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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. It was my "winter beater": 1969 Dodge Polara 4 door / Light blue / 318 engine i bought it for $300.00 had it safety checked for $50.00 put a $500.00 Pioneer sound system in it did a LOT of gravel tours in Perth county while enjoying some their infamous herbs eh ! That car's nickname was: "The land yaught" and Iwas definately : Captain"high" liner in those days.
  2. nice report form Goderich.. Great to see the BIG smile on the girls face.
  3. is this on the borderline of self promotion ?
  4. I just clicked on the link I posted... lots of events posted on it. Like this one here>> Newmarket Event: Newmarket Urban Fishing Festival Date: Sunday July 6, 2008 ( 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. ) Location(s): Fairy Lake, Wesley Brooks Park Host(s): Details: In partnership with the Newmarket Optimists, Aurora Bassmasters, Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, Kids, Cops & Canadian Tire, Biggie Burgers, and M.N.R. Aurora District Fairy Lake is located in Wesley Brooks Park, off Eagle Street just east of Main Street. For more information please contact Wil Wegman at 905-713-7730 Maybe clear your cache?
  5. and here is the link for events near you http://www.familyfishingweekend.com/Events.cfm?A=List
  6. Fish licence-free! Take a friend fishing! If you or someone you know would like to try fishing in Ontario waters for the first time (or the first time in a long time), circle the weekend of July 4-6, 2008 on your calendar. For those three days only (12:01 a.m. Friday to 11:59 p.m. Sunday), Canadian residents can enjoy the fun of fishing in Ontario without a licence during the annual Ontario Family Fishing Weekend. All other regulations, fees and limits will apply You must abide by the conservation licence limits set out in the current Ontario Recreational Fishing Regulations Summary, available from fishing licence issuers, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, or online. Your limit on walleye and trout, for example, may be two instead of five or six. Some fish, such as pumpkinseed, have no limit. And, of course, there is no limit to the number of fish you can release. Events related to this special weekend will take place across the province. Fishing festivals, clinics, derbies or educational activities may be held in your area. If you would like event information, please contact a tourist information centre near your home or destination, call the OFFW Event Information Line at 705-748-6324 or visit our events page. Remember, fish with care, and concern for future generations of people and fish! Anglers: Please pass this information on to your non-angling friends. Consider supporting a local event or simply introduce someone to the joys of fishing this weekend. http://www.familyfishingweekend.com/Welcome.cfm
  7. Yep, that North wind is also a fishing killer too. I was thinking of going up to a spot on the Teeswater river and Greenock swamp areas for some bass or muskie this weekend. Have you had any luck in those areas Canuckfan? Splashhopper
  8. "brook trout" holy smokes brother.. those are big ! WTG
  9. yep, I tried that too.. as i am a shore fishermen. no boat for me yet No luck. anyone else got any ideas for me to try next time?
  10. I was fortunate to have 4 days off, and was hoping to have some luck for the bass opener on the Maitland river. The river was up a good two - three feet from two weeks ago but was FULL OF GRASS! I was bottom bouncing, jigging, anything to keep my bait/lures down to the bottom, where I thought the fish might be, to no avail. I fished the slow deep holes. I fished the back end of the runs. I fished the bottom of the falls. NOTHING on the Maitland. So, i headed down to the Bayfield river and caught some small bass and nice catfish near the #21 bridge.( in chocolate milk water of all things ) My questions are: 1: Does all the grass in the water play havock with the fish's gills? 2: And where would they try to hide from the grass , if not on the bottom? Thanks Splashhopper
  11. I would be interested in this option too. Do we tent it or rent a cabin? Maybe split this three ways with a couple of guys? Splashhopper
  12. i know allllll about the SMELL, Kemper... the first day i aughta couple of carp, i left my net in my van overnight, BIG MISTAKE ! Now i leave it on the roof racks overnight to "air it out" and hope it rains! lol BTW.. my daughter LOVES carp fishing and doesn't see the big deal in catching "those little bass and trout" that i like to go after. She is 10 yrs old and "this is the FIRST fish she EVER caught" (30lbs) .... Gotta keep our girls happy Kemper.. Good luck.
  13. and then, some ol broad rear ends me! Not sure if is she twisted the frame in my work caravan(99 grand caravan). Still waiting to hear from insurance compnay on what I am supposed to do to have thwe van checked out. no matter though.. i will get there hell or high water. now, if i can just get soem sleep /// i am all jazzed to go fishing and can't sleep since yesterday splashopper
  14. I caught my PB Carp today(30" and about 25lbs) on the oatmeal/peanut/sugar and starch bait i made up. Using 6lb test on a # 8 Laser hook. It was caught on a MUDDY trib out of Lake Erie. But I still can't get that danged "hair rig" tied for the life of me. If there are any carp guys in the London On area that i could meet up with for a day of carping, that use this rig, i would be willing to drive and meet ya. thanks Splashhopper
  15. HOLY SMOKES... and I thought I was having FUN catching the ones we did.. better git back out there right now and see what i can git tuday eh.
  16. hmm..."don't bass it", "but a steady swep" just might be why i am missing so many hits the opast ten days/// patience Splashhopper patience! lol
  17. While waiting for the bass season to open, I discovered carp fishing a few weeks ago.. What a blast these pigs are to catch. They fight like real heavy salmon out the great lakes! The ones I am posting here were caught off a trib outa Lake Erie>> Please post yours and any pics u have of the bait and tackle you are using too if you can. 30-35 lb hog>> 25-30 lb 25 lb 15lb and another 15lber
  18. This one has to be close (look at the gut on it)>>
  19. I didn't have to work today and decided to head down to a little tributary off of Lake Erie for some solitude and maybe a fish or two. Had the creek all to myself most of the day. I caught this 25" carp using a bait mix of: oatmeal and peanut butter on a # 6 lazer hook ( no hair rig either! lol)>> and the guy I fished with last Monday night caught this one with the same set up( about 5 inches longer and 5lbs heavier)>> ............................. heading out for some perch in the morning off of Port Stanley(Lake Erie) Splashhopper
  20. message to all: GIT ER DUUUN and bring back lots of pics. God bless spalshhopper and botbot
  21. let them take the bait... carp pick up their food and kinda mouth it in their front gums before they decide to take it to the back of their mouth where their teeth are. In theory the hair rig is supposed to let the carp take the bait and when they try to spit it out, the hook gets set automatically by the "backwards" action of the trailing hook. hope this helps splashhopper PS.. i am still VERY new at this, carp fishing, too and this board has some excellent carpers on it that have not steered me wrong.
  22. welcome to carpin.. i don't why i didn't bother going for those bruisers before ?? theyfight like a bow without the aerial acrobatics and are just as tricky to catch,,, but hang on once u hook em. keep on carpin eh
  23. My daughter and i use use wonder bread (brand) and Del Monte corn(tinned) most of the time on a #10 or #12 hook. I was fishing with a guy last Friday night and he was using oatmeal mixed with peanut butter and sugar... outfished me 5-1 ! now go "git er duuun" !
  24. ummm... did Bly give you the clearance yet?
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