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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. great pics of some family fun... It also looks like dad has lost a lot of weight ?
  2. what do you mean by " slumming for carp" we love chasing em...lol
  3. boy oh boy.... some of these park names are bringing back memories of when i was a kid.... hmmmm
  4. nice first musky... I want one too !
  5. dang I wish I stil lived in Saskatchewann... but noooooo mom moved me out of Moosomin when I was a baby and thought Southwestern ON was a better choice... the older i get the more i want away from people ! maybe I can take my little business out there? honeyyy? can we move to Sask ? You go right ahead...lol
  6. botbot is wondering why there isn't many peopl replying to her post ? Maybe we need more pike in it ...lol
  7. My wife says I am delirious most days.... so this could be just the right recipe for me!
  8. Ummmm... did you shoot that before you landed the fish ?
  9. botbot as dreaming about her big fish last night... asked me this morning when we are going back for more... sorry botbot... no bass till the end of June.... remember honey... they are out of season.... aahhhhhhhh
  10. Any suggestions for botbot and I... we want to do the tent thing this summer..( and possibly have our friends canoe with us) Can't do too much portaging as botbot is kinda small to carry "her end" of the canoe ! Thanks
  11. I have attended some retreats there and can never get permission to fish that lake from the church... what gives with that I would love to "meditate with the fish" on that particular lake.
  12. He gets a job... after you PAY,, ,and PAY ,,,, and PAY for his phD ! lol But the difference this time for YOU is that you will be the one doing the encouraging at difficult times... WTG dad... and an early happy FIRST Father's day to you !
  13. nice fish.... maybe botbot and I should invite you two along to show us how to fish for them too ...lol
  14. Well, botbot and I finally got a weekend for a daddy daughter day of fishing yesterday. I took her up near Paisley to try for some Pike fishing: We tried a couple of spots on back roads that looked promising with lots of cover for the pike: We were floating large live minnows under the big floats. Kind of surprised we didn't get anything at this spot, since I caught two there in the past few weeks. Bot did a little toe tapping to keep warm > we took a look at this spot along the county road too botbot is wondering about this spot too >> botbot thinks she may as well practice her Taekwondo near this pond if there are "no pike here either daddy" "Is that where pike like to swim daddy " ? Daddy: I'm bored !! ( the dreaded words two hours away from home... ) So we drove a little further and came upon this at the next spot>> We scared it away And tried out luck at this inlet from the marsh area no luck here... but it is "really pretty daddy" Let's try over there daddy >>> "how about down there daddy" ? "Daddy: I am gonna try for some bluegills" "Daddy: I know this is a bass,, and I know it is "out of season", but can you take a picture of the biggest one I EVER caught? Please daddy.... pleeeeeze! Ok... but then right back in the water i don't need any grief from the MNR !(or OFC for that matter.. And that was the end of the fishing.... we were hunnngry.... so we stopped for a burger. All in all, botbot and I had a great daddy daughter day together,,,and I think we will be doing it again for Fathers day next week... maybe start a new tradition for her and i. Thanks for all your support and we hope to add numbers to our team soon. Botbot and Splashhopper
  15. i am getting real hungry now.... sounds good so far... and simple too any more recipies out there?
  16. hey, maybe he had a hemmorhoid or something... but, you young guys wouldn't understand that yet
  17. My daughter and I tend to catch a bunch of these where we go fishing together. It's alllll about the "NUMBERS" for her ! lol Yep,, she wins everytime Any suggestions as to the edibility of these, and if so,,, recipies for my wife and I to try would be appreciated. Thanks.. Splashhopper and botbot
  18. don't forget... he was young once too and soon enough.... you il lhave "your own spot" on a dock close to a boat ramp and have some young gun to complain about too... sounds like you have a "keeper " for a gf... she likely kept you out of a pisssing match on the ramp
  19. Congrats Doc ... try not to "keep" the little white thing wrapped around his bum for too long
  20. Water..... lots of water...
  21. worms with a float for the kids work well.. what do you consider "keepers" ? note... this is not the spot for "lunker bluegil's"....
  22. We will actually be out at my inlaws cabin at the Methodist (I think) camp right there in Thamesford. I think I know right where that Tim Hortons is you are talking about. If so we can walk down to that creek or whatever it is their in Thamesford. Thanks for all the info. Are there any crappies or bluegills in any of these places that I might be able to get some kids on? ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I take my daughter(11 yrs old) just below the dam "across the street from Tim Hortons" for bluegills.. Fish right below the dam... great fun and please take some pics for us enjoy your visit here in Ontario ( don't forget the fishing license)
  23. I will always be thankful for what the WW2 vets did for this country and I think that Harper had it right -finally- when he called that generation, the greatest generation. The did not have to fight. Their liberty was not in jeapordy, but they fought for what was right. It's a shame that there are very few WW2 vets still alive. Bless them all, we will not forget - unlike the President of France. Amen brother.
  24. Nice pics.... Way to go Sydney...
  25. yeah dad... I already know how to reel it.... when are we going fishing ? great pics
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