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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. i was at a small seminar on a trib that meets the Maitland two weeks ago and got talking to an MNR Biologist about the lack of salmon in the Maitland this year. They say the run is half of what it was last year and that year was half of the one before it. These biologists are blaming it on the demise of the baitfish ( see alewives) in Lake Huron. The salmon coming up the river were smalll and few. On a positive note, the rainbow are average numbers this year.
  2. Nice pics.. i am glad that heron didn't grab my line while I was fishing "NEXT TO YOU" in Kincardine ! lol Did my "OPP" friend show up after I left? Splashhopper
  3. ummm Cliff: I think i figured out WHY she is catching bigger fish than you. She has nice nail polish on! Maybe you should try that too. WTG Bly
  4. nice fish. Hint: When i forget to take a measuring tape, i will lay the fish down at the butt end of my rod and snap a few pics. Then I can measure from the pic later. I can't get the weight though.
  5. niiiice pish man
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDQ1GAZZk6E...feature=related
  7. anyone catching anything betwwen Bayfield and Southampton in the rivers yet?
  8. WTG Bly.. do u think you could wake them up for us over i nte Lake Huron Area some time soon?
  9. What does " lined " mean? When i bottom bounce I only use a leader with a weight above the swivel and then my hook and bait at the other end. What is this newbie missing in this situation? Sincerely, Splashhopper
  10. I am heading up for a retreat on Raven Lake this weekend ( next to the Lions Camp?) and am wondering what type of fish we could try catching in between sessions? Also, any suggestions for local tactics there are welcomed. I think we have access to a small boat as well. Thanks Splashhopper
  11. From our family to Gary's. Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace! That where there is hatred, I may bring love. That where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness. That where there is discord, I may bring harmony. That where there is error, I may bring truth. That where there is doubt, I may bring faith. That where there is despair, I may bring hope. That where there are shadows, I may bring light. That where there is sadness, I may bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted. To understand, than to be understood. To love, than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. Splashhopper and Botbot
  12. the round black ones oughta be good.
  13. NICE FISH! WhEN i don't have my tape measure I take a pic of the fish with my pole beside it or I hold the fish along side one of my own legs for the picture to get a measurment. I try to put the butt end of the pole at the tail end of the fish,,, then i can measure it later. I will also use my hands to get the girth. Not exact science, but better than nothing. Hope this helps for next time.
  14. ummm.. your mom outfished by a "ton".. Nice trip pics... thanks for an inspiring report tibbs
  15. If that IDIOT were on any charter that i have been out on, he would have been spat on ! Too bad he ruined your first trip out. Nice fish ya caught too.
  16. I woulda signed up for that ride! Sounds like a blast. Then again.... it could be an ol fish tale too
  17. Hey if you catch one of these on your kayak.. u might end up all the way over in China by the time you land it brother! LMAO
  18. http://www.nationalpost.com/story.html?id=760637 HUUUUGE fish!
  19. WTG Patrick We can't wait to see more of your posts. Splashhopper and Botbot
  20. I only fish for smallies with my 10.5 trout rod(2pc) and spinning reel with 6lb test line. those 1lbers sure feel a LOT bigger on that combo. lol
  21. Man, can i relate to that quote. The peace and serenity "OF MY OWN MIND" is never quieter than when I am up a river somewhere. I mentioned to my fishing buddy recently that i didn't think there was any such thing as ADDHD in nature and that I found relief from its symptoms while fishing. He laughed and said: " it's eat or be eaten in nature. There no such thing as time to rehearse your next move or regret your last one" LOL When I am watching the float on the river, or the line while bottom bouncing, I am "present" for all of natures glory. Thank God my friend introduced me to fishing last year. He says it is the ONLY place he gets relief from his mind and the ill will that comes to it when he thinks of how his son was murdered a few years ago. Great post John. Thanks Splashopper
  22. ///////////////////////// Ummm.. i happen to have moved AWAY from Toronto after living there for 13 years and i happen to AGREE with the original poster on a "Toronto IS Canada" attitude in general. And I only moved 2hrs west of hog Town. YEP,, just down the road from where all the TORONTO GARBAGE AND THEIR 200 STINKING TRUCKS/ DAY will be rolling through. How about keeping all that trash in the confines of the place it was produced? Oh yeah, I forgot,, Toronto is full of NIMBY'S HOWEVER, I must also remember, if not for living in that traffic jam for so long that i would never have met the BEAUTIFUL FILIPINA GODDESS " MRS. SPLASHHOPPER"
  23. WTG, eh
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