ( you and your wife and your daughter boyfriend) don't look after themselves, it will show it's ugly head very soon and usually in the most inopportune time and place.
I pray that you and your family are carried by the guiding creator in your life and that your daughters current challenge is met with courage and strength and dignity by all.
From my family to your, God be with you.