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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. I invited my friend t ofish with my daughter and i today.. he met us at Pt Stanley to fish,,, saw the gentleness in him again as he helped my daughter and her friend set their pickeral rigs up for perch fishing... I also think I saw a tear in his eye too.... as his son was murdered a couple of years ago and i know today is a tough one for him. I don't ask him about it .... he just knows that i know ... and he knows that is why I invited him today... Sincerely sorry for your loss G... Splashhopper and botbot
  2. Like she had had to twist my arm.. lol Last night she was all excited to go fishing this morning and says: "let's get up early dad, so we can catch the big ones".. No problem.... I am awake at 6 am most days anyways. Well, here I sit and she is still in la la land Thank God for little girls... Happy Fathers day to all the dads and GRAND DADS out there. And a SPECIAL wish and prayers for any fathers that have lost a child. Sincerely, Splashhopper
  3. Thamas? or the Thames river ? Fish it below the rapids if u can get access to the water( stay safe as the banks are pretty slippery right now)..
  4. I was wondering about that sheepshead too. right after i let him go
  5. I went fishing the local rivers for pike last Sunday. Came across a nice spot on the Thames and decided to throw a few lures near a reed bed. When I changed to this lure, it seemed to catch up all the time... well at least I think it was catching up...lol Finally did get caught on something. So I straightened out my rod and gave it a gentle pull, so that I wouldn't break the tip, and the "snag " came free immediately I reel it in, thinking I have some weeds stuck to the lure... but nooooo,, I got this stuck on it Has this ever happened to you ? And do yo uhave the pics to PROVE IT ! Splashhopper
  6. amazing colours on your musky.. Thanks for the adventure splashhopper
  7. Welll,, I had a BLAST today.... ALL BY MYSELF Stopped by the grocery store and grabbed some Del Monte corn and a loaf of bread. Headed down to a spot in St Thomas that i usually catch carp at and I wasn't dissapointed today either They weren't too big today, but they were biting like crazy... or should I say, i was setting the hook like like no other day of carp fishing ? lol A couple of them tried to kiss me I think > And another one wanted no part of me kissing it >> The carp were hitting fast and furious in this little hole today... thank goodness I decided to brave the rain >> But then I got Bored catching all these fish So I headed down to Port Stanley to see what the water looked like there... hoping to catch some perch for dinner maybe The sky was sputtering and spitting rain all day today, but i just stuck with it,,, not too often I can fish at either of these spots and not have others there as well.. i picked up some minnows and set up the pickeral rig,,,, Not even 5 minutes and I was in to my first perch of the day >> Hey, I didn;t say it was Jumbo perch ok A few minutes later and I am into this one Now i am thinking ... hmmm... if there are small ones this close to shore, there must be some biggers ones too 15 minutes later and WHAMMO ! My 10ft light action rod bends down,, I fight it for a few minutes thinking maybe I got a catfish or a stray walleye but NOOOOO... not even close It was a danged sheepshead ( a good sized one though) The sun came out and I had a chance to get my shirt off and let it dry on the rocks... this might have been a BIG Mistake though... I think the fish got blinded by the pasty white guy on the rocks Fish slowed right down, but not before I caught this last one of the day And now that I look closer at that last pic, maybe that damned see-doo messed the perch up Oh well, I can only hope for another perch day like the one I had last Saturday just down the lake a few miles Ahhhh... they were good to eat this week, now Mrs Splashhopper wonders if I am a real " hunter gatherer HeMan" when I didn;t bring any of todays fish home with me No damned rain is gonna stop me! Git er Duuunnnnnnn ! lol Splashhopper
  8. dang.... no rain all week and then today ,,,, rain,,, rain rain down here in the London area.. no matter,,,, I have a rain suit,,,, I am gonna try for some carp... or some crappies. they seem to be like "Mikey"... they'll eat anything. What are you all doing on a rainy saturday morning ?
  9. dang.... more pics of my home province. it;s calling me back there ... I can hear it...
  10. I was wondering about the crappies and bluegills too.. as my daughter, botbot on here, is all about "numbers" when it comes to fishing.... we must have thrown a hundred crappies and bluegills back already... Thanks for the heads up on the smaller fish too.. appreciated.. Splashhopper and Botbot
  11. I am looking at buying a decent fillet knife this weekend and am looking for input, pro and con, on Electric vs non-electric knives... thanks Splashhopper
  12. Use www.photobucket.com for the pics set up an account... upload photos to it... then copy and paste from the last drop down item on the pic... paste it here and voila... a nice pic for you
  13. no pics for me yet.... but I sure am sick of the weather reports and all the rain blowing te rivers up on me... no matter what.... botbot and i are going fishing this weekend.
  14. botbot's grandma always looked at me like this > when i would "release " them she said, "bring them home, don;t you know how many of our relatives back home i nthe Phillipines we could feed with those " ! damned regs... lol
  15. Yeah... i like this idea... but how do I keep the damned frogs from jumping outa my back pockets Those crayfish are a bit "touchy" too Ahhh.. the lovely dew worm... yaaah that's it... that's the ticket .... botbot and i love using them for just about everything we try fishing for.. except the pike of course... and soon I am gonna try one on them as i am getting awful tired ( see broke) from throwing lure after lure after lure away for those slimy buggers
  16. wekcome to the board Jackie... Guys like "Big Cliff",and many others, are always a wealth of Experience and Knowledge here. I quoted the above from him because I have been doing exactly what you are doing with the pike that are following too... makes sense to me Cliff... thanks for the tip. Splashhopper and Botbot
  17. hey LB.... i am pretty new to carp fishing ( just started last year) and I know this... the carp feed on the bottom.... I use a float when i am fishing for rainbows and crappies... NOW is the time to be fishing for carp... my daughter and I use doughballs on #10 hooks( no leader) for carp and let it rest on the bottom.. patience is the key, especially when you see the line move a little... I am bumping this topic up, because there are some SERIOUS carp dudes here that will be of great service to you. ( they helped me tremendously).. good luck, and welcome to the board... Splashopper and botbot Yes all you regulars here, i KNOW I have posted this pic of my daughter with her first fish ever.... but it is because of the help here that we keep trying to beat that one ...lol thanks again
  18. awesome report.... thanks for the adventure..
  19. great pics and story... keep em coming pls
  20. interesting about the minnows... we were bottom bouncing for walleye on the Thames ( near Midlemess) yesterday with a 1/4oz belel sinker and a live minnow on a bait hook about 8"off bottom... caught two catfuish as well not nearly as big as yours,, but was just as surprised to get them..
  21. I was thinking the same thing myself... but I am stil lgonna try some of that flourocarbon above the swivel Thanks, from the son and granddaughter of a "blue helmet" Splashhopper
  22. what are those fish feeding on that gives them such rich colours?
  23. If I can be so bold as to suggest talking to Nomad on this site about Yak fishing... he took me out last summer and suggested he could set me up with a "sit on top" yak for around $400.00.... he knows the rivers and he is very helpful with newbies like me in them. A second opinion is always worth it.... Maybe even take a trip down the Maitland or Grand River with him for some fun fishing. splashhopper
  24. Must be me then Rich lol maybe I can come fish with you down near Walsingham some Saturday ? shw me how its really done
  25. those perch ( and two silver bass) were all caught at 32 ft of water on Saturday... on pickeral rigs with minnows and a 1/2oz weight on Boat was anchored as well
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